n i n e (part II)

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After me and JC finished filming, we went inside to go check up on the girls. We saw them playing on the ps4 and they were just screaming at each other.

It was hilarious.

"Move out the way!" Ariel shouted.

"You were in first and I got the blue shell. TO BAD!" Alexia shouted back at her without taking her eyes off the screen.

"Take this.." Ariel growled but, she trailed off.

"Damn!" I shouted and I made both of them pause the game to look at me and JC.

"How long were you guys standing there?" Ariel chuckled.

"Long enough." I walked over to her and sat next to her. JC went to Alexia and she put her head on his shoulder.

"Can we join you?" JC asked and he looked at them.

"Eh, you sure. We get, pretty competitive." Alexia emphasized the competitive. I smiled at her because if we ever play a game. We will destroy you.

Last time we played on a gaming console we broke it because we lost to her brother. We were shouting, and making a ruckus at only 3:45 in the morning.

"We can handle it." Kian said.

"Fine. Let the war begin." I smirked at Alexia and she had the same facial expression.


Ariels POV

"Alexia get your damn act together?!" I shouted at her.

"Ariel shut your damn mouth and play the game." She shouted back at me.

"We have to beat them. We aren't losing to a couple of dorks today!" I screamed.

"JC?! NOOO!" Kian shouted in my ear.

We have been playing Mario Kart for 3 hours straight. It's tied 6-6 and me and Alexia are on a rampage. She's sitting next to JC and I'm sitting next to Kian. But, we are both in the middle. So I keep elbowing Kian with my left arm and she does the same to JC with her right arm.

Kian, tries to tickle me but, I don't budge. Well I used his weakness. While we were playing I got out of my sitting position and sat on his lap. I blocked his view and he was so vulnerable.

"What are you doin-" I shut his mouth by putting my back on his face. I covered his entire face and he just stopped and he put his hands on my thighs. I quickly got off his lap and I put pause on the game and ran to the bathroom.

"Ariel?!" Alexia called out for me and followed me to the bathroom.

"What happened?" She laughed.

"I got embarrassed.." I put my head between my arms and my face was really hot and red.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I heard Kians voice outside the door.

"Yeah." I opened the door, and passed by him and ran to the living room and unpaused the game and JC was freaking out because he didn't know what just happened.

"Alexia!" I shouted so she come back to the game.

"I'm coming!" I saw her sprinting down the hall. Kian jumped on the couch and got his controller.

"What a faker." He whispered in my ear.

"Sorry, I wanted to win." I said back to him.

"Your going down baby." I said out loud.


After that other hour of gaming of course JC and Kian lost. So you know what that means..


Me and Alexia rubbed it in their faces. So, since they lost, we felt bad so we watched a movie to calm us all down.

But, we were still dancing because we won.

"To the right, to the right." I sang while me and Alexia were doing dance moves. And we were laughing while the guys were filming us.

"OOOH!" Alexia shouted and then we stopped because we couldn't breathe and we were really tired.

"Let's just watch a movie." Kian hugged me from behind and Alexia and JC we already on the couch.


How was that??

Did I do good.

Alexia I hoped you enjoyed, and I hoped my other readers enjoyed.


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