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"Dinner time!" Says Artemis happily, who grabs the book out of Athena's hand. Athena and Demeter looked at Artemis with annoyance, but they soon got up. After all, at dinner they at least feed us something edible.

"Do you know what is on the menu today?" I asked. I always forget what meal we eat on Thursday. Days have started to lump together now, as we all wait to land on Pandora. I think there is only a week, maybe 5 days left? 

"It's fish. Every Thursday is fish," answers Hestia. We all have journals, to write about our day or keep notes. I use mine to write about how I would complete the mission. I think I have about 29 ways now. 

"Can we go down now? Please?" begs Hestia who starts to drag me by my hand to the dining hall. 

Together we all walk down to the dining hall. Hestia leads the way, skipping down the hallway holding my hand with her knife stored in her training belt. Artemis starts to talk about how excited she is to get to Pandora. Athena and Demeter talk about the types of plants they want to see

As we reach the dining hall, I see everyone crowded around a window. Ares pushes Hermes out of the way and Hera try's and fails to push in front of everyone.

"What is going on?" I ask as I try to look out the window. I move to the front and Hestia follows closely. 

"Whoa, look how close we are." Hestia says looking on. Infront of use, Pandora looms closer. While it seems small now, we all realize what this means. The full mission will be revied.

I mean, we all knew that we would have a mission to take down the Na'vi and that we had already been sorted into clans, but we never knew what we would do there.

"Only 5 days," says Artemis, "5 days that will decide the rest of our lives."

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