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As me and Alexia were getting ready I got a text, from Kian.

Can't wait to see you gorgeous


I felt butterflies. I am literally screaming.

Can't wait to see you too!


I was already dressed so I went down stairs to get some cereal. I heard Alexia talking to JC, they are the cutest thing ever.

"ALEXIA!" I shouted.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT DUDE?!" She shouted from her room.

"WE HAVE TO LEAVE!" I shouted back at her.

"Yeah. Yes. Yeah, I love you too baby."

She hung up and looked at me and just grabbed the keys.

"You want something in the way?" I asked her. I told her we had to leave be 11:30 and its 11:00. We are going to get caught in so much traffic.

"Can we get something from McD's?" She asked as we walked outside to the car.

"Yeah. I want a smoothie." She wanted to drive today, so I got shotgun.


"..is this your tour, or is this your girls tour?" We rapped along with the song.

"Let's change it something else." I plugged in the aux cord to my phone and I put American Idiot by Green Day.

"I don't wanna be an American IDIOT!" I shouted.

"Don't want a nation under the new mania!" She sang.

"Can you hear the sound of hysteria?!" We sang together.

"Ooh! The light is green. McD is in the next turn." I pointed.

"Okay." She said as she tapped in the wheel with the beat of the song.

(im too lazy to write the McD part)

"Looks like we are here." She squealed.

"Yup." I sighed.

"What's wrong Ariel?" She looked at me.

"I'm scared." I picked up my sunglasses.

"You'll be fine, I'm here fora reason right?" She laughed.

"Let's go inside." I laughed at her.



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Bye my loves.


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