💰The Mercenaries💣

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◾️The Mercenary Base is an unofficial military organisation run by four civilians who had decided they wanted to help out against the Titan cause without the rigorous rules and restrictions of the actual military.

◾️ They had formed an alliance with the East Base and their Commander, as soon as the brigade recognised their self taught battle style and their proficiency was of great help.

◾️The main four are: Rifleman, Grenadier, Field Medic and Riot Guard.

◾️The four lived together in the same village before it was taken over by Titans. Rifleman and Field Medic were childhood friends, along the way they had befriended a veteran soldier, Riot Guard, and have taken under their wing a young, angry with the world lad, Grenadier.

◾️They have formed something of a family amongst themselves. With their own actual relatives usually kept at an arm's length from their operations and dangerous missions.

◾️Have all met quite a few Titans through their battles. The one they know best being Sinister, the one who had taken over their village.



◾️Age: 36 years old.

◾️The charismatic leader. He is the one who usually negotiates with the military on behalf of the Mercenaries.

◾️Not much is known about his private life. Has a family only his friends know of. A lovely wife and an adorable little girl.

◾️Definitely the type of father to have tea parties with his daughter.

◾️Has been affiliated at one point with the Crook Boss. Some say he worked as a hitman for him before they parted ways.
Still on friendly terms, Crook is actually a sponsor for their organisation.

◾️Has a tendency to hide when something is wrong. He chooses to carry the burden by himself much to the dismay of his colleagues and friends.


🔺️Field Medic

◾️Age: 39 years old.

◾️Second in command. The brains of the whole operation.

◾️Him and Rifleman had known each other the longest. The only person who can see through Rifleman's facade with ease. Has caught him hiding gun wounds before, keeps the secret but patches him up whilst lecturing him.

◾️Skilled in combat just as much as he is in healing. He worked as a teacher when Medic herself was a student in medicine.

◾️The sole family he has left is his younger brother and his mother. He protects them and cares for them deeply.

◾️Seems like a 'no messing around' type of guy but he is actually quite lively.



◾️Age: 21 years old.

◾️The youngest and newest of the main four, also the most mischevious one.

◾️Close friends with Mortar. Always begged Rifleman to take him to their military base to see his buddy.

◾️He grew up as an orphan so the other three have a tendency to act as his parental figures sometimes. Especially Field Medic.

◾️While he finds it endearing and he also finds it annoying as they tend to coddle him, therefore not really allowing him to show his battle prowess.

◾️He had shown them his true abilities when he had rescued Rifleman from a close encounter with a horde of zombies. They promised to trust him with more missions in the future, taking some load of their shoulders too.


🔺️Riot Guard

◾️Age: 56 years old.

◾️The oldest of the bunch. Also the wisest with a good head on her shoulders

◾️Served in the military before she was deemed too old to continue. Inside she knew she still had it in her to fight.

◾️Was the first to jump to the opportunity of creating their own organisation. She thought it out very well beforehand and is the main advisor of Rifleman in negotiations.

◾️The one usually in charge of training new recruits of their team. She was Grenadier's mentor as well.

◾️Just as tired of life and sassily serious as Field Medic. They met in the military and still have a habit of gosiping over a cup of coffee.



Author's note: Hello my dear readers! Just wanted to let you all know a new chapter for my story 'Titan Turn' has just released! So, if you would like to see some of the characters from the lists of headcanons be put through a wild adventure of their own, please give it a read! :D

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