fuck it, oneshot requests go

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yeah lol, i'm bored, and twor's gonna take a good while, so you all can have this for now :)


how i'd like it to be formatted:

*you don't have to answer this one

'recommended to answer, but not 100% necessary

- What AU is it? (can be any of mine, or yours - i js have to know which au)

- Is it in the perspective of anyone? If so, who?

- Do you want angst, fluff, or crack? *

- Ships? If so, which? *

- If it's not an AU, or if it's one like my Dead!Spicy AU, where in the timeline is it?

- What is the main outline of it? '

- Which TWOWers are mainly involved? (i'd say mention 2-3, maybe 4)

- Title ideas? *


so yeah, go wild lol-

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