Chapter 10: Lying

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I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm so dead. I'm so, so, so-

"So? What're you going to tell your parents?" Zach asks. He's driving at a normal speed, which is a huge relief, because I already feel like I might puke.

"You think they'll give me a chance to speak?"

He rolls his eyes. "You're overreacting. You just go home and do your homework every day? Have you ever broken one of your parents' rules? Like, ever. In your whole life."


"Shocking. But, hey, you're alive, so they clearly weren't willing to commit infanticide."

"I wasn't an infant," I scowled. I was about five or six, actually, and ate one of my mom's cookies that she made for work. I thought I wouldn't get caught, but she'd apparently baked the exact number for people at her workplace, so I was discovered immediately. My mom had to make a second batch, despite the fact that we probably couldn't afford any more of the specially-bought dough, and both my parents were in a bad mood for the next few weeks. My dad gave me a very stern lecture, and my dessert privileges were revoked until further notice (which I realized later was until the end of the month, when my parents get their paychecks). I never stepped a toe out of line again, because I remembered how upset my mom was, and how angry my dad was, and how horrible it felt to be the cause of all of the tension in the house.

"Anyways, you can just lie," Zach is saying.

"No, I can't. I never lie to them."

"Do you really think they'd believe the truth? 'Mom, Dad, I'm sorry I didn't come home right away and slave away at my homework, but I was offered a ride by a teenager with a fantastic car and a ton of money, and so I went with him and had the best day of my life and I'm never going to study, ever again'."

"That's not even the truth. You pretty much abducted me."

"You came and sat in that exact seat you're sitting in now, all of your own free will."

"I was afraid you were going to run me over if I didn't! And you said you were going to take me home!"

He rolls his eyes. "I did take you home. To my home. We already went over this."

"You manipulated me and literally all of this is completely your fault. And you know what? You'll get to explain this to my parents, since I'm going to be murdered the second I step foot inside my house."

"Would you like to bring an armed cop with us?"

I scowl. "You still haven't paid me, either, which might be the only thing that can save my life at this point."

"Would you like me to get my wallet out and start counting out bills right now?"

"Keep your hands on the wheel and focus on the road."

"I thought you'd say that, which is why I haven't. See? I really can't win with you."

"No, you can't, especially not when you abduct me after staring at me all day at school, and then repeatedly cause misunderstandings intentionally. Such as: saying you'll take me home, which implies my house, but then you actually take me to yours. Also: saying you'll have me home by 9:00 since I told you that's when my parents get home, and you decided to assume 9:00 a.m. when that's the significantly less likely option, hence sealing my death warrant. So no, I'm not particularly pleased with anything you do right now."

"I'm driving at a normal speed because you're already freaking out and I don't want to make you feel worse. Would you prefer it if I just drove how I usually do?"

"If you drive how you usually do, I can pretty much guarantee that I will puke in your car."

"I don't care about the car. I just bought another one. I'm being considerate for your sake."

"Do you want me to thank you?"

"I mean, I wouldn't be opposed, but I mostly just want you to stop blaming me for everything." He pulls into my driveway, and I wince at the idea of this bright yellow convertible sports car being seen by my parents in association with me.

I get out, fully expecting him to just drive away, but instead he gets out as well and follows me up to the door. I ring the doorbell once, and my mom comes to the door. Her eyes narrow when she sees it's me, and she opens it without removing her glare.

"Where on Earth were you, Todd? You didn't mention going anywhere after school today." her tone is dangerous, and I know that the only reason she isn't yelling is because there's another person behind me (I doubt she's even looked at him yet, but she's seen his basic shape hovering behind me and is holding back for that reason only).

"So sorry ma'am. I asked Todd if he could tutor me after school today, because he's in all of my classes and I've been falling behind recently. He seems to really understand everything, so I figured he'd be my best bet, and since he's actually present during all of the classes, it would be simpler than hiring a tutor."

I blink at Zach, who's giving my mom a bright smile. She looks at me.

"O-kay... but why didn't you let your dad and I know where you were going to be?"

"I pretty much intercepted him right at dismissal," Zach says, giving her an apologetic look. "It's not his fault, really, it's mine."

My mom doesn't seem to know what to do. Neither do I. Zach hands me a wad of bills.

"There. Six and a half hours, right? Thanks so much for your help. And ma'am, you must already know, but you have a very intelligent son. So patient, too. The best tutor I could ask for, really. Anyways, sorry for all the confusion. It's been a pleasure to meet you." He starts back to his car. "Thanks again, Todd! See you next week!"

Next week- oh, he did not just...

My mom still looks pretty stunned as she watches the bright yellow convertible drive off. Then, she turns to me, blinking. After a moment, she turns and goes back inside the house. I follow her.

My dad is sitting at the kitchen table, his face easily portraying his fury. When he sees my mom, though, he falters into confusion. "What happened, Mary?"

She sits down and turns to me, frowning a little. "You tutored that boy?"

"Yeah." I awkwardly place the wad of bills on the table. My dad takes it and stops as soon as he sees the top one.

"Wait- what? What was he paying you, Todd?"

"He- his family is really rich."

"What did he pay you?" My mother repeats.

"A hundred an hour."

Both my parents stare at me. A moment later, my dad looks back at the money he's holding and starts counting it.

"So... six and a half hours, then?"


My mother still seems shocked as she struggles to regain some of her anger at me. "But... why wouldn't you at least leave a note? Or, I'm sure his house has a phone, you could have called."

"They live outside of town, we started driving back before you would have been home. And he started driving to his place right after school, before I could ask him to come here, because he wanted to get started immediately, and with a hundred dollars an hour, I couldn't- it was just- that's-"

"Alright, sit down," my dad says. I do, and it's a bit of a relief, because they're both sitting. When they're mad at me, they'll make me either stand in front of them while they sit, to make me feel vulnerable, or make me sit while they stand, to make me feel small. So sitting is good, right now.

"What were you planning to... do, with all this money?" he asks me.

I blink. "I wasn't planning to do anything." I gesture to the bills in his hands. "I gave it to you."

My dad looks at the money and blinks, then nods slowly. "Alright."

"Oh Todd, sweetie, I hope you didn't think that you have to tutor him to help support our family," my mom says, giving me a sad look.

"No, of course not," I lie, since that's apparently a thing I'm doing now. "I... I wanted to help him. I felt a little bad for him, and... tutoring him kind of felt like studying anyways, since I was still going over the material, just with another person."

My dad nods approvingly. "Teaching is one of the best ways to learn."

"And he said that he'd see you next week- is this going to be a regular thing?"

"Uh... if it's okay...?"

"Yes, of course. Tutoring him sounds good for you, too," my dad says.

"And I'm glad that you're getting out of the house a little, especially since you'll still be studying," my mom adds. "We're so proud of you, Todd. You're so responsible."

Oh, if only they knew.

Thoughts on the one time Todd lied to his parents when he was young? What did you think of their short argument on the way to his house (are you on Todd's side or the millionaire's)? How about the millionaire lying to Todd's parents? And Todd going along with it? What about his parents' reaction? Let me know in the comments!

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