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TIMELINE: When he bursts out of the classroom.

DISCLAIMER: You don't get to make choices in the hidden chapters XP


I ran out of Y/N's classroom. I can't let her find out... she'll be traumatized... I thought while running to the old school building.

I slammed open the girl's bathroom on the third floor of the old school building.

"Hanako. You here? I need to talk to you." I say loudly, but no respawns. I go over to the third stall and knock three times.

"Hanako-san, hanako-s-" I feel a hand on my shoulder.


I turn around with a straight face to see a see-through, short boy with an old uniform.

"You can't scare me anymore Hanako," I say to the see-through ghost. He laughs.

"Well, a ghost can try! Anyways, what do I have the pleasure of seeing you? I thought you never wanted to see me again~" He teases. I open my mouth to speak.

"Oo lemme guess! Hmm," He interrupts then puts his finger on his lip.

"I know! You're here to give into lust! Get away you pervert!" He states discussed.

"You wanna be exorcized? We both know you'd be the one to do that" I state crossing my arms.

"I know! I'm just messing with you~ Anyways, what can I do for you? Haven't seen you in this school since graduation for Y/N's 7th grade. Well, not true. I saw you in Y/N's homeroom today!" He says floating up to my leave.

(LMAO Mason is 5'7 for a line later in the book. OMG HANAKO'S SO FUCKIN SHORT)

"I.. have a favor to ask of you.." I say uncrossing my arms. He teleports to his toilet and sits on the top lid. I turn around.

"A favor... Or a wish~" He asks with a smirk. I shake my head.

"You know it's one wish per person. Plus, you're still in debt~" He teases tilting his hat.

"Yes, I am aware of both. And it's a favor we can both profit from." I explain in a stern voice.

"Eh, I'll listen but I can't guarantee anything," He says not interested while picking up a mokke.

"Remember my wish... Was that my sister Y/N would be protected after my passing..?" I ask, my voice going softer. He drops the mokke and his eyes widen.

"Yes, I do! And I've been watching her for some time, and might I say she's a cutie-" He says but interrupted by my glare. He picks up the mokke again and clears his throat.

"Anyways, what about her? I've been keeping my end of the deal" He says, playing with the mokke's ears.

"She's coming here to summon you after school," I say putting my hand behind my neck. He looks at me again with wide eyes and a smile.

"Really?! How great!" He says while putting the mokke down.

"Hanako, this isn't great, her fate isn't decided yet, so there's a %50, %50 chance she'll be able to summon you," I said, looking at him intensely.

"Yay! I can make her my friend!"

"So my favor to ask is that you ignore her if she summons you," I say putting my hand down. He turned to me with a concerned look.

"Why would I do that?" He asks his face expression turning judgy.

"I can't have her knowing about my lifespan or her own. She'll be crushed... And I know you've grown a little crush on her." I say while he looks at me blankly.

"E-eh? I-I have not!" He yells, his face turning red.

"Don't lie to me, I know you have and it's fine. I don't care." I confirm with him. He just turns around and goes to the corner of the stall and pouts. I give out a big sigh.

"If you choose to ignore me then at least don't tell her about me or the library. Act like we never met." I ask him while putting my hand on his shoulder. He turns his head to me with a smirk. He then stands up with his finger on his lip.

"Hmm... Dunno, what's in it for me?" He asks with a smug look. I cross my arms.

"You're in love with her, so I know you don't want to see her depressed and traumatized. Correct?" I asked with a smirk. His expression turned to a worried and concerned expression.

"F-fine, I'll consider.." He spawns looking down

"Thank you Hanako," I say then pat him on the back. I quickly leave to try to go find some friends.



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