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The first kiss (FOR REAL THIS TIME)

A/N: So... I finished DDLC in like 24 hours (Not all at once ofc) and... Let me say it's a good game but I would suggest it for people who are sensitive to blood, yandere, horror, that stuff. But it was very, very interesting. Also video is not mine. Kay Bai.

I go up to the third floor with Mitsuba and head to the bathroom. As soon as I enter I see a cute ghost boy jump onto me.

"Y/N! I MISSED YOU! I WAS SO LONELY WITHOUT YOOUUUUU" Hanako said, hugging me tightly. I put my arms around him.

"Okay, what's up? I saw you at science class, it wasn't THAT long ago." I say while he leans back to look me in the eye.

"Can't... I just miss my friend...?" He asks in a soft voice. I start to blush.

"I-I guess" I answer. He looks behind me and then gets off of me.

"Aww, you brought Pinkie-pie again..." He complains while he hangs his arms around my waist. I nod.

Do you

A: Call him your best friend (Mitsuba)

B: Say that he's only there to see if he can see you again.

If A:

"Well he is my best friend so..." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Aw, then what am I?! A roach?!" He complains while nuzzling into my hair.

"I know I just met you Hanako-san, but within the 12 hours I've known you exist it seems that you two are boyfriend, girlfriend rather than friends," He says while putting his bag on the ground. Our faces heat up.


"The fact that whenever you're together you're always all over each other." He says, crossing his arms.

"Ya know, it ain't official but it could be~" Hanako teases, scooting his hands lower south. (If ya understand me 😏)

My face turns red.

"Get off me!" I yell, turning around and waving my arms in his face.

"Aww come onnnn" He complains, floating above me.

"Wow, you're proving my point more," Mitsuba says walking over to us.

"Shut up Depressed-camera-man-kun!" I say facing Mitsuba. He just shakes his head and then lifts me up so I can slap Hanako. I sadly fail to slap him, He grabs my hand before I could hit him then he floats up higher. Lifting me up.

"Wow, your light!" He says smirking.

"Um, thanks I guess?" I say, confused.

"It's probably because of how short she is," Mitsuba teases.

"Yeah, but to think her breasts would add some weight from how big they are..." Hanako comments then start looking at my chest. I see Mitsuba turn red, realizing he can look underneath my uniform.

"Let me down Hanako-kun!" I yell while struggling.

"Okay," He says, then starts swinging me. I'm getting higher and higher until he swoops me into his arms. He then slowly floats down. He then sets me down.

If B:

"Depressed-camera-man-kun? Oh yeah, he's just here to double-check if you're real." I say with my hands on my hips.

"Yeah," Mitsuba says while putting his bag down.

"Is he like your boyfriend or something?" Hanako asks while scooting his hands lower south. (If ya understand me 😏)

My face turns red from the fact that he thought we were dating and from where he was hugging me from.

"Us dating? No, if anyone is dating it's you two" He says giving me a smug look.

"W-why would you say that?!" I ask worriedly.

'Don't say it, don't spill my secret' I think to myself.

"It's the fact you're all over each other 24/7, or at least in the time that I've known Hanako-san," He says, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, Y/N, wanna be my girlfriend," Hanako asks bluntly. I turn around and face him.

"I know that's only a joke off of what Depressed-camera-face-kun said. So no" I answer. He leans in closer.

"What if it wasn't a joke~," He asks with a smirk. My face turns red.

"Can you two horny emo's give into lust when I'm not around?" Mitsuba asks while sitting on the window seal petting the Mokke-chan. Hanako lets go of me and I go and pick up a Mokke-chan then start petting it.


For the rest of the time we hung out in the bathroom, and I tried to bully Hanako into kissing a Mokke-chan but he sadly refused.

"Why do you want me to kiss it- It's fuzzy-" Hanako says hiding behind Mitsuba. I held it up.

"Because! It's cute and deserves kisses!" I say shaking the life out of it. Wait, it's dead already.

"I know someone else who's cute," Mitsuba says. We both go silent.

"Yeah, me too," Hanako says, floating out from behind Mitsuba. He then comes over to me and holds my face then smirks.

"I won't kiss the Mokke, but I will kiss you~," He says leaning forward to me. My face turns red.

"I was talking about myself but go ahead and do that" Mitsuba says as he pulls out his camera and acts like he's recording. I push Hanako away. He frowns.

"Aw come on~ Just a little smooch~" He complains as he floats back to me. I shake my head.

"Nuh-uh! Nope! No way-" I was interrupted by the feel of lips on my cheek. Then they quickly go away and then I see Hanako all red behind Mitsuba who had his camera up, recording it all.

My face went red.

"W-what just happened-?" I ask, trying not to stutter. Mitsuba gives me a smirk.

"Oh ya know, Toilet buddy just kissed you," He says then presses a button on his camera, stopping the recording.

"S-sor- Wait" Hanako mumbles then comes out from hiding, looking like he had confidence.

"I'm not sorry!" He says, then wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'll even do it again!" He says leaning forward.

Do you

A: Kiss him first

B: Push him away

C: Say your gay (LMAO)

If A:

"W-what?!" I ask flustered.

"You heard me! What, afraid you'll like it~?" He asks, intertwining our foreheads.

(Isn't that from a vegan ad or sm? XD)

"Oh yeah?!" I say, then I force him onto his feet then lift up his hair and kiss his forehead. He turns red then quickly calms down and brings me in closer.

"Excuse me? Taking a picture of my mom's ugly sweaters is better than watching this lust so, I'ma leave" Mitsuba says then starts walking over to his bag. I push away Hanako and go say goodbye to Mitsuba. He pats me on the head and then leaves.

"Do you think he sees me as a kid?" I ask Hanako. I feel him come up behind me and bring me into a hug.

"Why do you think that?" He asks leaning down to be face-to-face.

"The way he patted me on the head... It seemed out of character." I answer.

"Eh, maybe, maybe not"

If B:

I quickly push him away to avoid embarrassment. He frowns then tilts his head.

"Aww come on~" He complains while pulling on my uniform.

I turn my head.

"Not even a little kiss?" He asks sadly. I shake my head.

"Pleaseee, pretty please with a donut on top~?" He begs, going on his knees. I take off his hat and put it on my head. It's a bit big for me but whatever. He looks back up and blushes.

"If I let you wear it can I get a kiss?"

"Why do you want me to kiss you so badly?" I ask, smirking down at him. He stands back up.

"Beacauseeeeee, you don't want a kiss so now I wanna give or receive a kiss" He explains while being cutely hatless. I put my finger on my lip. I then put the hat back on his head. I kiss my hand and then stamp my hand in between his eyes.

"That's all you get," I say.

"Aww, that's not satisfying" He complains while adjusting his hat.

"Excuse me? Taking a picture of my mom's ugly sweaters is better than watching this lust so, I'ma leave" Mitsuba says then starts walking over to his bag. I go over and say my goodbyes. Then he waves to me and Hanako, then takes his leave.

If C:

"Sorry, that's the only kiss you get out of my Hanako-kun," I say, putting my hand out.

"Aww, why?" He complains.

"Oh, you didn't know? I'm gay"

"Your a girl dumbass"

"I'm lesbian then" I correct myself. Hanako stood there frozen and pale, probably heartbroken.

"Wait, really?" Hanako said, his voice sounding heartbreaking.

"No, it was a joke," I say, putting my face in my hand.

"Yay!" Hanako said then jumped onto me.

"Why are you happy about it? It's not like you like me" I say, hugging back. I like the hugs even if they're uncalled for. He stays silent. I do still know that he said that he was in love with me but, did he mean it? I think he did since he's not answering.

"Kay, I'm leaving. I'm done with seeing the bitter-sweet mood" Mitsuba says then starts walking over to grab his bag. (Haha, manga reference)

I peel Hanako off of me and then went to go say my goodbyes. He waves to me and Hanako then leaves.


I spent about another hour with Hanako before deciding to leave but then...

"Hey Hanako, I think I'm going to start heading home. Any longer and it'll get too dark and Mason will have to pick me up. He said he felt sick so I don't want to bother him." I say then look over to my bag. He nods then I jump off the ledge seal and grab the bag. I wave to Hanako but as soon as I turn around I feel an ice-cold hand holding onto my wrist. I turn around to see Hanako looking at the ground red.

'Is this it? Is he going to confess to me?! It says on google that you should confess your love for your crush as soon as you get the feel of them, and I've been pretty open with him! Is this it EEEEEEE' I think as he stands there?

"I... Um..." He mumbles under his breath.

'THIS IS IT! GET READY!' I scream in my head.

"You... dropped this..." He says, then hands me a tampon that fell out of my bag. My face goes pale then red.

"D-do you know w-what that i-is?" I ask hoping it's a 'no'.

"No, not really, I just know it's what girls use a lot" Hanako explains looking up from the floor.


"Oh, well thank you..." I say then grab it and put it in my bag. I then go up and hug him then leave.



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