I'm back all I could say is that I'm alive and I can't believe I still have a fold. Btw I'm writing this as I'm cooking my dinner. I'll probably finish this at midnight -,-
Walking around Zestier, I encountered someone who I'm speculating to be a Lance. I said that in front of his face to confirm it and it seems that I'm correct.
Zestier hits me the most nostalgia as this is where I spent my childhood and grew up. This place basically has a part in my life and affected my life in so many ways. This place is really the best in Dicathen in my opinion. Well not that I care about it anymore.
Passing through the crowd, I made my way to where the Lances came from, hoping that it leads me to a teleportation gate and fortunately it did.
Being careful not to expose my face, I eclipse stepped straight to the portal. Even though no one will recognize me because I grew up and now have a different hair and eye color, it's still better to be safe than nothing.
I hate the fact that I would rather use a tempus warp rather than this primitive piece of crap. The thing I hated the most is now not my most hated thing. Tempus warp works for a few seconds but this just takes forever.
Finally exiting that hell hole, the familiar scenery welcomed me. Xyrus changed quite a bit but its layout looked the same.
“You! Take off your hood and tell me what's your purpose in visiting Xyrus?"
A guard with a spear in a metal armor stopped me. I should say that I'm disappointed in how he acted. Your continent is at war and all you do is ask for someone's purpose? He didn't even ask for my name. sigh This continent really doesn't learn.
I brought the hood down and looked straight at the soldier. His reaction is strange as he has a face full of contradiction and confusion.
“E-ehem can I ask what your purpose is here in Xyrus?"
He said with a completely different attitude than before. His arrogant rough attitude changed into a flustered and nervous one.
“My purpose? Hmm...”
I smirked at him and saw his face contorted into a much confused one.
“My purpose is to return, have fun and to let everyone here know that I'm finally back."
The soldier froze up and nodded a little signalling that it's okay for me to go now.
“Have fun at Xyrus s-sir? Please enjoy. Damn I thought it was a girl. Appearance really can be deceiving."
Strolling around Xyrus, I walked past some familiar buildings. The adventurer's guild, the square plaza where the Lance's are introduced and some shops I used to visit.
I entered one of the shops and bought some clothes as clothes in Alacrya look so much better than here. Now that I think about it, Alacrya is far more advanced than Dicathen.
Finishing my purchase, I thanked the merchant and exited the store. I paid 18 gold for 4 pairs of clothing and 2 pairs of boots. It's a bit expensive but it's the highest quality in Dicathen standard so this will do.
I made a detour and went into a small alley where I found a beggar. I made my way to him and stood in front of him. He looked up to me who was looking down on him and panic took over his body. He tried to run but I kicked the wall near his head to stop him.
The beggar who looked old with his beard reaching his chest froze up and slowly looked at me.
“P-please don't kill me I will pay! I will do anythi-
I stabbed his head with the artifact and applied mana into it making it glow white. Information flooded my brain and the artifact stopped glowing as I got the information I needed.
The guy in front of me is a former low class novel who has a lot of connections but got scammed by a higher noble family and all his family members were taken away from him and he ended up in this state.
The one responsible for this man's demise are the Flamesworths and the one who plotted this is Trodius Flamesworth, the name of the pathetic existence of a human being who is also Jasmine's father.
I burned the man's body out of existence and left the alley to go back exploring my former home.
I made my way to Xyrus academy to pay a visit to my old school. Now that I think of it, I didn't graduate here so I can't really be considered to be an alumnus right?
( This the first time I learned about the word alumnus. I thought it was all alumni but there is a word for a male or female alumni. Alumnus(male) alumna(female) we really learn new things everyday)
The academy changed a lot. It looks more like a military base than an academy. Students are either running laps around the campus or resting on the side.
I keep using mirage walk and eclipse step to wander around the school when I discovered something interesting.
It was a stack of pinned paper on a bulletin board where I saw some familiar faces drawn.
Nico's face is drawn in a missing person's poster, with some basic information on it. It seems like Nico also became a substitute teacher here before he was kidnapped.
Speaking of the kidnapper, there are also multiple posters about who kidnapped Nico but all it has was information and not a drawing of a face since no one saw who kidnapped him. But I think it's definitely Lyra who did it as she specializes in sound. I can't imagine in a million years that someone like Uto can do a mission like kidnapping or stealth. He'll definitely mess up and will get a mouthful from Dragoth who is also a battle guy.
But to all the posters here there is one who stood out to me more than anything. It was mine. Yes, a poster of a missing person known as Arthur Leywin.
It was a bigger poster than all of the others here and it's colored unlike the others. It seems that the Helstea helped with this and also the Glayders? I'm not as close to the two children of Blaine but it seems that I'm the only one who thinks like that. Is it Kathlyn? I saved her once so this makes sense. She also didn't get affected much back when I confessed so it's definitely her.
But speaking of Helstea, should I pay them a visit?
“High Sovereign! Are you saying that you sent him there alone!?"
To everyone's shock, it's not Caera, Nico, Cecilia or Seris who lived with Grey since he woke up on this continent who said this but it is Cadell Vritra, Agrona's right hand and the strongest Scythe who said it.
“Young man, do you know the consequences of this dumb action?"
It's neither Kiros nor Orlaeth who said this but another Sovereign. The Sovereign of Etril, Exeges.
Even though he is receiving intense gaze from the five sovereigns head on, Cadell Vritra did not flinch as he only looked straight to the High Sovereign who he asked a question.
“As I said Cadell, It's a warning."
“Grey is full of revenge, I can see it in his eyes. He has the drive that I also had back then. I sent him back there so he can reflect and rethink his goals."
“Thank you for answering, High Sovereign. I apologize for my outburst."
“kuku it's okay as it's welcome to see new things everyday. But I didn't think that you'll get attached so easily."
“That is true, Grey's eyes looks crazy whenever I mention Dicathen like he's planning something vicious. But I think Grey will hold back those desires as he can't do it for the sake of his plan." Nico thought as he looked at Caera who has a face full of contradiction and Cecilia comforting her.
“It's a rough and rushed decision but I was the one who was behind the decision."
A soft comforting voice resonated through the whole room as the Sovereigns went back on seating almost at the same time.
It was Sylvia Indrath the wife of Agrona. She for some reason woke up from something even the strongest Asuras like Agrona wilk not survive. She did something impossible.
“Enough with this. We will now talk about the war and all the dominions will join. This is not a request but an order."
Agrona's voice were heard by everyone as they tensed up as this will affect the future of this continent, no even the future of the world.
Untying my hair, I looked at the mirror in front of me. I don't look like Arthur Leywin at all. I look like a beautiful demon with my horns. Even though there is a slight similarities, I think I won't be discovered by someone unless they're from the Leywins or the Eraliths.
I wore my ring again and my horns disappeared from sight. I looked around my former room which is now Ellie's room.
It seems that it's not used as often and Alice and Reynold's room are the same. They don't sleep in this house that often anymore. So where are they?
A new house? Maybe they are adventuring? But they won't go with Ellie. Ellie is probably in Xyrus or they are all protected by the Eraliths? sigh I don't care anymore.
I opened the window and eclipse stepped exiting the Heltea's mansion with my newly bought clothes.
I landed near the adventurer's guild and made my way inside. The adventurer's guild isn't as packed as before. I assumed that most adventurers are required to go to war so it makes sense. Not all awakened people is brave enough to fight for their continent.
I made my way to the receptionist table and tapped on the bell as there is no one there. Soon a woman with chestnut colored hair appeared and welcomed me, she is the same receptionist when I registered here with Jasmine so this brings back old memories.
“How can I help you sir?"
“I would like to register as an adventurer."
“Is there a problem?"
“Ah! No, it's just so rare to find someone wanting to become an adventurer this day anymore and also someone who is as young as you. I can't really do anything as I would also do the same. It's scary a scary time right now so I don't blame them."
“I see."
“Well, sir can you give me your name and signature please?"
Name huh, I didn't really think about it that much. I can't just go around as Grey so I'll need to think of a new name.
“Ath is my name."
“O-oh do you have a last name?"
“I see. Then please follow me to the back as we will assess your rank. Is that okay?"
“Well then it's that way sir. Please wait there and I will get the branch manager."
Ath means note in icelandic, a language in my former world. Also Ath gives some faint familiarity to my old name Arthur.
I walked to the examination hall and found it empty. Though empty it's still decently clean. It seems like Kaspian is doing his job. Is Kaspian even still the manager here?
“Even though it's empty, it's my duty to clean it. What do you think Mr. Ath?"
I looked to my right and saw Kaspian Bladeheart. It seems that he really is taking his job seriously and managed to hold on to his position.
“It's pretty clean even though it's empty."
“Thank you, as I'm the one who cleans it everyday even though it feels like cheating as I use my magic to clean it."
“Mr. Ath, I'll cut the chase. I'll give you an A rank."
“And why is that?"
“I can't peek at your core levels so I'm assuming you're higher than me that's all."
A rank is quite beneficial for me as it's a high rank but not too high to be known by a lot of people. But what's the point of that? I don't even know why I'm here and why did he send me here but I can't possibly do anything productive just by laying low. I need more information.
“AA and we'll talk."
“I'm ranked as AA myself. I can't do anything like that Mr. Ath. I can only do ranks lower than me."
I snapped my fingers and the whole examination hall turned into a frozen haven as if they've been frozen for more than a year.
“I- I assign adventurer Ath as an AA rank adventurer."
“Well, I think I would need some fire mage to help me with this."
I snapped again but this time the whole examination hall went back to normal like nothing happened.
“I will take my leave."
It's been a few days since I made my way to this continent and registered as an adventurer but I'm already a part of trouble.
How did I even end up in a situation like this? I just want a nice warm up but this is bullshit.
Two of my supposed to be teammates got killed by my other teammates and I'm the one who's left now.
This feeling?
“Pretty boy, you look rich unlike this beggars. Why don't you back out and give us some pocket change eh?"
I can feel it.
“You may be an AA rank but you're still a newbie. Let me teach you how to go adventuring."
On their backs.
“You said you're in Silver right!? You think you can win just because you're few stages higher?"
Yeah, it's really that.
“The Great Vritras gave this power to us! They said we just need to weaken the force of this continent. Isn't that a great deal?"
They have runes on their back.
“Now jus-
“Now what?"
Grey's commanding voice echoed even through the crevices of the cave which made the so called Vritra worshippers shudder in fear.
“D-do you know who you're fighting!?"
“Arrogant bitch!"
“Drink it now!"
They drank a red colored potion that they got from their pouches and their eyes turned red, skin turned sickly gray and black veins becomes visible throughout their body.
“That's the same as what Lucas probably drank back then."
Grey didn't say anything but increased the mana coming out from him which made the five berserking worshippers drop flat to the floor.
One looked up the ground and saw Grey staring right through him.
“Y-you! Do you know who I work for!? You bastard! Don't come near me! My gods will hunt you down! Burn you to the ground with their soul fire! Do you know the consequences of your actions!?"
“I don't."
“To be honest I don't really know why I'm here in the first place. I just want to warm up before I go to another dungeo-
“You shit! Do you not know who the Vritra is!? They are gods who mercied us!"
“Yes! Mercy! They mercied me so they will protect me at all cost!"
Grey looked down to the worshipper and he is the only one conscious as the others didn't have the ability to resist Grey's mana.
Grey summoned a soul fire in his hand and his horns appeared out of nowhere. The worshippers eyes widened as he realized who Grey is.
ask your gods to give you some mercy because I will not."
I finished this near midnight but damn it's not bad. It's kinda boring for me but that's okay. I badly need to read fanfics for TBATE and I can't find anything I haven't read. So please of there's someone who can write there please write even a reaction fic about some interesting ff here. I'm bady needing it.
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