🎃Jack'O Bot🔧

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Gold Titan next-



◾Literally a robot. No veggie parts on this bad boy.

◾Made to resemble a pumpkin however, because his creator loved Halloween

◾Was made by a mad scientist. A Tower scientist to be exact. During the war between Titans and Towers, he was the first attempt the scientist had at creating his own 'Titan' from the body of one who passed in battle

◾When Jack started gaining his  sentience and memories back, he ran away from the lab he was created in. Met some fellow Titans and was welcomed as one of them.

◾No one knows exactly what happened to his creator but one thing for sure, he is dead. Jack being one of the somewhat close to "Ancient Titans" level of old. (outliving a human by hundreds of years at least)

◾The tech composing his body is outdated compared to what the Towers have now, but its the magic used to bind him all together that keeps him alive not the metal parts so no need for upgrades. (does have to recharge his body via electricity tho)

◾A pretty jolly fella' tho a little stiff. Despite having a 'normal' personality there is definitely something that feels.. off... Robotic even...

◾Has met many Titans over the years. Such as Void Reaver whom he admires as he is the one who led the Titans into the war against the Towers (Jack participating alongside his kind). Swordmaster, he respects greatly as his mentor (helped him relearn how to fight properly)

◾Doesn't know the younger Titans very well. Has only ever seen Fallen King and Krampus (only once) during meetings with his kin. The children he has never met or seen.

◾Lived with Lord Sinister for a while (way before he adopted Ducky) and helped him raid villages for supplies

◾Went back to live in the laboratory after his creator had passed away. Still lives there to this day.

◾Stays mostly alone but not because he is lonely or anything but because he has a lot of experiments to do. (that's right, he is the scientist now)

◾No human form. Can only really transform himself into a smaller size.

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net