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◾Baby boy baby™

◾Youngest Tower in the whole base (17 years old). Older soldiers either baby him or bully him. No in between

◾Such a pure fellow. Wouldn't harm a fly... Unless angered enough

◾Military family consisting of his parents and his younger brother. Moved from place to place as a child often, didn't make many friends in school since he would switch them like four times a year maybe more

◾His father was a sergeant in the Southern Base. Would not be home most of the time but when he was, Scout was his top priority

◾They were very, very close with one another. Ever since Scout was small they would play together, his father would tell him all sorts of tales from his missions and battles.. They were inseperable, always sending time together whenever they could

◾His father's life was cut short via a car accident. Scout never really got over the loss..

◾He chose to join the military later on in an attempt to honor his late father...to make him proud so to speak.

◾Commander and Scout's father were close friends, even brother like. So, when Scout was born, he chose Commander as the boy's godfather.

◾Even with his own grief, Commander stepped up in his role and became a sort of father figure to Scout, especially after the boy joined his troop

◾Both of them are close, Commander knows Scout like the back of his hand. Nothing ever really slips him about the boy...or so he thought...

◾Then Gravedigger kinda shook his understanding of his own godson. He started no longer seeing Scout as a helpless little boy that needed to be protected but a young man capable of taking  his own decisions 

◾Scout was always very family oriented. Therefore, when it came to making friends, he wouldn't  have a problem making them feel like a part his own family. Gravedigger is no exception to this.

◾Never hated Titans. If it was after this boy, the world would be sunshine and rainbows, things would be peaceful not full of hate

◾Having rapidly warmed up to Gravedigger, he began seeing him as a little brother despite their differences

◾He always thought the Void Family was a little bit intimidating... But his view did change when he met them, not just as rivals on a battlefield (not that Commander ever let him join a battle that important... Too dangerous for his precious boy)

◾He had heard of the family before... With how influencial they were amongst their rival side. But they were not good things... If anything they only scared him off more...

◾The Christmas stories he had heard as a child always pinned Krampus as  monster who would steal misbehaving children, and either eat them or beat them depending on the version. He was terrified on Christmas Eve that he too would be one of the kids (though he was quite literaly a saint)

◾The older soldiers would tell him even more scary tales about the other Titans who were not part of cultural myths... Fallen King's ruthless strikes, his sword sharp enough to cut a truck in half with one full swing... Void Reaver's lifeless army that has conquered hundreds upon hundreds of lands, destroying everything at the hands of their leader... Swordmaster's calculated attacks, enough to overwhelm any foe not matter how strong... Umbra's barrage of arrows, fast enough to not even hear them as they impale you...

◾And yet, he had never heard of any Titan having children. Until on a hot summer afternoon at the base, he saw  Fallen King craddling a wounded child named Molten and another green haired boy trailing behind them with his head bowed as they were escorted to the Med bay... And what a fateful day that was...

◾Never could he have guessed how much his view of the world would change... Never in a milion years...

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