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"Doh!" Was the first thing I heard when I woke up. The bed was empty and Homer Simpson was doing stupid things on the TV.

I stretched my arms and legs out in a starfish pose before curling back up in the duvet. Last night, well, early this morning, was perfect. Louis made me feel so special and loved, which was something I hadn't felt in a very long time. Too long really.

I know we waited to do things together but it was totally worth it, now all I need to do is get my hands on Louis'-

"Yeah he's- wait maybe not." Louis spoke down the phone as he walked in the room. "I'll see you later Ni." He then hung up.

"Morning Darlin'." Louis came and sat on the bed next to me so I moved closer and put my head on his lap.

"Morning Boo." I replied as his finger started to brush through my hair. "Why was Niall on the phone?"

"Told him you weren't well so he could get you marked as absent all day. So we can have a day to ourselves." Then I remembered, I had school today!

"Lou, I need to go to school. I have an assessment due today." I told him as I sat up to look at his face.

"I will text Niall and tell him to speak to the teacher. I want to spoil you today." Louis face displayed a cheeky smirk and I couldn't help but agree with him.

"Okay, what are we doing?" I gave in.

Before Louis could say anything there was a knock at the door. Louis look at me curiously before getting up to answer it.

I sat in bed watching Louis as he unlocked and opened the door to, Lottie?

"Hi Louis." She spoke cheerily as she budged passed him.

"Lottie what are you doing here?" Louis asked her.

"Ooo, what's with the birthday banners?" She completely ignored Louis' question.

"Lottie, What are you doing here? Don't you have work?" Louis asked starting to sound harsher.

"First, I'm heading to see Lou at the studio after I'm done here," Which explained why she wasn't at work. "Second mum sent me over to give Harry some clothes in case he didn't bring any with him last night," That explained why she was here, "Now what's with the party décor? Harry doesn't look very ill, In fact, he looks kind of glowing almost." Now we had explaining to do.

Me and Louis looked towards each other as if we were having a silent convocation between our eyes. After a few seconds I nod slowly and Louis begins to talk.

He tells her everything about how I didn't want to tell anyone to how he found out and then to me actually coming over last night. Leaving out the part about the lube and- uh- yeah.

After Louis finished speaking Lottie paused. She then sat on the end of the bed and sighed.

"I'm not going to say I get it, because I don't but I would love it if you let our family get you a present. Just the one. To show you that we do love you like one of our own. Please?" Lottie fluttered her eyelashes and sadly I agreed.

Only to shut her up though.

She stays and chats and has a bit of my cake and before we know it she's leaving. Before she's completely through the door she turns back to us, "Oh and boys? It smells of sex in here."

She then walks down the hall and down the stairs leaving us shocked and the sound of her heels clicking on the plastic flooring.

"We didn't even have sex." Louis rolls his eyes and I simply laughed.



Okay, so, I know this chapter is super short but I knew if I continued it the next chapter would be weird and then so would the chapter after and so on..

I also just really wanted to post something for you guys.

I promise the next chapter will be longer


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