Chapter 5 - Two cats

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"... Good point. Let's do that. But I'd rather stay in the room because I'm tired. Like, really tired."

"Sure Princess, as you wish. Oh, and it's the best if no one sees us, but by any chance, if anyone asks, let's just say that we're... well, relatives and hope that works."

Rubys and Yangs all quietly left the room, making sure that no one was near. They all separated in silence. And yes, let's not forget about Blakes who decided to go out through the window.

Chapter 5

"So, how are you taking all these?"

Older Blake asked as she sat on one of the thick branches of the tree. Younger Blake, sitting right beside her, hummed. Yes, what a cat thing to do. Climb up a tree and sit there casually as if you sit on a chair.

"Well, it's a little complicated, but I find it interesting. Just that..."


"I do have some concerns."

"Such as?"

"Well... Ruby's face, Yang's arms, and some things that I just can't explain why it's bothering me."

"So you've noticed."

Older Blake said. Well, they did ask about Ruby's face but not about Yang's arm, so she assumed that no one might've noticed. But it was probably only that they didn't get a chance to ask or even bring it up. I mean, there was someone with a patch basically covering half of her face.

"She had her arms crossed or had her hand in the pocket the whole time, but yes, I've noticed."

"I think she was just trying to hide it from you guys because you guys were already worried enough with Ruby."


They both stopped talking and only stared at the Beacon Academy for a good, long, moment.

"Well, we already kind of told you guys a bit too much, so I can't really tell you more, but... everything will turn out fine."

Older Blake gave her younger self a warm smile. After all, she wasn't the one who broke the 'We can't tell you guys anything' rules to begin with anyway. So of course she wouldn't go on and break that rule now.

"... I just got curious. Have you ever wanted to go back to the past and remake some of your decisions in life?"

Younger Blake asked.

"Well... Yes."


"And no."


"It's that I just had so many regrets in my life that I wanted to erase. I made some decisions I wish I hadn't made. So yes, I did, and even now sometimes do think that I would remake my choices from the past if chances were given."

"But you also said no."

Younger Blake asked confusingly, and the older one only giggled.

"Well, I do sometimes have regrets. I do. I won't lie. But I also always come to the conclusion that I am fine with how I am now. All those decisions and mistakes I've made is what makes who I am now. So it's both a yes and a no."


Blake hummed. There was a lot she wanted to ask. But she knew that none of them would be properly answered anyways, so she held her questions back.

"You see... I'm not really supposed to be telling you anything, but since it's already out the window thanks to Ruby, let's just say one more thing and hope this doesn't hurt."

Older Blake said. Younger Blake stared at her older self, letting her know that she can go on.

"Just... well, advice. Nothing big. Simple advice. Whatever you encounter in your life, do not forget that your team will always be with you."

"Excuse me? I'm not... really getting it?"

"Don't try to take it too deeply. You're overcomplicating it. I only mean what I say. You really don't need to go on and try taking on everything on your own shoulder. In worst cases, your friends got your back. No matter how heavy the burden is, they will share that burden with you."

"But that's... I don't know, isn't that expecting a bit too much from them?"

"I thought so too. But aren't you gonna be carrying their burdens as well?"

"I mean, yes, of course, but-"

"Ssh, it's alright if you can't take this in at the moment. It's alright. Just see how it goes. Okay? I don't really expect you to take in my advice anyways. You're not really supposed to either."

"Then why are you telling me this?"

"I guess it's just the old memories coming back to me. Kind of makes me look back to my life and makes me talk more than necessary. I wouldn't say it's something so meaningful. To you at least."

"... You know, I really don't think I'm taking all these in anymore. But alright. Can I just ask you one more thing?"

"Sure. I don't know if I can answer you, but at least I can hear it out."

"Do you... Or do I really marry Yang?"

"Huh, now you're asking? It seemed as if you weren't really interested in those kinds of conversations we had."

"Of course I am. I mean, I just got to know who I'm going to be marrying in 10 years. Of course it bothers me. It's just..."

"Embarrassing, isn't it?"

"Yes, and on top of that, with Weiss and Yang yelling as if they were nevermore didn't really help."

Blake sighed as she remembered how the conversation went about ten minutes ago.

"Well, we didn't get to tell you guys any of the details, but yes, what we told you are all true. I did marry Yang."

"Uh, well, alright. Okay."

"It looks like you've got a lot that you want to ask."

"Isn't that obvious?"

Older Blake let out a small laugh.

"It's only natural for a person to wonder about their future. Well, don't take it too hard. She's a bit noisy, but not bad."

"Ugh, it's not that! I didn't take it in a bad way, it's just-"

"You don't know if you like Yang or not, is that it?"

"... Yes. I mean, yes I do like her. But I really don't know if it's in a romantic way. More like, I never really thought of her that way."

Blake once again lets out a small laugh.

"You're only seventeen. It's not weird that you're confused. Look, I am you in 10 years. And 10 years isn't a short time. So take it easy."

"... I'll try. Don't know if it'll really work though."

Younger Blake said as she rolled her eyes.

"Let's just say, I really don't want my relationship with Yang right now to change. So try hard."

Younger Blake stared at her older self in disbelief. At first, she didn't really know what difference was other than the hairstyle. She even thought that she might not have changed at all. But now she knew. Over the past few years, she, Blake Belladonna, has become more honest in some ways.

Younger Blake could do nothing but smile softly as she carried on a conversation with her older self. She didn't really get much information out of the conversation, but she did feel like she learned a lot for some reason.

As they talked a little more, younger Blake's scroll started to ring. When she opened the scroll, a message from Weiss popped up.

Weiss: Ruby, and I mean the older one, wants everyone back in the room. Don't know why.

"I think we should go back now."

"Oh, is that so?"

Two Blakes stood up as they were still on top of the branches, and started to head back into Beacon Academy quietly like a pair of cats.

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