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◾Age: 28 yrs old

◾Ever since she was a child she wanted to join the military but since fighting wasn’t exactly her strong point she chose to be a healer instead

◾Her mother was her inspiration since she too is a doctor

◾Very knowledgeable in all medical fields (she learned by herself more and more even after finishing medical school)

◾The soldiers see her as a 'second-in-command' to Commander

◾Very welcoming and gentle to everyone who crosses her infirmary (she understands people may be scared or irritated when sick or injured so she makes sure to be extra patient especially with kids)

◾Unless angered, then cold as an iceberg it is

◾Does not take shit from anybody. You try to size her up she will put you in place

◾Very close with the Commander (extra intimidation points)

◾They have known each other since they were just recruits. He was a soldier and she was an upcoming  nurse.

◾Com' was once pretty badly injured in one of his missions and it was Medic who took care of him, that was how they met

◾When he ranked up to 'Commander', he knew he wanted her to be part of his staff so he called for her specifically to join them (she happily accepted of course)

◾Knows about Com' and DJ having a little something together but vowed to keep the secret

◾Met DJ through Com' and they have been friends ever since (love to tease Com' every chance they get)

◾Doesn't actually hate the Titans. If anything she would end the war then and there since it's pointless, neither side ever wins

◾Has met Gravedigger and Molten. Thinks they are lovely boys and wants to hug the both of them

◾Was one of the only people to not fear Fallen King when they first met. Actually respects him and admires his love and care for his children (took her by surprise to see this side of him)

◾Has listened to stories from Molten when he was stuck in a hospital bed for a few weeks. They had very deep conversations about potatoes and the joy of eating them

◾Scout sees her as something of a Mother figure (and goes for her for advice or comfort)

◾No matter how big or buff the men recruited are, they always fear her a little bit

◾Minigunner once did try to intimidate her when she first arrived but she shut him up real quick (you don't really want the person who is supposed to take care of you when hurt on a bad side y'know?)

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