Duncan x Harold

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It had been a few weeks since Duncan had finally admitted to himself that he liked Harold, as more than a...friend?

He'd always bullied Harold, probably because he was a lame dweeb. Or maybe because Duncan was jealous of easy it was for Harold to be so open about being gay.

Harold had noticed that Duncan had stopped bullying him and thought it was because Duncan was psyching him out, waiting until Harold had forgotten about him before tripping him in the halls or pantsing him again.

The two were sitting in English and, unfortunately for Harold, they were assigned to sit next to each other. But maybe not, Harold had always liked the presence of Duncan. It was reassuring to have someone strong sit next to you and protect you. That was until 7th grade when the bullying started.

Harold leg started to jitter, thinking about the bullying. Duncan put his hand on Harold's leg to stop him.

"It's alright princess. Don't worry."

Harold blushed.

Class got out 14 minutes later and Harold rushed out of the class.

"Hey, wait up!" Duncan yelled after him. Harold stopped.

"What do you want?" he asked

"I was just wondering if I could study at your house? We've got that English test and my house is...not that suitable for studying."

"Fine." Harold said, actually excited that Duncan was coming over

They met at the school basketball court. Duncan was carving his skull into a tree, when Harold walked up.

Duncan put his arm around Harold's shoulder and they began their walk to his house. As they walked past the entrance to the school some of Duncan's friends yelled at him

"Yo, you hangin' out with that gay kid. You gay?"

Harold blushed out of embarrassment, worried about what Duncan would do. He just flipped them off, saying

"Don't listen to them princess."

When they arrived at Harold's house he guided them upstairs saying

"My parents are out of town by the way, so it's just us."

Duncan acknowledged this, shrugging his shoulders and the two made it to Harold's room. Duncan marveled at the many posters around Harold's walls and ceiling. He noticed the LEGO and instrument collection in the corner, as well as Harold's many anime figures.

The two settled on the bed and began studying, a few minutes later Duncan cursed out of frustration.


"What?" Harold asked

"Why do they keep adding letters to math?" he said, frustrated

"What are you doing?" Harold asked

"Just my Algebra homework. What about you?"

"I'm writing a science essay on squirrels." Harold said, excitedly "Did you know, that squirrels only blink one eye at a time? Like this!"

He demonstrated, blinking his left eye and then his right. Duncan laughed. His favorite part about having a crush was them geeking out about their interests.

Harold blushed, covering his face.

"It's ok, princess" Duncan reassured "No need to be embarrassed."

The two went back to studying before Harold asked

"Why did you want to come over here?"

"I told you." Duncan said "My house is pretty loud."

"Well, yeah. But, you bully me. Why did you want to come study with me?"

"Because I feel bad. I really shouldn't have bullied you. And also I want to get to know you better, princess"


"Because I have a crush on you."

"Really?" Harold asked, astonished

"Yeah, sorry." Duncan apologized

"It's fine. I think I might have a crush on you too."

"Makes sense. You've always liked bad guys."

Harold's face, went into it's typical pinched expression, knowing what Duncan said wasn't true. Duncan laughed. He leaned over and kissed Harold. Harold froze for a second before deepening the kiss. His hands went up into Duncan's non-existent hair and they stayed like that for a while.'

They never ended up studying for the English test.

[599 words] Oop. This one's a little iffy. Not one of my favorites.

What are your opinions?
Subtext: Give me attention, I am an attention whore

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