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◾Omnipotent god™

◾Does he really exist? Nobody trully knows. If he were to have an age, he would be the only Titan to be thousands of years old currently.

◾There were legends stating that he was the first ever Titan to exist and that all other Titans are a part of him.

◾He created them using the 'spoken word' meaning the first instance of Titan Tongue which his descendants will later use for communicating

◾Hundreds of years ago saying that you were the son of the Creator would make your reputation sky-rocket so a lot of monarchs used this white lie to appear more powerful in the eyes of their naive people

◾Even Void Reaver used this tactic at the beginning of the Ancient War to convince more Titans to join his side against the Towers who were technologically more advanced than them, weapon and military wise. Hence the dark purple and black motifs on the Void army's armor to reflect the depictions of the Creator.

◾It was said that during spells, whether for fighting or healing, one drew the very power of the Creator as assistance. It boosted the performance of the spell almost guarateening its success.

◾After the Ancient War, Titan culture began to fade away more and more as each generation went on and as a result so did the belief that the Creator was an actual existing god

◾Religion between Titans was never really a thing. There were no cults or rituals that bore his name but to say the "Creator was on your side" was a big deal, especially in battles

◾Towers on the other hand, whilst the Creator was mostly known as part of Titan culture, didn't really have any other 'god' to believe in so they spun their own version of this "Creator" to be a Tower instead

◾And hence they were not known for magic, their Creator was a little less powerful because there was no need for him to help with spells, potions or weapons. He just gave them an explanation as to how their race came to be back in the day

◾Nowadays, however, not much is talked about him. No one really needs his assistance anymore nor do they believe he actually exists

◾He is still mentioned in day to day speech with small statements such as "Oh Creator! ", "Creator bless you!" and so on but that is about it.

◾Human form:????

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