Becoming An Orphan

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After the Battle Of Hogwarts when Harry's in the Great Hall / hospital area.

Harry Potter's P.O.V-

I felt awful, no other way could describe it. Almost all people were grieving for some family member that had been lost. Worst still were the bodies that had no grievers, they lay alone, untouched and forgotten. My heart gave a pang of sadness as I realised what I had lost, my friends and people who had loved me. Lupin, Sirius, Fred, Dumbledore, Tonks. Every thought of these brave, noble people was like a wave of sadness that swept over me when I least expected it. It hurt me to think that right now, in homes all around the country, people might be praying for lives that had already been lost. I tried not to think of those valiant people, the ones that deserved to be remembered more than me for the deeds they had done. Of my godson, Teddy Lupin, I also thought, he had lost both parents to this disaster and would never even know their faces. I was apparently crying because Ginny came up to me and wiped the tears away. I hugged her tightly and tried never to let go, listening to her sobbing quietly into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly, breathing in her sweet smelling hair, "About Fred, it was my fault."

"No," She whispered back, "It wasn't your fault. It's just one of those things."

"I could've stopped it." I sobbed quietly, "I should've done something about it."

"Don't think like that." She said angrily, stepping back and putting her hands on her hips, "I don't blame you for anything that's happened. You've saved all of us."

"I didn't save everyone," I admitted sadly, "Lupin, Sirius, Fred. They should never have died." Ginny didn't answer me this time and instead kissed me on the cheek before leaving. I watched in silence as she walked over to Molly and Arthur and hugged them tightly.

I allowed myself to cast one more look at the fallen before leaving the Great Hall. I hadn't the slightest idea where I was walking to, I just wanted to get away. I climbed up the stairs and wandered aimlessly about, hoping to find someone to talk to. I eventually stopped just by a tapestry that lay crumpled on the floor. I smiled to myself, The Room Of Requirement. I had only one thing I wanted.

"I want a place to cry." I said quietly. As I opened my eyes, I could see a small, wooden door in the stone. I pushed it open and smiled gratefully. The Room was bright and cosy, in a way it reminded me of the Burrow and the safety and security it offered. It curled up on one of the sofas that was positioned around the edge and let the tears fall thick and fast.

I was still sobbing quietly when I heard a door open behind me. I turned quickly to see the door that led from Aberforth's swing open and a large group of people rush in. I was right to assume that they were family, or underage children, wanting to see what had happened.

"Harry," said a familiar voice and I looked over to see Colin Creevey's younger brother Dennis walk in, the poor boy was white as a sheet and utterly terrified, "What's happened?"

"The Great Hall." I replied bluntly, "Someone'll tell you." My heart ached for the small boy, in only a few minutes his nightmare would come true.

"Thanks Harry," He said, forcing a smile and running from the room. The whole rest of the group followed him, every one of them nervous or crying. Only one person stayed in the room, I recognized her instantly and felt my heart jump to my mouth.

"Harry?" Andromeda Tonks choked, "How did it-?" She stopped there, not wanting to imagine what had happened.

"We won." I said comfortingly, "Voldemort's dead."

"And-" Andromeda prompted, again not having the courage to finish, "Dora, Remus?" I shook my head slowly and felt another small tear fall down my cheek.

"I'm sorry," I said and looked at my feet as she burst into tears, "Where's Teddy?" I asked her curiously, wanting to break the horrible silence. Andromeda said nothing but opened up her coat, revealing a small figure curled up against her chest. I smiled sadly and looked at the sleeping baby. I could just make out a small tuft of light purple hair on his small head, I smiled inwardly, seventeen days old and he already had great taste in colours.

"Could you take him?" Andromeda asked me and I nodded quickly. I wiped away the tears as she pulled him away from her, and handed him to me. I took him as carefully as I could, trying not to wake him. I hugged him close to me and smiled as he yawned loudly.

"Do you want to go-" I cut off this time, not wanting to finish. However, Andromeda seemed to understand me and nodded quietly.

We walked in silence through the abandoned corridors, I was still clutching Teddy to my chest, comforted by his little heartbeat. The doors to the Great Hall were open, giving me one more painful view of the lost lives. I hesitated and just let Andromeda brush past me, I obviously didn't want to interrupt her grieving. I did follow her eventually, joining her side as she stared down at the bodies of her only daughter and son- in- law. It was obvious that she was trying to stay strong, for everyone's sake. However, she couldn't keep her tears back for long and soon collapsed to her knees, crying her eyes out. I watched in silence until a small hand gripped my shoulder. I turned my head in surprise and saw Hermione standing there with her eyes red and puffy.

"Are you OK?" I asked her, obviously a stupid question. She briefly smiled at me before looking down at the bodies of Remus and Tonks. I watched her as once more she burst into tears.

"Sorry," She apologized, seeing the mildly amused look on my face, "It's just, they didn't deserve it. Not with Teddy and everything." I nodded sadly and showed her the small baby that was still curled up against my chest. Hermione smiled again as she saw the little lock of hair and stroked his cheek lightly.

"He didn't deserve this," She said to me, "Not this, and not so young."

"Hmm." I agreed absentmindedly, "None of it." I don't really know what I did next, it just seemed right. I knelt down and laid the sleeping baby between his two parents. When I stood up me, Hermione and Andromeda had a moments silence for the two loved people lying dead before us and their newborn boy.

"Don't worry Teddy," I said, more to myself than anyone, "You'll always be loved and you'll always be safe."

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