I lowered myself down to one knee as I kneeled in front of Lord Indrath to report the situation of Dicathen, the continents of the lessers. The hall is full of respected elders from different clans, I am stunned by this fact for the reason that the elders do not favor the lesser for them to care enough in participating in this gathering.
I explained the situation at a slow pace for them to digest the information and for myself not to get lectured by the elders. The elders are the most tiresome Asuras to deal with as they're full of pride and arrogance far from any Asura you'll ever see.
“And that is all my Lord." I conveyed as I continued to kneel in front of Lord Indrath. “Windsom, relay the message to Aldir." Lord Indrath said and I raised to stand up. “As you wish my Lord" I said and left the castle.
I walked a fairly distance away from the castle before I dropped the teleportation device for me to travel to the lesser continent.
In an instant, I am already in a different place than before. I felt the weak mana in the surroundings and immediately registered that i am indeed on the continent of the lessers.
I did not even need to search for Aldir for me to see him, as he is the only Asura here in Dicathen. I teleported to his room and found my old friend with his tea, just sitting on an 'elegant' seat or as the lessers would think.
"It's good to see you, old friend." I greeted him as he gestured for me to sit on the other opposite side of him where another seat can be found there.
“Aldir, Lord Indrath asked to....
After I finished my explanation Aldir's two eyes that are always closed opened as he looked at me straight into my soul.
“To think that-
“I know, but I think the elders may have some part in this. Lord Indrath does not order such things nor that he cares for the lessers that much to make such decisions." I instantly cut his words off and his eyes are back to normal again.
“I pity Wren for this." Aldir added and took a sip from his tea.
“As much as I do not have any interest in him, I totally agree. It's not even been a year since he made three new artifacts, now he'll need to create another three." I said as Aldir took another sip.
“Forget about that for now my friend, why don't you have tea with me?" He offered.
“I do not see a reason to refuse."
Virion Eralith
I stood up from my seat and exited the council meeting room with the newly appointed lances following me from behind. The war is now gradually getting more serious with the Alacryan troops postponing their attacks as if they are a wild predator waiting for their prey to drop its guard.
We walked for a minute and eventually had a gist of sight of the teleportation gate that will lead us to Xyrus. Xyrus now has been the center and heart of the continent because of the fact that that is where all the events started. The announcement of the council, The six lances, and the first attack of the other continent.
I stopped walking just by a foot in front of the teleportation gate and the anxious guards beside it and faced the Twelve Lances in all glory clad in their full white uniform. The Lances also stopped walking and stood on their places with dignity and composure better than anyone else residing on this continent.
I stood there smiling, seeing the future of this Continent are in good hands and our chances of defending our home has increased drastically with the unexpected help from the Asuras.
“We will now be heading to Xyrus for the official announcement for all of you." I said and all of them nodded.
I entered the teleportation gate and immediately got welcomed by the loud noises and cheers from outside the castle. I looked back to see the Lances get out of the teleportation gate and line up on their respective races.
“Lances! Lances! Lances! Lances! "
The crowds cheering became even louder as the host announced that the Lances had finally arrived.
“Do not fret, you'll get used to it." I said in a calm voice trying to cool them down.
Looking at the corner of the room, I can see sir Aldir sitting on a chair. He looked at me and nodded, indicating that the main event shall now start.
As if he heard me, the host voice amplified by the sound enhancing artifact rang to my ears. " And now for the main and the most awaited part of the show. Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the Lances!" After that a large amount of claps were heard from outside.
“We will now be welcoming our Lances one by one! Starting with her! A crowd favourite, A woman with an alluring beauty that everyone in the world will kill for just to obtain it! Please welcome! The Elven Lance, Aya Grephin!"
Aya walked out of the room to the triangle platform while waving her hand and smiling at the crowd as the cheers even grew much louder than before.
“Of course since we started with her it's only natural who's the next one! Please welcome our lovely sensory mage! The Elven Lance, Alea Triscan!"
Following Aya is Alea who walked with confidence with her small smile waving to the crowds.
“Next on the list is a guy respected by everyone! A very kind gentleman respected by all the dwarves! Lance Olfred Warend!
“Following him is our cute little Dwarven Lance, Mica Earthborn!"
Olfred just walked normally to the platform while Mica followed him hopping excitedly.
“New Lances, be ready. You'll be called after the human Lances are out." I said to the new Lances and they nodded. The two human Lances walked near the entrance just waiting for their names to be called.
“Next is a man from the highly respected noble family, The house of Wykes! Everyone please welcome Lance Bairon Wykes!"
“Last but not the least, From the house of Aurae, The ice cold lance. Lance Varay Aurae!"
Bairon walked out just like Olfred, simple yet dignified. And Varay walked... How she always walks.
“Lances! Lances! Lances! Lances!...
“Wait!” the loud voice of the host echoed reaching all of Xyrus, making the chants and cheers die down.
“If you think that's all then you're definitely mistaken!" His voice spreads to the crowds as they listen to him carefully.
“Because of the coming attacks of the other Continent. The council decided that our troops are enough to stop the invasion but not enough to stop the war permanently. That is why, the council decided to train certain individuals to make up for our weaknesses resulting in this!”
“Ladies and Gentlemen! Pleaseeeeee welcome! Our new batch of Lance!”
As he finished saying those words he made a pose highlighting the entrance where the lances walked out earlier.
“The newly appointed Elven Lance born from a noble elven house whose only mission is to protect the royal family, now protecting the continent! Lance Edric Springshore! Please welcome him with some claps!"
Moving to my side, the young man Eldric bowed his head and headed to the platform. The long haired blond elf walked with confidence towards the platform with all the cheers saying his name.
“Next is another Elven Lance! A well respected and known as a Solo Adventurer, he is one of the few who's awarded with the honor of becoming an S rank adventurer, everyone here is Lance Vassil Elderwood!
The young man with brown curly hair whom I only knew a few weeks ago walked towards me and gave me a small bow. “Thank you for giving this opportunity elder Virion.” He said with a smile.
“Bah! You youngins being so respectful makes me feel even older. Go ahead and make everyone proud."
I said as I slapped him on his butt making him walk to the platform faster.
“Moving on to our newly appointed Dwarven Lances. First is a hero for the Dwarves, he is a strong young man who stopped the rampages of mana beast and prevented them to enter the tunnel to Darv 5 years ago. Please welcome, Lance Ravine Gertrud! The Dwarven hero!"
A dark skinned man with a patchy beard and brown hair tied to a ponytail, whose height is tall for a dwarf and average for a human walked to the platform just after he shook my hands.
“The last Dwarven Lance on the list, from the famous Dwarven family who crafts the finest weapons in the continent. He also is a huge contributor on planning the construction of the wall! Let us all welcome, Lance Von Blackwater!"
He walked to me and also shook my hands. He is a young man with dark hair braided from the front to the back. “It is nice to meet you elder Virion." “Nice to meet you too young man, but we don't have time to chitchat, now go there.” I slapped his butt and he headed to the platform while laughing.
“Now that the Dwarven Lances are here, it's time to call on the two new Human lances. The eleventh lance to be called. A man crafted by discipline and honor from his family. From the famous Maxwell family! Please welcome, Aries Maxwell our third Human Lance!"
A very tall human with his onyx hair slicked back walked passing by me. He gave me a small nod without stopping and headed to the massive crowd.
“You're the last huh? Good luck there young lady."
“The last Lance to be called and the fourth human lance. She wreaked Havoc this past year soloing every dungeon she can, pushing her rank and influence to becoming an S rank adventurer and known as the youngest S rank adventurer. Please welcome our last Lance, Jasmine Flamesworth!”
“Now that the twelve Lances are complete, Let's have the former King and the commander for this war Elder Virion to award the Lances and give us a message to close this event."
Claps and cheers from the Crowd erupted as their mind can't comprehend the thing that has happened just this past 15 minutes. They might be excited, thrilled or happy for this fact that 6 other Lances are here to help their continent but I can't shake off this feeling that there's more about the other Continent that we don't know. But 12 White Core mages should be enough to at least stop them... right?
I walked to the platform ignoring what I just thought and received the box containing necklaces made from Phoenix wyrm. We will be giving this to the lances because all of them already have the ring artifact on their fingers so we decided to give them this. The Phoenix wyrm were given to us by the Asuras with it are the elixirs that boosted their mana cores by at least one stage to be able to fully make use of the ring artifact boosting them to the White Core.
“We are all set! Now we will be saying the Lances names and their codenames before awarding them with the necklaces as a badge of honor!" The host said as the crowd went loud again.
“First are the Elven Lances. First Lance Aya Grephin! Codename Phantasm." Aya stepped forward and I gave her the necklace as I moved towards Alea.
“Next is Lance Alea Triscan! Codename Aureate." I gave the necklace to the ever smiling Alea and moved on.
“Next is Lance Edric Springshore! Codename Ilesere." Edric stepped forward and lowered his head for me to put the necklace on him but I only put it to his hands and moved to the next one.
“Last for the Elves is Lance Vassil Elderwood! Codename Enoreth." I gave the necklace to Vassil who's laughing at Edric on what happened earlier.
“For the Dwarven Lances, First is Lance Olfred Warend! Codename Balrog." I headed to the young man and gave him the necklace. I looked at the next one who's Mica, she already is tapping her foot excited to receive the necklace so I moved to her.
“Next is Lance Mica Earthborn! Codename Ohwrecker." I walked to Mica and she bent her head forward for me to give the necklace to her so I did. The others laughed because of this as I didn't do it to Edric.
“The next one is Lance Ravine Gertrud! Codename Laduguer." I moved on to him and gave him the necklace which he received with a smile.
“Lastly for the Dwarves, Lance Von Blackwater! Codename Briareus." I walked up to him and he received the necklace with a grin on his face and I moved on to the Humans.
“For the Humans, First is Lance Bairon Wykes! Codename Thunderlord." I walked up to him and gave him the necklace. He received it with a nod.
“Following him is Lance Varay Aurae! Codename Zero." I moved to the ever cold Varay I gave her the necklace and she gave me an almost unnoticeable nod.
“Next is Lance Aries Maxwell! Codename Alcyoneus.” I walked up to him and he lowered his hands just for me to give him the necklace which I did. I only have one necklace left so I made my way to her.
“Last but not the least! The last Lance, Lance Jasmine Flamesworth! Codename Windborne." I walked to her and saw her anxious face. I grabbed her hands and gave her the necklace.
“Do not worry Jasmine, Arthur is still alive. That cockroach of a kid won't die easily, we'll find him for sure." I said and she nodded with a “hmm” on it.
“Now that the awarding is complete we will call on the commander to give us his speech."
I walked next to him and he gave me the Artifact. I walked near the end of the platform facing more than thousands of people and those who's watching through the image transferring artifact. I took a deep breath and started my speech.
“To those who've come here and to those who cannot, I'm here to give you my gratitude. As you all may know, the war against the other continent already started, yet we don't know when will they attack with full force.
That is why we, the council decided that it is the best to focus on expanding our force to defend, and that's the reason why there are twelve Lances here right now.
Some of you might mock and question me because I am old yet I'm still the one leading this continent. Yes, that is true I am old. But I am an Elf who has lived for more than 200 years.
An elf who watched how this continent goes to its lowest to its highest. I saw how races hated and ridiculed each other. I saw races kill and kidnap each other. I saw and am a part of the war between the Humans and the Elves. Yet I cannot hate the continent for that.
I admit it, I used to hate the humans for what they did, even the Dwarves, as they are the ones producing weapons to the humans back then.
I lost countless lives of my people, my soldiers and even the life of my wife. But that doesn't make me hate this continent, we all might have grudges upon each other, may it be because of the previous war, social standing or other reasons but that could not affect our love for this continent!
I know that all of you know this, even who or what you are and what you did, all the people may hate you but this continent will not! This continent will accept us no matter what, this is the land where our life will start and will end!
Oh citizens of Dicathen, please lend us your strength for us to defend and survive through this calamity known as the other continent, and survive and fight until the end. And hope that the life of this continent will never end.
That is all, Long Live Dicathen.”
I turned around and a gigantic amount of mana have been released by the Lances as they salute making everyone freeze even more. I gave the mic to the frozen host and walked back to the room I'm previously in. I'm gasping for some air but that doesn't matter. After I finished my speech, as if a sword was pulled through my heart making me feel more refreshed and my burdens have lessened. I sat on a chair to rest my old body.
As if nothing happened the crowd for the last time erupted on cheers and shouts making this the loudest it have ever been.
"Long Live Dicathen! Long Live Dicathen! Long Live Dicathen! Long Live Dicathen! Long Live Dicathen!.....
The crowd didn't stop and even became louder as the Lance's mana spreads towards the crowd showing off their strengths. I smiled and wished that this war is the last one I'll ever join in and hoped for me to at least see the end of this war.
Yo I'm back
Dec 19 2023
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