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"I fucked up BIG time."

I said, out of breath, my glasses fogged up from the steam of the showers I had just been in.

"What? The fuck did you do again?"

He asked and Gaz shook his head in disappointment

"No no, Soap. This is not just a 'what did you do' this is more of a 'what did you SEE'"

I was both excited to have seen Simon butt naked yet scared that I might have to sleep with one open for the rest of my life

"See? What do you mean see? What did you see?"

His curiosity peaked and I smiled like a dumbass school girl about to spill the juiciest tea

"I saw Ghost."

I put my hand up when Soap tilted his head at me in confusion, Gaz giving me a look of worry


Suddenly his mouth fell wide open and he mouthed a 'what!!' to me.

"I was looking for him and I found him in the shower. I got distracted by his.."

Should I really include the fact I smelled his clothes? Maybe not.

"His mask. I touched it and just as I was about to set it down and get the fuck out of there he came out of the damn stall!?"

Soap's jaw was on the floor and so was Gaz's.

"Wait a damn minute, you physically touched his mask? I never even seen it off of him?!"

He protested and I shook my head to signal him my story wasn't over yet

"I held onto it when I hid inside an empty stall. He got dressed right outside and I.. well I watched of course! You should've seen- oh god the things I've seen but then he couldn't find his mask because well duh, I had it and of all things he could've done he opened THE STALL I WAS IN"

"Oh shit!?"

"I know! I closed my eyes and just rushed the fuck out of there. He told me 'get out' and that's exactly what I did"

I finished up telling my story and Soap was covering his agape mouth whilst Gaz had a look of 'you done fucked up' on his face

"Listen, I need help hiding alright? If he finds me I'm DEAD. I didn't see his face, didn't see anything, I swear it on both of my tits!"

I put my hands up as both Soap and Gaz nodded in agreement

"Did you see where he went after you left?"

"What? No! I ran faster than light itself to avoid becoming a tile myself, what do you think!"

"Well then if that's the case, he might think you saw his face. Which means he'll be angry for very much invading his privacy"

I sighed and scratched my head, thinking through multiple escape plans. Neither of them seemed realistic enough though

"I'm so dead.."

"You aren't dead yet, that gives us some time"

Soap wasn't helping right now. I didn't know what to do, how could I face Ghost after what I saw? After hiding in the showers to watch him?! It wasn't my intention to be a creep, the circumstances weren't in my advantage!

Finally, after some discussion, soap and I decided on a plan to hide from Ghost for as long as possible whilst our punishment lasted. Or at least.. until my inevitable demise

I decide to settle in for the night, tucking myself into the cold bed in my barracks. I looked up at the ceiling whilst the sound of silence lulled me into slumber

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