Lunar AU Facts!

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- Basically my Sidekicks AU but Juhmatok doesn't die

- There's also no competition lol

- Midnight instead yeets Bombs off the pillar

- Alex sees the inital impact, and has closed himself off from the others ever since

- Midnight and Juhmatok move away afterwards, and then meet Tak and Midge

- Meanwhile, Alex alters his headspace, and in this headspace, a certain god acts like an older brother to Alex's reprensentative... (guess who these two are!)

- As for Midnight, she had one, which I'll call ABILASPACE

- She stopped using it after her and Juhmatok moved away

- Her headspace was just the two of them, in a classroom in the sky- /ref

- Alex's has six, including his insert

- He also deep down knows Midnight did it

- As for Meester and Nerd, they eventually moved on, with Meester having to help Nerd with it

- They are both in a friend group with Spicy, Crafty, Joseph, and 9K now

- Alex's headspace lacks a name right now, but I am thinking MARKERSPACE

- Midnight doesn't regret it at all

- I might let you lot decide some other details, I'm running out of things to say here

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