spring break

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My incident I had with Andrew had occurred over a week ago and things are back to normal. Today is the first day of spring break and since I couldn't see his parents the day I was supposed to, we're going to their house then to their beach house.

I packed my stuff the night before and that day I was rocking my knee high socks with a respectfully short black dress. While I waited for Andrew, I went into Devin's room. I walked in and saw what a sister would never want to see. He was jerking off while some girl was on facetime. "Oh godd" I exclaimed. "DEREK!" I yelled. Derek ran up the stairs, bewildered. "What" he breathed. "Get your gross, masturbating on facetime brother" I made a face.

"Really" he gave me a dumb look. "Yeah I bet you do it too" Devin said to me. "Don't need to when Andrew can" I smirked. "Ew" they both plugged their ears. "I win" I mouthed.

"Baby girl" Andrew called. I grabbed my bag and flew down the stairs. I jumped in his arms and smiled like an idiot. "Someone's happy to see me" he laughed. "Of course" I said, kissing the corner of his mouth. He kissed the corner of my mouth, lingering his lips.

I actually kissed him, holding his face as his hands squeezed my butt. "Okay, okay" Derek said coming down the stairs. Andrew quickly let me down, looking embarrassed. "Uh uh not after Mr. Straight outta my dick did what he did" I said, not really knowing what I was saying. Whatever I did say made them laugh.

"Mr. Straight. Outta. My dick. Oh god" Derek laughed, Andrew along with him. "Let's go" I tugged Andrew. "Love you dorks, even you Devin" I said, going out the door.

"You look nice" I said to andrew. "Thank you, I would say you do too, but you always do" he smiled. "So corny" I shook my head. "Ohhhh well" he shrugged. "Don't be scared of my parents, they're chill" Andrew said and I nodded.

I've never been bad with parents, but I was a little nervous.

We took the 30 minute drive and once we pulled in, I felt that feeling in my stomach. It feels like your sick and excited at the same time.

We walked right in greeted with the smell of warmth and coziness. "Andrew!" His mother exclaimed' hugging him. "And who are you?" She smiled at me. "This is r-" Andrew started. "She can speak Andrew" she said softly. "I'm riley" I hugged her. "I know I just wanted you to say it" she laughed. "Riley wassuppp" his dad dapped me up. "Sup" I laughed.

"Where's An-" I was cut off by footsteps. "Riley, Andrew" he nodded and I threw my hand up, friendly. "Is everyone packed up" Mrs. Fontenot clapped. We all nodded. "Load up" mr. Fontenot said. Andrew and I went back to the car and put it in the tahoe. After we had all of our things in, we all got in, then we were off to the beach house.

Andrew and I had the back-back seat, Anthony had the back to himself and the parents were in the front. Andrew slipped his hands down my pants and I gave him a murderous look. I nudged towards the front. He shrugged saying something about the music plus anthony had headphones on.

His finger rubbed my clit at a fast pace, making me incredibly warm though the AC was on. He entered his fingers and I little moan escaped my mouth. The way his arm was wrapped around me, you couldn't see anything. I palmed him making him hiss in my ear. I stuck my hand in his pants, evening the odds. I gripped him and moved slow. "You're killing me" he growled. I sped up and so did he. I came on his fingers and he subtly licked it off. I pretended I was laying down before I took him in my mouth. I sucked him cleaned and situated him back.

I had sucked his dick while his parents were in the car, what is happening to me?

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