❄️Frost Spirit 🌨️

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◾Mature for his age™

◾A very quiet boy

◾ Became even more reserved (borderline isolated) soon after his father's disappearance

◾Responsible and a little overbearing (sometimes even more than his uncle and caretaker Sinister, also playing the role of a somewhat parent to his younger cousin Ducky Doom)

◾Despite being old enough to join the Titans side in the battle against the Towers, he has little interest in it
(not really the vengeful nor fighting type)

◾Prefers to be alone with his thoughts most of the time. He has a lot on his heart

◾Enjoys Ducky's company but he can be a bit of a hand full from time to time and Frost only has so much energy to deal with him

◾Has great dexterity, helping  Ducky pass levels he is stuck on in different video games if begged enough (more like annoyed enough)

◾Him and Molten have been close friends ever since they were small (they practically grew up together being raised in the same house by their parents. Frost was around 4 years old when a newborn Molten joined their big family)

◾Likes Gravedigger as a cousin too but hasn't talked to him enough to call him close... They are like distant collegues more than anything

◾Misses his father Krampus dearly. His demise hit Frost Spirit very hard. Even years afterwards he has yet to fully recover. Especially since his father was gone right before he became an adult, an important time when he was in need of his guidance (they had a great relationship)

◾Him and his uncle Fallen King have a quiet solidarity being the oldest remaining brothers of their respective families. The man tries to look out for his nephew and offer him advice if needed but they don't see each other often enough to always be there for him..

◾Loves puzzles and reading books (pretty much any sort of activity that can be done in silence or just a peaceful atmosphere)

◾Good older brother to his mischievous duckling of a little bro (they started calling each other brothers when Sinister took in Frost Spirit after his father had left)

◾Looks up to grandpa Void Reaver and wishes to be as down to earth and knowledgeable as he is one day

◾Respects and sees Swordmaster as an his elder too, he was the one who mentored him when it came to using his scythe for defense and ice powers in battle (the old bitter Titan played a significant role as Frost Spirit's teacher, some rather odd opinions also brushing off on him)

◾Human-form: looks to be a young man in his early 20s, dark short hair usually hidden by a hood of some kind, pale skin and soul-piercing icy blue eyes.

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