I've been out for a month so i decided to cook. Advanced thanks for the soon 30k reads.
Grey's sword, Grudge, pierced through the young asura's body from the back making the sword go through the asura's whole body leaving the crowd and the asura speechless.
"You... Who are you?"
Demanded by the asura
Grey only replied with a cold smile as if mocking the young deity.
“The godkiller.”
The asura scoffed at this and sent back a smile to ridicule Grey.
“And who gav-
“I thought godkiller should be appropriate”
The asura's eyes turned black and glared at Grey.
“A mere lesser shouldn't be able to move like that. Answer my question who are you?”
But the asura didn't receive a reply, instead he received pain that crawled from his chest.
Just like that, the asura disappeared from Grey's sword and as if he teleported away.
‘Fast, lean, and agile. He is a pantheon as Agrona explained. I expected something like a dragon but this should do.’
Grey raised his sword infront of his face, admiring his reflection on is pitch black surface and the blood of the young asura trickling down on it's surface.
About to attack the young asura again, Grey remembered something that someone said to him years ago.
“No, torture a Pantheon if you wanna know."
Agrona Vritra's words resurfaced on his head. Grey smiled, it is a small smile that he sent to the young asura. But the smile only has one meaning behind it, it was a smile of pity.
He didn't erase the smile on his face, it stayed while he walked towards the young asura that is wondering why the hole in his chest isn't regenerating.
Though even Grey don't know, he is certain that his sword is something special and is made out of something vicious. His explanation about this matter is just “Agrona won't give me a clean, soft made weapon that's for sure."
The young Asura sensing that something is wrong released a weird suffocating aura that affected even those who were in the land outside and near the flying castle that's thousands of meters high in the sky.
“I do not know who you are nor know what your purpose is but this is not enough to stop me from fulfilling my lord's command.”
The young asura released his full power and smiled arrogantly towards Grey.
“I am Taci of the Thyestes clan. The next inheritor of the World Eater technique. The best student of Kordri, one of the elder Pantheons. And you... What is your name? ”
“There is no point in knowing. I'm just a nobody. ”
“If so, then die horribly.”
Taci moved quickly towards Grey, He moved so quickly that everyone couldn't see what is happening, except Grey himself.
‘He moves fast but I cannot sense an ounce of mana. So this is the original mirage walk of the Pantheons?'
Taci lifted his spear and slashed Grey with its tip but Grey easily parried the attack.
He then sent multiple slashes that Grey eventually also parried.
He jumped into the air and pierced his sword towards Grey.
Grey blocked the spear with his sword and deflected the spear causing it to stab the floor.
With the spear now stuck on the floor, Grey's free hand blazed with soul fire and it shot towards Taci.
The soul fire engulfed his whole body and after a few seconds the soul fire disappeared into nothingness without a trace of Taci getting burned.
A black orb suddenly appeared behind Grey and there comes out Taci without any kind of damages.
Grey looked back and saw Taci grinning.
“A technique that creates its own space? No... it create its own dimension.”
Grey smiled.... No, he also grinned. The pantheon in front of him is surely a prodigy and all the clan's available techniques are now just in front of his reach.
“Unfortunately, Fresh vegetables shouldn't be cut. If cut, then it will rot much faster. ”
With that in thought, Grey returned his weapon inside his ring and raised his right hand in front of him.
“I have really changed ”
Murmured by the man to no one.
He looked at his hand in front of him and observed the long fingernails resembling a claw.
His fist closed, as his fingernails dug in his palm, a burst of. soul fire burst from within his fist.
“So you're a half breed huh? I should say that you have guts on entering this continent that is protected by us.”
“Protected? you have already abandoned this land. We know that Dicathians have been crawling like maggots unknown of the direction they need to take since you've abandoned them.”
“Watch your mouth lesser.”
“My eyes are up here so it's impossible to watch my mouth. ”
Grey replied while pointing on both his eyes with his middle and index finger.
Suddenly, Grey disappeared out of Taci's sight and punched him in the stomach down to the floor with a soul fire infused fist.
Taci dropped to floor with Grey's fist still connecting with his stomach and Grey released a barrage of soulfire infused punches.
Taci blocked some of the punches but eventually got dominated by Grey.
Suddenly, the punches that is hitting Taci decreased and Grey noticed this too.
He then used Godstep to move away from the young asura.
A veil of dust and smoke covered the area where Taci once layed and a shadow that is strangely shaped stood up.
The silhouette of Taci now grew from his former form. Something in his head resembled a horn and his formerly two arms became four.
“So that's why my fist didn't reach him anymore, he simply grew more arms.”
“To think a lesser would make me use this form... You surely isn't just a Scythe.”
Taci emerged from the veil of dust, he now has four arms, golden scales, a pair of horn sprouting from the side of his head bent and ending on his forehead, . A pair of eyes appeared on both sides of his head, making him look like an abomination, not a deity that he is supposed to be.
Having the mood to mess with the young asura, Grey replied with a smirk.
“I am Agrona's favorite grandson. ”
This reply made Taci freeze.
“Grandson? foolish lesser. That snake would never have a weak lesser as a grandson. ”
This response didn't look like affected Grey. But Grey's thoughts are different.
“If a vegetable were cut, it will rot faster. But that process could be slowed down by low temperatures”
Grudge appeared again in Grey's hand. But right now, he infused decay mana inside of it.
The sword's color changed, its pitch black color is now with a hint of dark purple, because of the overloading decay mana inside of it.
“Did I hit a nerve lesser!?”
Taci mocked Grey again, but this time it came with a hint of caution. Just one hit of that sword would mean the end. Taci, who is arrogant and is still a child thought that the reason of Grey being strong is because of that sword but he is incorrect.
Grudge is a sword forbidden to use in the Basilisk clan, But Agrona who stole it from the original storage in Epheotus gave it to Grey for him to use freely.
Grudge is a sword made from countless horns of the former clan leaders.
The Basilisks is a species that prioritizes intelligence over emotion that's why one of every dead clan leader's horns is made into an artifact using the arts they have stolen from other clans. The other horn is given to the next leader to be absorbed.
Grudge shined brightly, the forbidden sword also known as the mourning sword produced a sound akin to a sound of someone dying. It produces this sound if the sword has absorbed a large amount of decay mana.
Grey did not answer Taci's provocation. No words were replied but Grey already disappeared from Taci's sight.
“This lesser... he is using mirage walk!”
Sensing the danger that he's in, Taci rotated his four opened hands and the mana around him disrupted.
Then, he smirked as he sensed a mana signature behind him.
He twisted his spear to point at his back and stabbed the location where the signature is.
But he stabbed nothing but air.
a surge of soul fire bursted in his surroundings but the soul fire miraculously disappeared.
Taci has absorbed the soul fire using his spear.
He then swung his spear diagonally, producing a slash that could cut almost anything.
Thanks to Taci's huge height from transforming, no one was hit by his slash but the whole flying castle was cut diagonally.
Taci again used his four hands to disrupt the mana around him, making Grey's copy of mirage walk falter.
Taci disappeared and appeared again using the black orb and his towering figure casted shadow upon Grey.
He used his spear to stab Grey in the chest but Grey blocked it with his sword.
The asura then grabbed the blade of Grey's sword full of decay mana using two of his hands, not caring about being decayed.
And using his one available hand, he held Grey's right hand that is holding his sword with so much force to make him drop his weapon.
Taci successfuly manage to get Grudge out of Grey's hand and kicked Grey away from the sword.
He immediately cut his two arms that have touched the sword, and the now cut arms regenerated slowly because of his golden scales.
“I guess he is a lesser after all. Only his speed and sword is worth something. I will win after a few spells. ”
Taci's four arms are now back in their former glory. He stepped forward to make another attack but the weight of his spear is nowhere to be felt.
His eyes in the right side of his head looked down and saw that his two newly regenerated arms are now gone, along with his spear.
Both his eyes on the sides looked back at Grey who stabbed Taci again.
But this time the sword isn't in his chest but is stabbed in his neck.
“You... Huh- What is... No I-
Taci's head fell off the floor and bounced near Grey's right foot.
Taci's body immediately is encased in a coffin of black ice.
“He is strong but is arrogant and lacked experience. His guard went down when I used soul fire. He must've underestimated me because I'm not a full bred asura.”
The young asura's corpse disappeared and went inside Grey's ring.
“Killing him is the only way. He would've been more formidable in the future. He would be a thorn on the side if he reached his full potential.”
Grey walked towards the young asura's spear and grabbed it.
“A spear that can appear and reappear from it's user's hands. And the ability to absorb spells.”
Grey grinned as he found an interesting weapon that can be used against the asuras.
Since the asuras were made up of mana, he thought that this spear could be a major key in defeating an army of them.
“W-who are you! state your name!”
A weak, old voice came from the dusty collapsed council room. Grey recognized this voice. Even though years have passed he still knows their voices.
“Citizens of Dicathen. I will make the same offer made by that Asura.”
Grey's voiced boomed as he used mana to amplify his voice. His voice reached every corner of the broken castle.
“Be an ally of Alacrya and attack Epheotus."
He said strongly as he stepped forward, facing the lances and the council members.
“Or continue this war and die.”
It was a similar yet different offer. Taci said that they will be doing a suicide march towards Alacrya and Grey said that they will be ally to fight Epheotus.
But the other part is much worse. Taci's proposal said that if they refuse, he will kill everyone in the council, that includes the Lances and the council members. That will make the citizen safe for a certain amount of time.
Meanwhile Grey's offer saif that the war will continue, meaning there's a possible chance that everyone in this continent will be hunted to death.
Grey's offer is certainly the best choice.
“I will refuse Alacrya's offer”
The old man's voice answered Grey with full resolve.
“I will not trust a word from another asura especially one from Alacrya.”
With that, all the available Lances drew their weapons, ready to protect the council members.
Except Jasmine
Jasmine knew who he was just after seeing him once again.
The lances who raised their weapons are now ready to attack.
But Grey simply waved his hand. He then started to walk away.
“What are you doing? Didn't you say that you will kill everyone here? ”
“I said that the war will continue not that. But you really are stubborn huh?”
Grey said as he arrived on a part of the castle where the wall is broken.
“You should think more about the future of your people.”
“And this isn't Alacrya's offer but my own.”
“So think carefully about my offer to Dicathen, old bat.”
With that, Grey disappeared, leaving flashes of purple lightning behind.
Virion Eralith, like Jasmine, just realized who he had just talked to.
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