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"Good morning." I rubbed my eyes.

"Morning." He kissed my nose.

"How long was I out?" I asked Kian.

"About 4 hours." He looks at the time and then turns back to me.

"Ugh, I feel like a pile of cow crap." I put the covers over me face but he pulled them of off me.

"C'mon get up sleepy head." He poked me.

"No." I said.

"I will pull you out of that bed." He chuckled.

"Try me dude." I challenged him. My back was turned to him. I heard him walking towards me. As soon as he got a grip on me I ran away from him.

"Get back here!" He ran after me.

"Help!" I laughed as I sprinted down the stairs. Kian was about 20 seconds behind me. So I went to the back yard.

"I will push you in the pool if you don't get your ass over here." Kian said from the other side of the pool. I was facing him and I just flipped him off.

"Catch me." I said.

"No." He said.

"Then looks like we are gonna be here for a while." I shrugged and crossed my arms.

"Fine." He said. He came after me and of course I ran away from him. We did a five minute run around the pool. But, I slowed down and he caught me.

"Not so fast." He said out of breath.

"Crap." I said out of breath as well.

"Can I ask you a question?" I looked at Kian who was now facing me.

"Shoot." He said.

"Do you like water?" I smirked.

"I guess, why?" He looked at me funny.

"Because your going to love it even more now." I walked towards him and pushed him in the pool.

"What the- dude?!" He splashed water at me.

"Yay! I won." I jumped and I skipped around the pool.

"Can you help me out. I'm too lazy to actually go to the other end." He held out his hand.

"Sure babe." I went to him and grabbed his hand. But, instead of trying to get out he pulled me in with him.

I went under water and just stayed at the bottom. He went to see me and he smiled at me. He kissed me and I kissed him back. It was really nice and he dragged me up to the surface.

"I hate you." I pulled myself to sit on the edge of the pool.

"Yeah, I love you too." He smiled.

"Let's go take a shower, we need to wash our hair anyways." I got up and he followed me.


We went back inside and we saw that Alexia and Jc were in the kitchen. They looked at us like we were zombies. They started laughing and I just went upstairs.

I was really cold so I went to go shower first. And Kian went in Jc's room, he wanted to give me some privacy.

"Hey Kian?" I yelled from the closed door.

"What's up babe?" He yelled back.

"Can I borrow some clothes please?" I said.

"Sure. Let's me give you some." He walked over and knocked on the door.

"It's open." I sat in the bed with my towel around me.

"Want a sweater or a t-shirt?" He said while he was looking in his closet.

"A t-shirt and some shorts would be good, thanks." He gave me some clothes and I changed.


"Mind telling us what happened?" Alexia laughed.

"He pushed me in the pool." I pointed at Kian who was walking behind me.

"She started it." He hugged me from the back.

"Guilty." I smirked.

"Who wants waffles?" Jc asked.

"I'll take 3 please." I walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. Alexia was right next to me and she punched me.

"What was that for?" I rubbed my arm.

"Because today is a special day." She smiled and looked away.

"It is?" I looked at her.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She shouted and handed my a little box.

"I totally lost track of time!" I squealed and hugged her.

"What's in it?" I asked.

"A surprise."

"Happy birthday babe." Kian smiled, I kissed him on the cheek and I slapped him after.

"Ow- what's that for?!" He rubbed his cheek.

"Thad for pushing me in the pool, but thanks for remembering." I smirked.

"Happy b-day, dude!" Jc gave me a waffle and hugged me.

"Thanks J." I hugged back.

"I'm finally 20!" I jumped up and down and did a little kid dance.

"You're still the baby though." Alexia said.

"Shut up." I said.

Man, I seriously cannot believe I am officially twenty years old... This is probably the saddest day of my life and the happiest.

The saddest because I'm finally a grown up. And, the happiest because hey, I'm freaking twenty.

Well, after my thinking session for about thirty seconds, we all went to the mall and I got ten bags of clothes, sunglasses, hats, shoes, and some food.

(Yes the food was necessary)

It was a fun day, Kian was only paying attention to me. And only me. It was nice because, many girls were looking at him and he only held me closer to him, and that made me laugh.

Jc and Alexia were making my twentieth birthday last until, I would say about 4:05 in the morning. We played Mario Kart, went in the pool at 10:00 at night, watched a ton of movies. It was just amazing.

Looks like I'm twenty now...

Life changed forever now, right?


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934 words

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