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Lily-chan: YOOO I CAN FINALLY WRITE CHAPTER 19! I'm writing this on my phone but I hate writing it on my phone cause SOMEONE went and changed 'mason' to 'Antonio' and Idk how to change it back-

Omg, there's a spider- AAHHH IDK WHERE IT WENT-

UM, anyways I've been watching and reading a lot of depressing shit so that I know how to make Y/N feel... I shall torture...

Get your comfortable cause this is going to be a long ass chapter

K I'll leave you alone now!

Good luck! (still scared for my life)







I raised my hand and got a bathroom pass but when I got out there it was gone. But then I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

• • •

I turned around to see who it was but it was just Tsuchigomori-sensei who held a concerned look on his face.

"Sorry, I thought I saw someone out here..." I said with a sigh.

"You did" He answered, then pointed up, a red haku-joudai sat floating in the air trying to hide. My eyes widened and went over jumping trying to catch it.

"It's too high up to catch," He said with a small laugh of pity.

"Well at least I know he's not dead, just ignoring me, and if he's just ignoring me then I can still find him...!" I said under my breath.

"Wait, you can see it?!" I asked a little too loudly. He nodded then came over and whispered in my ear.

"Honorable No.7 will be at the rooftop pretty much all day, if you get done early I'll excuse you and you can visit" He whispered making sure the Haku-joudai couldn't hear.

My heart started racing and I felt my eye widen with excitement, not only was the hottest teacher in the school whispering in my ear(sadly not seductively), but now I knew the location of him!

How will you thank him?

A: Hug him then go and finish your work

B: Bow and finish your work

If A:

I feel my heart doing flips and my stomach starting an entire circus of butterflies. He backs away from my ear with a smile. I go up to him and hug the tall guy as hard as I can.

"Thank you so much" I tried to thank him but my words were muffled by his stomach. He awkwardly hugged me back and then guided me into class. I rush to my desk to finish my science assignment.

If B:

I feel my heart doing flips and my stomach starting an entire circus of butterflies. He backs away from my ear with a smile.

"Thank you very much Tsuchigomori-sensei!" I say while bowing. Then I quickly rushed into the classroom and to my desk to finish my science assignment.



'Is all that Mason said true?' I wondered while walking over to Y/N's classroom. I look through the window, she looks different. Nothing about her appearance has changed but she doesn't have the spark she normally has. Haku-joudai floated over to my ear and whispered in my ear.

"You also want me to talk to her?" I question while putting my hand on the window, my gaze gliding to the floor. It whispered again to answer. With a sigh, I look back up and see No.5 looking at me with a disappointed look as if he knew the situation. I looked back over at Y/N who was turning her head toward me. I quickly turned my back to the wall before she could see me.

I heard her step out of her seat so I faded away to the rooftop and left a haku-joudai hiding so I could still keep an eye on her.

Before she could see me I would just sit next to her desk and watch but things are different now.

I watched as she walked out of the classroom to only be disappointed.

I go over to the railing and sit down. With my head in my hands and hat on the ground.

"Hey what are you doing here? You don't look like you're from this school" A voice said. I looked up and saw a tall kid with a blue uniform and a weird-looking umbrella and blond messy hair and blue eyes.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just... walking around...?" I said, trying to make it believable.

'He's probably just got a powerful sixth sense' I think liking back down.

He walks over and sits next to me looking at the sky.

"I'm Kou Minamoto, a second year of the jr. high division! What's your name?" He said with his hand out ready to shake.

Do you...

A: Tell a lie about the school (safer)

B: Tell the truth

If A:

"Oh um, I'm... Yugi Amane, from the Ouran Academy, but don't get it mixed up with the show it's nothing like that" I replied then shook his hand.

If B:

"Oh no I go here, I just haven't been in class in a long time, anyways my name is Yugi Amane," I said not technically lying. He nodded understandingly while shaking my hand.

"Yeah I get that, school sucks and life happens, I'm glad you have the guts to skip though," He said with a sigh.


"Why aren't you in class?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh, I finished early so my teacher said I could go" He answered and took out his phone.

"30 minutes left, I'm going to get something to eat, see you around Yugi," the boy said then took up. I watched him walk away while I waved goodbye.



I finished all of my homework with 45 minutes left of class. Other kids were either on their phones or still doing work. I shoved everything in my bag and then walked over to Tsuchigomori-sensei.

"Which rooftop?" I asked in a whisper.

"This one" He answered without bothering to look up.

I nod and then just stare at him.

"L/N-chan you may be excused," He said with a sigh. Nobody bothered to look up or argue. I bow my head in thanks then head for the rooftop. While I am walking I see a haku-joudai in front of my waiting. It floated over to me as if wanting me to follow it. I nodded then it started flying away fast. I ran after it trying not to lose stamina.


The Haku-joudai led me to the rooftop door and then faded through it.

"Haku-joudai, didn't I tell you to keep an eye on Y/N?" I heard Hanako say. My heart almost stopped at the sound of his voice and tears filled up in my eyes. All there was left to do was open the door, but my body stopped it couldn't. I heard footsteps come near on the other side and with that, he opened the door.

(update spider has not been found but what if he's secretly tsuchigomori's secret love child-)

On the other side of the door, Hanako stood just as shocked as I was.

The tears that were loading in my eyes began to run down my face uncontrollably. My feet started to walk slowly until I jumped on him, tackling him to the ground.

Do you...

A: Give an Apology

B: Be smad (this is safe don't worry)

C: Cry into his shoulder and not say anything

If A:

"I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry-"

"W-what are you sorry for?" Hanako interrupted, confused. I nudged my face into his neck, his skin turning from ice cold to boiling.

"I don't know, I'm just so sorry" I cried, his shoulder soaked by now. I feel him slowly wrap his arms around my body and played with my hair.


If B:

I lifted myself to look him in the eyes.

"Why did you leave me like that? What did Mason wish for that made you leave me? What does 'curiosity killed the cat 'even mean? Why-" I was interrupted by Hanako's look of guilt and sorrow in his eyes. My tears falling on his face didn't help him either.

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down into a hug.

The butterflies that were in my stomach felt like they all multiplied by three as he played with my hair.

"I'm sorry..." he apologized softly in my ear, making my heart sink.

"No. I'm sorry for yelling at you..." I apologized back in response.

"No, no, I deserve it," he said while we both gripped tighter.


If C:

I said nothing. I only cried into him. I couldn't comprehend anything to say at the moment and there were any words to describe how happy yet selfish I was feeling at the time.

"I...I'm sorry, I never meant to make you cry", He whispered in my ear softly. It only made me cry harder. These weren't tears of sadness but tears of happiness.

"Just..." I began to say but lost words.

"I know, I won't do it again," he said as if reading my mind.

He held me tight and messed with my hair which made my heart flutter but I never said anything.


4 points if you chose choice A for being cute!

5 points if you chose choice B for letting him hear what he needed!

4 points if you chose choice C cause it seems right!



After a few moments, I got off of him and dusted off my uniform, and helped him up.

"Um, what are you doing out of class?" Hanako asked awkwardly, looking at the ground.

"I finished all my work so that I could find you" I answered with my hands on my hips, my face still wet with tears and my eyes bloodshot.

He nodded as he started turning red and fidgeting with his uniform.



Hanako's entire face was red as he lifted his head.

"It's just that I... I thought if I left your life, things would turn out for the better for you, I thought I could help you..." He tried to explain to her but the right words weren't coming out.

'I believe I know what's happening' I thought.

NARRATOR (cuz Idk how to explain what's gonna happen from Y/N's POV):

"I just-" Hanako was interrupted by two lips pressed against his, they were soft and smooth. His entire being glowed red like a Christmas light.

Y/N released with a smile.

"You don't need to explain any further, I understand now, thank you for caring so much about me..." She thanked him as she began to trail off in thought.

Hanako finally snapped from shock and grew a smug grin at the spaced-out girl.

(Warning it'll get a bit smutty 😔 skip if you don't wanna see this. Also Dirty Mind from 3OH!3 came on while writing this 😭✋)

Hanako grabbed her wrist and teleported to the bathroom where he had her pinned to the wall with a perverted smile.

Do you

A: Encourage it

B: Don't encourage it

If A:

Y/N let out a giggle.

"Oh this brings back Dejavu, what are you gonna do to me 'o great Honorable 7?" Y/N said leaning forward to Hanako, catching him off guard and red but he was able to mask that up with shallow breaths.

"Or as you put it..." She trailed off going by his ear.

"Master Hanako-kun?" She said, smirking.

Hanako's entire body went red and clammy, unable to box his feelings any longer.

"I um"

"Aweh what's wrong, where did all that talk go?"

"You're right," He said then looked up with somehow even more of a perverted smile. He wasn't flustered, he was laughing.


If B:

"Wow, you've got me pinned to a wall, in a bathroom, isolated from everyone else, where nobody can hear anything, what are you gonna do rape me?" Y/N bluntly said with an emotionless face.

Hanako looked at her red.

"I've done it once, nothing different here" She answered her question and his questions in his head.

'Please buy my bluff,' She begged him in my head.

"I- I don't know what to say," He said, his grip loosening. He let go then went into his stall in the corner and looked at the ground.

"I was kidding you know" Y/N almost shouted.

He turned around with an evil, perverted smile on his face.

"Oh I know, you're terrible at lying" Be stated then he walked over to you then his Haku-joudai swiftest under your feet making you fall, then he grabbed your wrists mid-air and pinned you to the bathroom stall wall.

He wasn't pouting or anything like that.

He was planning.


He has you pinned, he tricked you with a little acting and you didn't notice even after so many drama classes.

He had you cornered physically and mentally.

"You know, remember when we confessed to each other..." He asked while looking down at your chest. He laid his head down on your shoulders before continuing.

"I did mean it" He stated. His entire mood changed, he wasn't childish and funny anymore, he was mature and older now.

Y/N was speechless, she couldn't think of what to do in this situation and only hoped someone would help her...

But then again did she truly want help...?

He let go of her wrists and wrapped his hands around her waist. He took one of his hands and caressed her neck.

The butterflies in Y/N's stomach started multiplying by ten and at an alarming rate, her entire being was red in embarrassment and hormones, and her breathing was shallow making her heart run fast.

"That is why I did what I did, but now it doesn't matter anymore..." He told her, awfully close to her neck as if kissing it.

She could feel his hot breath on her skin.

"I-" she tried to make words but nothing came out...

Then suddenly he backed away from her with his hands up.

Ding ding ding bong, bing bong ding dong...

~End of smutty part~

As if he were counting the seconds the alarm for the next class came. He had a goofy grin on his face and tongue sticking out.

"Well looks like you have things to do and I have things to do, see you at lunch!" He announced then faded away.

Y/N slowly slid down onto her butt, a very red mess.

'Was he thinking; 'Let's see how flustered we can make Y/N right before the class'

Then the bathroom door opened.

"Hey Y/N are you in here..." A familiar, pink-headed voice echoed through the bathroom. He looked around and saw Y/N who was a red mess laying on the ground.

"M-Mitsuba, I think I just had the best thing happen to me"

I couldn't think straight for the rest of the day.



This is a longgg chapter so go ahead and go to the bathroom or grab water or something 'cause there's a lot more coming!

Normally I'd just end the chapter here but not in this case!

Alright now that you're back let's get to it!





I watched as Y/N left the house for school. Today's the day, I'm mentally prepared.

'I don't really have much to do today, so I suppose I'll just sleep in a bit more' I thought as I climbed back into bed.




~~Welcome Reader, to dreamland, but, if this were any other dream your choice game would continue, but this dream is memories of Mason's past so your choices will not work here. Please keep in mind that if the host is not paying attention to a part of the memories then it'll be blurred, the more he pays attention the more in focus it'll be.

Now go ahead and read the past before the host passes on, and have fun~~

"Masoooon! Mass mass, MaSoN!" A little girl called Mason's name repetitively.

"Yes Y/N?" A little boy with short hair and overalls was drawing while a little girl with small pigtails on the top of her head in an overall dress was trying to shove the picture in his face.

"I drew you! Do you like it?" The little girl named Y/N said with a big cheesy smile. Mason looked over to his sister and smiled.

"I love it Y/N it looks just like me!" The boy said about to cry from how cute she was.

Y/N giggled then put the paper on the table and hugged her younger twin brother.


"...happy birthday to Y/N and Mason... happy birthday to you..!" Everyone sang, but only Y/N's face wasn't blurred out. The two blew out the 5 candles on the cake. Then Mason put his hand in the cake and gave it to his sister and she did the same. Everyone started laughing at them.

"Ah to be 5 again"

"And that's why we bought two cakes!"

"Look, they're giving it to each other! Aren't they so cute?!"

Everyone talked but at the moment he only cared for his older twin.


It was around 3:30 and Mason heard a rumor from Y/N that her school had 7 school mysteries...

No.1 The three o'clock time keepers...

No.2 The Misaki stairs...

No.3 The hell of mirrors...

No.4 Shijima of the art room...

No.5 The four pm bookstacks...

No.6 The Reaper....

And finally, the one who is in charge of all...

No.7 Hanako-san of the bathroom...

He walked into the school with a visitor's badge that said "Mason L/N". He saw a tall teacher with a long white lab coat on top of a purple sweater and wore huge sandals. He walked over to the teacher.

"Excuse me, sir, do you by chance know where the library is?" The boy asked the tall man.

He looked down at him and read the name tag.

"Mason L/N.... Ah, you must be Y/N L/N's twin?" He asked with a laugh.

"Yes, that's me," Mason answered smiling.

"How often does she talk about me?" The short boy asked, blushing a bit.

"Oh god, you're all she talks about, for example; she doesn't have many friends so whenever something about friends pops up on an assignment you're the one listed" He explained smiling. Mason's eyes widened with excitement and joy in his eyes, his face blushed in honor.

"Wow, that's crazy!" He mumbled to himself. The teacher nodded.

"Yeah it is, she also brags about how she's taller than you at 4'7"

Now his face was blushing from embarrassment.

"I'm only an inch shorter!" He exclaimed, the teacher just laughed.

"Anyways, the library is down the hall and to the second door to the left" He explained while pointing. Mason nodded.

"Thank you very much," Mason said with a bow then was in his way.

"Where is the library...." Mason talked to himself.

School mystery No.5, the four pm bookstacks, in the school there's a special storeroom you can only enter at four pm, the room is full of books with people's names on them, each of the books contains a record of the person's life at the school. What they've done here and what they'll do next... past, present, and future is all written in the book. The white books contain records of people that are alive and the black of people who have passed away but the red books are the ones you should never read.

He wanted to look for Y/N's future part of the book so that he could get a sneak peek at her first boyfriend and then go hunt him down.

A little butterfly flew past him and his face, and he followed it. It landed on a book, but it didn't have any title on it.

He pulled out the book but when he did a door appeared with a butterfly symbol on it.

He went inside and

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