You know the drill!! I don't own anything!! I hope you enjoy!!!!!
About one in the afternoon-
Teddy's POV-
"Ted!" I heard Harry calling my name up the stairs.
"Yeah?" I yelled back, looking under my bed for the thing I had just dropped.
"Got something for you!" Harry shouted. I nodded automatically, not actually taking in what he was saying, I was too busy looking for the chocolate frog card I had dropped. I found it at last, underneath my bedside table. I picked up the small card and smiled widely at the picture on the front, my parents. I slipped it into my pocket and stood up, humming a song to myself.
"I said that I have something for you Teddy!" I heard Harry yell again and finally snapped back into reality.
"Is it my Hogwarts letter?" I practically screamed at him, sprinting out of my room and down the stairs as fast as I could. I crashed into Harry as I ran into the kitchen and fell forwards onto the floor.
"What took you so long?" He grinned down at me, helping me up off the kitchen floor.
"Is it my Hogwarts letter?" I asked him again, jumping up and down in my excitement.
Yes Teddy," Ginny laughed at me, picking up Lily, who's three, and hugging her tightly, "It's your Hogwarts letter." Harry laughed too, handing me a long envelope with my name written on in green ink. I tore off the Hogwarts seal and took out the letter inside. It read:
'Dear Mr Lupin,
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on the 2nd September. We await your owl by no later than the 31st July.
Yous Sincerely,
Neville Longbottom
Deputy Headmaster.'
I squealed in excitement and hugged Harry as tightly as I could. I handed him the letter and watched anxiously as he read it.
"Neville's Deputy Head now love." He said to Ginny who smiled, "I always knew he would adore teaching."
"What do I need?" I asked him brightly, fully aware that my hair was a bright purple.
"Hmm." Ginny said, taking the envelope from me and shaking another slip of paper out of it. She read it through once before handing it to Harry and letting him look himself.
"Can we go to Diagon Alley?" I begged Harry, tugging on his sleeve and doing my puppy dog eyes.
"We've got to Ted." He replied and I squealed in excitement again, "Have we got time now?" He asked Ginny.
"You should do." She replied, glancing at the clock before nodding. I took the list off Harry and read it through myself.
Three sets of work robes (black).
One plain pointed hat (also black)
One pair of protective gloves
The Standard book of spells (Grade 1)
A History of Magic
Magical theory
A beginners' guide to transfiguration
Magical drafts and potions
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
One thousand magical herbs and fungi
The dark forces: A guide to self protection
1 wand
1 cauldron (standard size 2 pewter)
1 telescope
1 set of glass or crystal phials
1 set of brass scales
A cat OR owl OR toad OR phoenix OR rat
Must be reminded that 1st years are NOT allowed their own broomstick.'
Wow, there is a lot on that list!
"Are we taking the Floo Network?" I asked Harry and he nodded.
"That would probably be easiest. Don't worry." He added as he saw me stick a hand into my pocket for some money, "I'll buy your stuff."
"Are you sure?" I checked, not wanting to take his money.
"It's fine Ted." He assured me, walking over to the fireplace, "Incendio!" A roaring fire instantly burst up in stone cold grates.
"Bye Teddy." Ginny said, kissing my forehead before I walked over to join Harry. I took a handful of the emerald green powder from the pot of the mantelpiece and thew it into the flames. The flames copied the colour and went a bright green.
"Diagon Alley!" I shouted, stepping into the warmth of the colourful flames. I felt myself spinning and closed my eyes to keep from going blind. I felt myself slide out of the fireplace and opened my eyes to the familiar view of the Leaky Cauldron.
"Hey Tom." I addressed the old man behind the bar, waving brightly.
"Master Teddy." He smiled back at me. I moved out of the way of the fireplace, just as Harry appeared spinning in it.
"Let's go Ted." He grinned at me, taking my hand and walking towards the back of the pub. Once we were out in the back, Harry pulled out his wand and tapped the bricks. They pulled back and revealed Diagon Alley. It was filled with children, all shopping for their Hogwarts things.
"We'll get this done quicker if we split up Ted." Harry said, pressing forty galleons into my hand before I could complain, "You get robes, wand and pet. I'll get the rest."
"Ok." I said absentmindedly, "See you at George's shop around three."
"Bye Ted." Harry hugged me tightly and walked off towards the book store. I hugged him back before heading off down the street.
"Wand first I think." I muttered to myself, heading to Ollivander's wand shop.
"Hello young man." An old man greeted me as I walked in.
"Hello sir." I smiled at him, "I need a wand please."
"Come down here." He beckoned me over to him, heading down a small aisle in amongst the boxes of wands.
"Here try this." He stopped abruptly, almost making me walk into the back of him, and handed me a box. I opened it and took out a small, intricately decorated wand. I gave it a small flick and an old chair instantly burst into flames.
"No." Ollivander said quickly, taking it from me and putting it back, "Another." He carried on walking and I followed right behind him.
"Ahh." He said, stopping quite suddenly again, "Try this one." He handed me another box and as I took out the wand I felt a small glow ripple through my body. This wand was long, elegant and had a leaf like handle at the end. It seemed to fit perfectly in my hand, and felt like it was waking up when I touched it.
"That was quick." I replied, flicking it and watching as a host of bright blue sparks erupted from the end.
"Twelve and a half inches, phoenix feather, oak, slightly springy. Like your mother's wand." Ollivander said to me.
"How do you know who my mother was?" I asked him.
"Nymphadora Tonks was a fine girl." He replied mysteriously, "I could never have forgotten her." Still quite confused, I paid him the ten galleons for the wand and left.
"Pet." I muttered to myself, heading over to Magical Menagerie. Inside it was dark, dingy and smelt strongly of cats. I gagged a bit on entering, but quickly got used to it. I headed over to the corner which had all of the owls in. One immediately caught my eye, a large white owl. I fiddled with the thirty galleons in my pocket, hoping I would have enough, still having robes to buy. I jumped when I heard someone talk behind me.
"Good choice." I turned to see a young girl with fiery red hair, probably a first year like me, admiring the owl, "Are you buying it?"
"Yes." I decided, picking up the enormous owl and walking over to the desk, fully aware that the girl was following me.
"That's fifteen galleons please." The man behind it said and thanked me as I handed them over to him, "Very rare you know," he said, "Albino grey owl, very rare indeed."
"Thank you." I said, picking up the owl and stepping back to let the girl pay for whatever she had chosen. I grinned as she placed a small, calico kitten on the counter. After she had brought it I walked outside with her.
"What are you calling yours?" She asked me.
"Dora I think." I replied, stroking her soft white feathers and thinking of my Mum, "You?"
"Mimi." She replied, hugging the little kitten close to her chest, "Sorry." She said quickly, "I don't even know your name." I chuckled to myself, made Dora hop onto my shoulder, and held out a hand.
"Teddy Lupin." I said, "At your service."
"Nyx Ottorbourne." She replied, shaking my outstretched hand, "I love your hair by the way."
"Thanks." I said surprised, before realising that my hair was still the purple it had been this morning.
"That's alright." She replied, "Purple's my favourite colour."
"Where are you going now?" I asked her.
"Madame Malkins for robes." She told me.
"Me too." I replied, letting go of her hand and starting to walk.
When we walked in there was already a tiny boy being fitted for his robes and he smiled widely when we walked in.
"Hey." I said to him and he smiled even wider, "First year?"
"Yep." He grinned at me and Nyx, his dark brown hair flopping over his face, "My name's Alfie, yours?"
"Teddy." I said.
"Nyx." She said beside me and smiled at him.
After all three of us had had our robes fitted we met in front of Weasley Wizards Wheezes to say goodbye.
"Bye Alfie." I said, hugging the tiny boy tightly.
"See you on the train Teddy." Nyx said, also hugging me tightly.
"And you Nyx." I hugged her back, trying desperately to keep my hair purple so that they wouldn't notice I was a Metamorphagus.
When they started to walk away I turned around and headed in the shop to find Uncle (that's what he'd told me to call him) George.
Me and Harry spent at least three quarters of an hour in his shop, looking around and buying as much as we could.
"Time to go Ted." Harry said finally, watching me try to stifle a loud yawn.
"Alright," I replied, tired and ready for a good nights sleep.
"Made any new friends today?" He asked me as we walked back into the Leaky Cauldron.
"Yeah." I replied happliy, "Alfie and Nyx. I'm gonna sit with them on the train."
"Cool." Harry smiled at me, taking a handful of Floo powder from the pot Tom had offered us.
When we reached home I went stright upstairs and lay down on my bed. I took the chocolate frog card of my Mum and Dad out of my pocket and looked at it.
"I'm proud of you." I whispered to it, "For being who you are. I miss you though." I smiled sadly as I put the card on my table and closed my eyes sleepily, drifting instantly to sleep.
I'm gonna be away for two weeks and won't have any internet so sorry if I don't update in the next fortnight!! Comment if you want cos I love reading them!!!
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