Chapter 3

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Michael was more than a little charmed by the little Miss Julia Andrews. Of course, she was beautiful and he was especially intrigued by her dark eyes. But there was an air of ease about her that made her extremely likeable. And like her, he did, he decided with a rueful smile.

He was a little surprised that she wasn't what he'd expected. He'd thought she would be a young fawning miss but she was actually quite pleasant. He had noticed her momentary stuttering when she'd seen him but he didn't blame her for that...he did tend to have that effect on women of all age groups.

Although she'd quickly regained her wits and answered all his questions intelligently. In turn, she'd asked him about the parliament and if he attended the sessions.

She'd been right, women were discouraged from speaking on such topics and it had been a novelty for him to hear opinions from a woman's perspective.

Michael relaxed against the chair and turned his attention towards the opera singer.

She was beautiful and sultry and perfect. He might not have known anything about her but little else was needed for what he had in mind, provided Miss Gomez was amenable, of course.

She met his eyes from above the crowd of heads and gave him a coy smile.

Oh she was amenable, alright.

He saw Miss Julia follow the line of her gaze and turned and looked at him, her eyes wide.

Michael shrugged as if to say what can I do?

The young woman quickly turned again but not before Michael saw the reluctant amusement on her face.


Julia was mesmerised by Lydia Gomez's voice and she was definitely having a wonderful time.

And then she'd seen what had passed between the Duke and the opera singer. She had to admit to feeling a quick stab of jealousy.

It wasn't that she wanted the Duke in any capacity...she wasn't so shallow as to want someone without getting to know them. But a small part of her wished to be wanted, to be admired by a man such as Michael Wesley.

Men admired her too, but that was a different kind of admiration. She wondered what it would feel like to be admired in the carnal sense and then immediately chided herself for having such thoughts.

Although Julia wouldn't call herself a model of Christian virtue—she only attended church on Sundays because she had to—she wasn't a complete hellion either. In fact, she didn't think she'd ever done anything even remotely improper in her life. She'd never even been tempted.

Until now, until she'd been exposed to the power that one gaze held...the headiness of being desired.

She forced herself to concentrate on the singer's voice and pushed away the troublesome thoughts.

When the performance ended, Julia was almost run over by the enthusiastic guests who hadn't gotten a chance to interact with her earlier. Lady Anne patiently made all the introductions. She also met one of Lord Adlington's younger sisters–Lady Poppy. He had another sister named Erica who wasn't out yet and was away at finishing school.

Lady Poppy, it was evident, had been blessed by the same good looks that her brother had. She was also extremely friendly and Julia found herself feeling a connection with the young woman that she'd rarely felt before with people.

"I'm so glad you're here, Miss Andrews. The season has been dreadfully dull and I had been hoping that something would enliven it for me. Looks like you're the answer to my prayers," Lady Poppy grinned as she held both of Julia's hands in hers.

"Honestly, I return your sentiments. As lovely as London is, I have been bored out of my mind," Julia confided.

"Oh but that is a crime—to be bored in London. Worry not, my dear Miss Andrews, I will show you all the adventure that London holds," she winked.

"Why does that scare me?" came a masculine voice.

Julia turned to find the Duke himself standing behind them with his hands folded behind his back.

"Everything I do scares you these days, Michael," Lady Poppy muttered.

"And whose fault is that?"

"Oh I'm not so dreadful as that," she huffed and swatted at his arm with her fan.

"Of course not," he said solemnly but Julia had her doubts about his sincerity. If Lady Poppy's narrowed eyes were any indication, she agreed with her assessment.

"I hope you will have a good influence on my sister, Miss Julia," he smiled at her.

Julia laughed at that. Inconceivable. If anything, she was the bad influence.

The Duke looked amused by her reaction but Lady Poppy looped her arm through Julia's. "We are going to drink punch, so excuse us, Michael."

"By all means," the Duke chuckled and bowed slightly. "I will have to learn from Miss Andrews later then, of what she thought of the performance."

Poppy dragged Julia away before she could respond.

"You seem to share a wonderful relationship with your brother," Julia commented.

Lady Poppy rolled her eyes. "He's just in good humour because that opera singer is here."

Julia's eyes widened at the woman's candour.

Lady poppy laughed at her expression. "Oh come, Miss Andrews, it's not as if Michael guards his reputation very well. We all know what he's up to, although mother does try to pretend she doesn't know."

Julia smiled at that. "Still, you're more open with each other than I've seen some siblings."

"We have always been close," Lady Poppy conceded. "And although he vexes me and my sister to no end, he is a good brother."

"I've always wanted a sibling," Julia sighed wistfully.

"I've always felt like a pet would be a more pleasant replacement to a sibling. Trust me, I've had years of experience, Miss Andrews," she said drily.

Julia grinned. She did like this Lady Poppy.

"Please call me Julia."

"And you must call me Poppy."

Julia nodded.

"Do you wish to catch a husband then, Julia?"

"Not in London. No."

"Neither do I, actually. I'm hoping for someone more exotic and interesting than these pale, dull lords."

"It's hard to find anything exotic or interesting in London," Julia laughed in agreement although the Duke came to her mind. He was so very different from the other gentlemen she'd met that evening, but she held her tongue.

"This is my second season, another one and I'll be on the shelf. My mother despairs of me ever finding a husband," Poppy said feelingly.

"If it makes you feel any better, my dear, so does mine," Julia winked at her new friend.


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