twow: next gen in gacha?!

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i'll say who is who from left to right (pronouns + ages)

some stuff has changed from last time-

Leo - he/him - 13

Fern - she/her - 13

Blaze - he/him - 13

Tyle - he/him - 14

Annie - she/her - 9

Supernova - she/they - 11

Ame - they/them - 11

Comet - she/her - 5

Tisser - he/they - 12

Matha - he/him - 13

Reina - she/her - 6

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as for who is what shipkid:

Leo - js alex, lol

Fern and Blaze - sprafty

Tyle and Annie - jo9k

Supernova - technically abila but it's  a lil complicated (i will explain if you want)

Ame and Comet - sungames? (idk but it's my and yessoan-)

Tisser - resistance (tak and midge)

Matha - somebombs (but [REDACTED BECAUSE LORE SPOILERS] tho)

Reina - rilnerd

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there may be more shipkids in the future, espec if i dabble in some other ships (i have heard about taop x qwerby)

hell, might even make a seperate au with different ships (yes nerdlight would be one of em)

anyways go drink water you dehydrated evolved fish /lh

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