7 : The Other Side

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Virion Eralith

Arthur has been missing now for almost 2 years and I am now regretting my decisions. Arthur that time saved Tessia without knowing that she's a royalty. And that whole time I was thinking that Arthur only saved Tessia to take advantage of the fact that she's a royalty but that's wrong, every decision that I made after that incident is wrong.

Arthur's past is similar to mine. When I'm the king of Elenoir and in the middle of the war against Sapin. I lost my sanity when my wife lost her life trying to save me. I was devastated but managed to recover for my son, my family. I should've guided him, I should've guided the boy to put him on the right pathway to live. But I didn't do that, I was too worried and shocked about the information that I abandoned the poor boy and I regret that decision.

After that I didn't know what to do and asked Rinia for advice but all she said was ”There is nothing that we can do but accept the reality and the challenges ahead of us" which did not make sense that day but now it does.

After I came back from Rinia's place I found out that the newly discovered continent just launched an attack on Xyrus academy and how Arthur wiped them all and suddenly disappeared.

I was furious that time, my son and daughter in law didn't just ordered to capture Arthur who saved the whole academy but also ordered to Aya to kill him.

And now Arthur Leywin is just a part of the past. No one knows where did he go. No one knows his current situation. But all I know is that he's alive somewhere, Rinia confirmed this and I know that boy won't give up so easily. I hope he comes back so I can apologize for all I did that time.

For just almost two years a lot have already happened. All the people connected to Arthur changed. His family is now broken, his sister doesn't come home and shes always with Cynthia and lives with her as she took the girl under her wing.

His father tries to be cheerful around his family but when alone, is a crazed man for improvements wanting to be stronger. As Aya reports that he's always training alone and advanced to dark yellow stage and unlocks lightning deviant.

I sent Aya there regularly to report to me their situation but now stopped because I'm focusing about the war.
The war is still not starting officially yet but it's already stressful being the commander of this continent.

Adding the fact that the only thing that the deities provided us are 3 artifacts for another 3 lances, information about Alacrya and disposed those traitors the Greysunders and Olfred. Don't get me wrong, having three more white core mages is a huge help but our continent is now acting as a meatshield. While Epheotus the land of deity only did two things to help us.

“They are probably just using us to buy sometimes but that doesn't matter, without them we won't stand a chance against Alacrya"

Speaking of changes my grand daughter changed a lot. My son has influenced her a lot telling her not to go near the Leywins at any cost or anyone who's been close to Arthur.
Tessia doesn't even speaks about Arthur anymore, not even once.

She has grown strong and mature even though her mind developed forcefully to completely move on about Arthur. She's now near on breaking through dark silver and I promised her that I'll send her to war when she reach light yellow. But I'm not gonna do that, I will only send my granddaughter to clear corrupted dungeons in the Beast glades, at least that would be safer than possibly facing a retainer in the frontlines.

The friends of Arthur also seems regretting their choices after that day, especially the kid named Elijah. I don't know how close they are but he is deeply affected by the fact that Arthur went missing but the poor boy couldn't break through dark orange and now helping at Cynthia's Academy.

The other DC members are now helping at war such as Feyrith Ivysaur, Claire Bladeheart and Theodore Maxwell. But the same as what I'm planning to do for Tessia, I didn't allow them to the frontlines but put them in the Beastglades.

Now in my room in the flying castle, drinking some alcohol again thinking of what to do in the upcoming war.

“sigh, If I knew that you were already old enough I would've liked to have a drink with you, just where are you now brat?"

Grey Vritra

I can't believe that the great Scythe Seris cannot cook and orders her retainer to cook for her. Seriously? she acts like a old woman but can't cook? sigh

I'm now on top of my bed just resting after I ate some food Retainer Cylrit delivered to us. The poor guy not only did became a errand boy but a cook.

I pity him for serving this old woman who can't even cook until who knows."

knock knock

I heard a knock on the door, already knowing that it's Caera I allowed her to enter my room.

“Caera, you can enter" The door opened revealing Caera her hair tied in a messy bun. She's wearing a white oversized shirt and black pajamas.

"What are you doing? just come in" I said facing Caera who's still outside the room just peaking over the small space between the wall and the door she just opened.

“how cute"

cough ehem, Caera why are you not entering I already allowed you twice."

I said still looking at her face between the door and the wall.

“It's my first time entering a friends room." Caera said looking down with a slight redness on her face.

I tilted my face to the right kinda confused “Caera are you sick? your face is kinda red" I said with a worried face.

“No I'm not, how can you be so dense sigh, Grey actually I'm here to ask you if you want to join the academy with me? It will start in a week and I'm on my third year now yet I still only have two friends and all of them are girls. So maybe you can join me there, I'm just asking." Caera said and she's kind off embarrassed saying this.

“Well that's a mouthful but joining the academy won't be bad. And it's a request from Caera my one and only friend, of course I wouldn't be able to refuse cant I? I just hooe I won't be a professor again."

I thought and smiled at Caera.

“Of course I'll join, I don't have anything to do here except of training so that would be good." I said and Caera smiled and have an excited look on her face.

“Well that's all I want to say. Thank you Grey, see you tomorrow."

“See you too tomorrow Caera, Goodnight. " I said

“Goodnight to you too Grey" Caera replied and closed the room of my door

I should rest now, I still have something to do tomorrow and that is to go to Taegrin Caleum to say hello to Agrona and ask some questions. I also want to get my dimensions ring back, It has a lot of beast cores inside of it  and of course to get my sword Dawn's ballad back.

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