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◾Menace to society™

◾Very, very flirtatious and mischievous. Man, woman, nobody can escape their teases~

◾No age, no name, no recognisable face behind the mask. No one knows what they look like or who they are. They just popped up one day and have been around ever since

◾No family record. Some speculate they might be related to Necromancer (that or they are just friends...some say lovers but that one is more of a joke than a theory)

◾Has been performing in many local theaters, even appearing in a few kid shows on TV. A known and beloved character despite their odd behavior.

◾Loved by children of all ages for their wacky jokes and whimsical stories. Has enough energy to entertain crowds with ease, seemingly enjoying the attention. A genuinely good baby-sitter if you don't mind the weapons they carry around

◾It is not known why they never break character even outside of work.
At first, most thought they just wished to keep their identity secret but it has gotten to the point where they wear their outfit and bubbly persona on every day. Both their performer name and daily used name is Jester. They will not repond to anything else but it, and soundly refuse to be given a different name

◾Explosives expert is their only known qualification. Again, they underwent absolutely no training within no military base so no one knows where on planet Earth did they figure out how to build and decorate bombs

◾They keep these two aspects of their life very far away from each other. Many parents would not be eager to know their child's favorite character is a fighting maniac

◾A good 'friend' and rival of Necromancer. The details of how they met are unknown and neither wishes to divulge them

◾Whenever asked about it, they will always begin with "My rival, my rival, my marvelous rival!" and then explain a different story every time

◾In one of their iterations, they explained how a mysterious Narrator had set them both up with a gig at a local theater, playing the roles of two lovers. Necromancer has been told about this and he was firmly disgusted with the tale, resulting in it being a lie

◾Another fan favorite among the base, was the story in which the two of them went to a mage school together. They learned and practiced magic of different kinds. However, Jester was promptly kicked out of the academy as they had tried to build another one of their infamous bombs which failed miserably. Necromancer was said to have finished his studies, taking up the life of a lone wolf in search of their expelled best friend

◾When asked about this one, Necromancer said, and quote "That is by far the stupidest one yet" therefore debunking the possibilty of it being true (much to the sadness of some wizard-story loving recruits)

◾Does have some sort of relation to the Titans but it is unknown what exactly that is. Even the Titans seem at times confused by the odd person showing up out of nowhere

◾They are an unreliable helper during battles. One time they are on the Titan's side, the next they are on the Tower's side. No monetary outcome from either so no one knows exactly why they do it... They just play by their own rules, however, wherever and whenever they see fit

◾Does not stay after battles for long. Refuses to come anywhere near the military base, they just appear during fights, pull some strings here and there and then they are gone until the next battle takes place








Author's note: I have officially created a new book! It is called "TDS Short Stories", a collection of tales from within the "Titan Turn" universe!
This book offers me the chance to tell some stories that might not appear during the main one. Featuring beloved characters who only play minor roles, but that still to deserve to be fleshed out! The first tale is already out, staring Commander and some mysterious cowboys ;]

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