💎Crook Boss⌚️

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◾️A laid back joker, will snap your neck if you say the wrong thing (or so he makes it feel like)

◾️Exact age is unknown due to him changing his name and identity every time he moves to a new place. Believed to be around 32-35 years old.

◾️Don't take your eyes off your wallet or anything valuable or it might magically disapear. No matter how long, a minute? A second? Doesn't matter it's gone.
(If its something important or with sentimental attachment and he finds out about it, the person he had stolen it from will find it on their desk or in their room like nothing had happened)

◾️Started from the bottom, made his way to the top. He grew up poor, didn't know either of his parents but somehow made his life work.

◾️When he was small he stuck with a group of slightly older boys, also kids of the streets and formed a dysfunctional- but-nice family of their own.

◾️The three boys he had stayed the closest with are known today as his Goons (1,2 and 3). Their real identities are also unknown.

◾️They are all like brothers even if Crook is their technical Boss. If anyone dares to harm any of them, they will respond to the man himself.

◾️He went from begging on the streets, to pick-pocketing to joining a local gang in his youth. From there he had built his own firm with the help of some shady business partners. The company during the day sells raw materials like wood, stone and metal, however, when night falls, the more 'exotic' stock comes to light.

◾️Known for high quality weapons and machinery parts not even the military heads can get their hands on. No one knows how he gets them, from where, who makes them or how .
Some weapons even had Titan origin.

◾️His business entered legality the day he signed a contract with Commander's brigade to provide proper weaponry in the battle against the Titans.
Of course the 'legal' side of it is just a cover. He still has his questionable clients and providers. (And Commander knows this but since the worst offence they do is smuggling, he turns a blind eye and chooses to stay away)

◾️He and the Commander go way back. They both went to the same school and lived in the same neighborhood for years. When Crook found himself in deep water with some older guys as a child, it was the Commander who came to his aid and helped him escape from their grasp before an ugly beating.

◾️Crook's then band of hooligan boys found out about his deed and lets just say the Commander would not have to worry about being cornered or stolen from when going in dark alleyways ever again. Everyone knew to stay away and those he who didn't found out the hard way.

◾️Has met all the Titans the military had ever gone up against, staying on the move at all times really helped with it. Even struck a deal with Gunslinger to provide him materials and deals for his inn. Doesn't have an actual hatred for them, but will fight them for a good price.

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