umm this is the groupchat

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(if you don't like the idea of three people in a relationship then i recommend you don't read this)

( context for the story Allison and Stiles are really good friends and might date at the end of this, she is dating Scott so all three of them might end up together, Allison keeps asking Stiles thing in the pack groupchat nobody says any thing)

Beacon Hills pack

Monday 15th February

Allison: Stilesssssss

Stiles: what?

Allison: can you do me a favor?

Stiles: what is it first?

Allison: can you come over i promise you scott is not here and neither are my parents but I need to show you something before Scott

Stiles: umm I guess i can but you owe me.

Allison: thanks your the best, love you ❤❤

Beacon hills pack
Sunday 7th March

Stiles: Alli you know that time I helped you out well now you are going to make it even

Allison: sure what do you need me to do.

Stiles: you know that little cave we found in the forest?

Allison: yeah are you there?

Stiles: yeah but this girl is here with me trying to kiss me please come and get me, only you know where it is or i would have asked Scott?

Allison: im on my way but don't react with what I do ok.

Stiles: ok i guess

Allison: your welcome i recommend showering but there again i recommend showering at mine if your dad is home.

Stiles: to your house it is as i just pulled in the drive way and my dad's car is there and how do I explain i was in the forest with no threat

Allison: come to mine but you will have to wear Scotts clothes.

Stiles: all good. thanks love you your the best

Allison: ❤❤❤

Beacon Hills pack

Tuesday 9th March
7:30 AM

Allison: Stiles you left your t-shirt and shorts at my house do you want me to bring them to school?

Stiles: yeah sure umm I don't know how you will give them to me though?

Allison: I can give them to Scott its not like he does not know we both told him you was at  mine for the night

Stiles: yeah OK but make sure no pack see you especially the werewolfs as they can smell my clothes.

Beacon Hills pack
Tuesday 16th March

8:45 AM

Stiles: Al we might have a problem

Allison: what would that be?

Stiles: well you see I was walking to meet you and Scott like every day when Cora and Erica said to me what is going on with you and Allison, i said umm nothing as far as I know then it got worse be all the pack was there apart from you and Scott even Derek was there, they was questioning me so while you and scott was making out i had to make a something up that was close to the truth about why my scent is so much like your today.

Allison: umm Shit do we get Scott to tell them to back down i mean he's their Alpha, they will listen as fear of becoming an omega

Stiles: nah let see what theory's they come up with

Beacon Hills pack

Wednesday 14th April


Allison: Stilesssssss I need you to go shopping for me?

Stiles: ok for what?

Allison: lingerie

Stiles: your joking right

Stiles: please tell me that it one of your stupid prank texts

Allison: no it's not i need you to do it you know my size, what looks good on me, plus what you and Scott likes.

Stiles: and you could not have asked Lydia, Scott likes you in anything, me well im just the one that has to suffer all the fashion shows. plus does it mater if Scott likes it or not it won't even be on your body more than 10 minutes if I know you and Scott

Allison: Stiles please i need it for Friday 23rd and im busy well studying, plus you finish at lunchtime tomorrow so you can go then

Stiles: fine but this is the last time Allison.

pack at school minus Scott Stiles and Allison

we was sat at a table and Derek had snuck in and Jackson said So that group chat is interesting? Malia went yeah it is like first he stays at her house, then his clothes and now he is going shopping for her. Kira went yeah why can't Lydia go, Derek went there is something going on we just have to work out what. Danny went i think we should wait it out and if it get to bad in the groupchat we cut in? Every one said yeah. Liam went guys Scott in the groupchat why has he not said anything? Aiden said I think he want to know what they say and what we will say now remember do not bring it up to them.

Beacon Hills pack

Wednesday 14th April
7:30 pm

Stiles: Hey Alli I have it for you you can either pick it up now or Friday as tomorrow im with Scott, so i do recommend today.

Allison: im out side your house

Stiles: use the window to my room some of the pack is here, don't worry only humans you won't be heard

Allison: ok i will

Beacon hills pack
Wednesday 14th April

Allison: baby this is amazing and beautiful

Stiles: of course it is princess, he loves everything you wear and what i buy you, or what you steal from us.

Allison: I don't Steal anything from you?

Stiles: Princess you have both of our Lacrosse hoodie as well as the police department one you took and Scott's blue one, you have my Marvel T-shirt and one of my lacrosse Jerseys

Allison: ok fine i do, but not Scott's can i have it, you had it last when we was at Scott's, last week

Stiles: yeah you can do you want me to wash it or not?

Allison: nah don't wash it because when we give it back to Scott it will have both of our scent and it will be amazing to see him flustered when the other werewolf question it.

Stiles: yeah ok

Allison: God I love you Stiles, and yeah the same as Scott

Stiles: yeah i know I love you both too

Allison: love you both too - Scott

Beacon Hills pack

Thursday 22th April
3:00 pm

Allison: Stiles can you go to mine and get everything out for me for tomorrow?

Stiles: already done if you are with Scott tell him everything is on his bed for tomorrow

Allison: Thanks handsome ❤

Allison: hey Stiles are you joining us tomorrow night?

Stiles: depends if McCall can get me out of the pack meeting that he wants me to run

Allison: please Stiles

Stiles: go and talk to Scott if he say yeah then I will

Allison: pick up condoms on your way over tomorrow babe. ❤❤

Scott: I guess now would be a good time to tell for the past few months you have been talking in the pack groupchat

Stiles: WHAT

Allison: WHAT

Lydia: yeah it been really fun to watch

Stiles: shit

Allison: well that explains the Jersey babe

Stiles: yeah it does princess

Derek: so you want to explain

Allison: boys this is all you, take it away

Scott: hey superman you can take this

Stiles: no problem princess and prince

Stiles: so it started out with me helping Allison getting comfortable taking clothes off  boys quickly, and yes Scott did know, well one night Allison kissed me, she told me she likes me I said this is not happening unless you speak to Scott, Scott then told me he likes me as well we all started dating and well you can see the rest.

Liam: does this mean I have another mother now?

Stiles: yeah it does but im still mom, Scott is dad so its up to you on what you call Allison?

Mason: we will call her moma

Scott: ok boys.

Allison: girls if you want to take a boy shopping take Stiles, especially if you want something sexy to wear for you boyfriend or girlfriend.

Lydia: wait really!

Allison: yeah you know that white lingerie i wore the other day girls?

Kira: yeah

Erica: yes

Malia: it was amazing

Cora: it was really nice

Lydia: you looked so hot

Braeden: you looked beautiful

Hayden: yeah

Allison: yeah well Stiles bought it, I won't even take Scott shopping with me anymore I take Stiles plus he pays for most of it?

All the girls: OMG you have to take us out Stiles.

Stiles: I don't know how would your boyfriends feel? Because most of you are dating werewolf if not all and I don't want to die thank you

Lydia: im sure they will be fine once they see us in them plus Scott did not mind.

Stiles: Scott is different, he knew what I was doing he knew that I went out shopping for Allison, plus I know what he likes on girls or on people in general so it was a win win for them.

Cora: please Stiles

Stiles: oh no with you it's worse I will have your boyfriend and your brother trying to kill me.

Hayden: pretty please Stiles.

Stiles: all be at my house at 1 o'clock Saturday and I will buy you all one thing but then once I have a slight idea on what you all like at what you look good in I wont do it again.

Liam: your right you won't

Isaac: are you really going too

Stiles: yes

Aiden: I don't know if I like that idea

Scott: hey trust me on this boys let Stiles take them out, i was not dating Stiles when he bought Allison things and my god he know what he is doing.

Stiles: look once i know what they like i will take you boys out and then show you what to buy for your girl

Derek: that sound like a good idea.

Stiles: Allison when we do go you are going to kiss me in public or they will think im gay, well technically I am but it's to the point they know my name in store now

Allison: sure but only if you take us all out for food then?

Stiles: umm have the other girls not got boyfriends that can take them.

Allison: yeah but you know what we are like, we run with wolves Stiles, meaning we keep them fed so we don't get eaten

Stiles: fine

Stiles: shit this is going to cost me in it, buying things then feeding them i have 4 that have fast metabolism, and three that act like girls but eat like teenagers boys. FUCK YOU SCOTT

Allison: thank you handsome

Scott: technically it you that got us in to this mess

Stiles: nope i mean yeah but no i blame the Hales, Allison and you

Scott: yeah thats fair i guess we are to blame

Stiles: Who the fuck is in my room, i can hear you from out side and im not a wolf so??

Braeden: umm all the girls Allison taught us how to get in.

Stiles: do the boys know you are here? and why are you here?

Scott: yeah i knew Allison was at yours

Derek: nope

Isaac: so that where Cora went

Boyd: yeah i dropped Erica off

Liam: nope i did not know

Aiden: Lydia told me she was with Jackson, Ethan and Danny

Mason: not dating any but dropped Kira and Maila at yours.

Erica: well you see Allison told us all to come over so we can talk,

Allison: i can tell you that Lydia, Erica and me are the same size clothes

Malia: Cora, hayden and I are the same

Kira: Braeden and I are the same

Stiles: great I know everyone apart from sourwolfs girl which makes this even worse.

Braeden: sorry Stiles

Stiles: umm ok Malia im going to do it through kira is that ok because the is no way im touching Braeden to even measure her.

Malia: i guessed that im cool with it.

Beacon Hills pack
Thursday 22nd April

Stiles: that two hours of my life im never getting back but plus point less time spent shopping on the weekend.

Cora: thank Stiles I can't wait for Saturday

Stiles: right boys come at get your girlfriends, yes that does include you Scott

Stiles: girls you looked amazing, boys you will be amazed and Allison and Scott i said go home not climb in bed when I want to sleep so good night all.

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