Replacement group and golden object(part 1)

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In a dark place, there is a group of few peoples, but it wasn't a contestant group or a group in "Project Sekai." Some people called them "the Replacement" group. Besides, it was the only information knew about this group because nobody knew who they were in reality.

One person had some cameras which can show the contestant group. Of course,this group wanted all the contestants who were in every Sekai and wanted, also, a golden object which can be found only in these Sekais.

They finished by finding a plan to go in these Sekais without any suspicious. What if they pass themselves for the Virtual Singers ?. It can be good. But only six members of them group can do that. The others who will watch surely the cameras and survey the other contestants who they were already in them place.

Some persons started to prepare themselves mentally and physically. The six members had all the Vocaloid's dress to put on themselves. One of six persons decided to speak to the other persons.

???: We should talk to themselves with our Vocaloid's name.

???: You're right

Everyone went to the center place to find a plan to go in the Sekais to take the other contestants who they didn't have.

The other contestants who weren't in one of these Sekais were in this place where the group was already. The other persons who are going to replace the Virtual Singers prepared the last things which they have need there.

Fortunately for them, someone of the "Replacement" group had created a machine that can travel in the different universe. Thanks to that,the six people can go in the different Sekais without any problems.

The contestants who were in this place watched the six persons leaved through the portal. They didn't do anything since some person survey them. The contestants were locked there and didn't know what it was the place where they were. They hoped to one day to come back where they came and to see the other contestants again.

In this School Sekai, the girls group had decided to play them musics in front of the contestants group. Balloon liked these songs and Suitcase, too. Baseball was more concentrated on Ichika since she was the leader of Leo/Need. He wanted to see how she did with her group and how he should do it when he will see his team again. After all,he was the leader of his team and should be good to that. Nickel listened to these songs even if it wasn't his kind of music. But,he did that only because he saw Baseball listened to this. Otherwise, he will not listen to that.

After playing fifteen songs, the girls' group decided to stop to play these songs because they thought it was enough to see what kind of group it was. Balloon and Suitcase applaused to the girl's group. The music group was happy to hear that.

Suitcase and Balloon decided to stay together while Baseball followed Ichika to let Nickel alone. Nickel decided to walk through the place even if he was alone. He noticed a train station but didn't see a train for the moment. He wondered if there was a train. Where does it take him ? What destination?

It was some minutes since Nickel was in the train but he didn't hear any sound yet. It was calm to him. The contestants decided to get out from the train. Anyway, he wasn't not far away from the high school in this Sekai.

However, Nickel felt someone touch his arm. He looked at this person who was a young woman with long pink hair. The contestant was angry against this person because he didn't like strangers to touch him, and it was understandable.

Nickel: Excuse me ?! But who are you to touch strangers like that ! You shouldn't do that !

Despite the anger of Nickel. The young woman answered to Nickel in a calm manner.

???: Hello, I'm a Vocaloid known under the name of Megurine Luka.

Of course, this person wasn't Luka in reality. She was in the group who claimed to be a person, but it was fake.

Nickel : I see... but even if you are a Vocaloid, it's not a reason to be like that with me !

Nickel didn't like the manner on how "Luka" acted.

Nickel decided to leave from the train but didn't know who Luka had followed him. Nickel came back to the kind of high school in the Sekai.

Baseball was relieved to see Nickel since his friend had decided not to tell him that he was gone.

Baseball: I'm glad to see you again. Say, why didn't you tell me you were gone ?

Nickel : I just wanted to see the train next to the high school.

Baseball: Please tell me the next time you'll leave.

Nickel: I will do

Baseball and Nickel went to the classroom where the others were. Suitcase looked at Saki, who played an intrusment while Balloon spoke to Honami.

Baseball: I come back with Nickel.

Suitcase and Balloon looked at Baseball to see Nickel.

Suitcase: Where you were ?

Nickel : in the train next to the high school

Suitcase: I see

Baseball decided to go to see Ichika since she was the leader of her group. He had needed advice since he was the leader of his group, too.

Baseball: Ichika

Ichika : Hi. Do you need something?

Baseball: Since you're the leader of your music group. I wonder if you can give to some advice to be a good leader ?

Ichika : Some people are different leaders. But, I can give you some advice if you really need them.

While Baseball and Ichika spoke to each other,Balloon went in the corridors and saw if there were some other rooms.

Nevertheless, Balloon finished by hitting someone without doing attention while he walked.

Balloon : I'm sorry

Balloon looked at the person who was front of him. But, the person leaved quickly like she had done something bad. The only thing Balloon can see was her pink hair. He wondered why this person acted like that, but he thought it wasn't important.

A few minutes later, Balloon finished by finding a classroom and decided to enter in since it was unlocked. The classroom was empty, and no one was here. The only things in this classroom were some closets. So,Balloon decided to see what there were in it.

While this time,someone entered the classroom where everyone was, except Balloon. The girl's group thought it was Luka. So,they said hi to this person. "Luka" saw that the girl's group thought she was the real Luka, so she decided to do something.

Luka : Can I take the person who look like lively objects?

The girls looked at each other and didn't understand why "Luka" wanted to take them. Ichika decided to go in front of "Luka" while Saki took the others somewhere else.

Ichika : Why do you want the person who look like lively objects?

"Luka": It's just for say welcome to them.

Ichika still thought "Luka" weird about that. So, she thought about leaving quickly.

Ichika : Sorry, but I gotta go !

"Luka" looked at Ichika leave. Then,she entered in the classroom and noticed that the girl's group and contestant's group were already gone. She seemed upset about that, but she knew that she should find the golden object before someone else found it before her.

Balloon opened the box in the closet to find if something interested him. He finished by finding a box heavy. He was curious about the box and what there was inside. The contestant opened the box and was surprised. In the box, there was a round object. It looked like a ball but wasn't like the ordinary ball because it was gold. Balloon decided to take and hide it.

Then,Balloon came into the main classroom, but nobody was here. He wondered where the others were gone. So,the contestant decided to walk through the high school to find them.

Nickel stayed with Baseball in a classroom. He seemed angry and annoyed.

Nickel: You remember the girl with the pink hair?

Baseball: Yes,what about her ?

Nickel : She was the girl who touched my arm in the train not far away from here.

Baseball: Seriously... Anyway, I feel something off with her like she tries to hide something.

Balloon found the others and decided to see Suitcase who was alone, surely stressed about what happened with this "Luka."

Balloon : Hey, Suitcase

Suitcase tourned towards the person who said her name.

Suitcase: Oh, it's you Balloon

Balloon: Say what happened for everyone to come here ?

Suitcase: Someone wanted to take us,the contestants group. So,we decided to come here so she couldn't take us.

Balloon : I see. Well, you don't mind if I'm going to talk to Honami ?

Balloon : Okay

Suitcase watched Balloon leave to go to walk to Honami. She decided to take her phone to write at Knife but she didn't have a connection for that. She sighed and decided to get up to see the others.

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