11 : Shopping

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Grey Vritra

Yesterday, I gave Caera a gift, a token of friendship. But is that really it? Caera is someone special, I know that from the first time I met her.

"This is not some love at first sight thing, I know"

Caera is special, she has everything someone could wish for. I felt like me and Caera are similar but in some sense also different.

Getting out of the bath I dried myself with fire mana just because I can. I grabbed my clothes on the rack and changed. I stood in front of the mirror checking myself out. I'm wearing a white waffle with its long sleeves folded past my elbows and a black jeans to compliment the white top I'm wearing.

(Toji's fit in shibuya arc)

I got out of the bathroom and wore a simple black leather sandals not caring a thing on what people say about me. So what if I'm dressing casually? I don't care if I'll be inside the most prestigious market in Alacrya. I'm a Vritra now so people can't do anything to me.

I fixed my hair tying it with the usual ponytail I do. I admired my horns for a while as it's my first time really looking at it closely. The horns doesn't even look real because of its color that absorbed almost all of the light.

Getting out of my room I headed to Caera's room to fetch her. Caera and I will be shopping for our needs attending the Central academy. The school starts in 4 days and Caera said she wants me to be ready. I already asked Agrona if I can go to school so I'm all set.

"Speaking of Agrona, he still doesn't know about my horns. Maybe I'll pass by Taegrin Caelum and show it to him."

I thought nearing Caera's room. I arrived in front of her room but Caera is already outside of it. She's wearing a simple nice white button down half tucked in the black trousers she's wearing.

Beautiful is the only thing that entered my head after seeing Caera like this. I only saw her wearing a formal dress once and the simple casual clothes she wears here in the mansion.

"Good morning Miss Caera Denoir, will you give this lowly human the chance to accompany you on your walk this morning?" I said teasingly as Caera just rolled her eyes on me.

"Good morning Grey, you look good." Caera greeted me with a smile.

"Thanks, you don't look bad either. Now let's get going shall we." I said reaching my hand in front of her.

Caera accepted my hand and held it and we both walked downstairs. We then arrived at the living room where Seris is sitting on her couch just sipping on her tea.

Noticing the two of us Seris then puts down her tea cup and sent us a smirk.

"Oh my my, Aren't the two of you quite fast. Both of you just met a week ago and there is something going on already." Seris teased both of us but it didn't work. We just looked at her with a stone cold face.

"Seris, do you have a Tempus Wrap to the Central dominion?" I asked her which she nodded in response.

"Here, it will directly take you outside the main city. With the two of you going out showing off your horns, the guards won't even question you about your destination so you two will be okay. Just stay out of trouble alright?" Seris explained

"Okay, okay It's not like someone would want to pick a fight with us because of this." I said pointing at my horns and Caera's. I convinced Caera that there's no need to hide her horns anymore because Agrona won't do anything to her now.

Caera then received the tempus wrap from Seris's hands.

"let's go Caera" I said gently pulling her away from Seris.

"Well, goodbye Scythe Seris, see you later." Caera said waving goodbye to Seris. We're now outside the mansion and stood near the gate.

"You ready?" I asked her while holding her hand tighter.

"That's my line, didn't you say that you hate tempus wraps?" Caera replied waving the tempus wrap around teasing me.

"I'm getting used to it." I answered with an annoyed tone.

"Let's go then." She then activated the tempus wrap.

"H-hey wai-"

Then everything became white.


"huff huff, I said wait didn't I?" I said to Caera who's now smirking looking down at me who is trying his best to keep his balance holding on a wall.

"You did? I didn't hear it." Caera said and then helped me get up from my pitiful state.

"Are you okay now?" She asked with a low gentle voice which I answered with a nod.

"Let's get going shall we?" she said reaching her hands out. I grabbed it and she pulled me towards the entrance to the city. We approached the gate where there were two men guarding it.

"Identification and reason why you're here." One of the guards said without even looking at us reading what I believe is a newspaper.

His comrade then looked at us and his face visibly paled upon seeing the horns in our heads. He quickly turned
his head to the other guard to warn him but the other guard still is looking down on his newspaper.

"Identification and your rea-"

"Grey Vritra and Caera of highblood Denoir." I said cutting him off.

The guards froze and slowly looked up. Both lost every ounce of blood on their face just hearing our names. A small laugh escaped Caera's mouth as she failed to contain it.

I pulled Caera's hands and continued to walk ignoring the guards, entering the City. The city is like an upgraded version of Xyrus. As expected of the main city of the Central dominion.

Seris said that the Central dominion didn't receive a name until today. The city is packed with people consisting of sellers, buyers and some civilians not buying anything and just wandering around. The streets are mostly full of vendors on the sides and large establishments towering us.

"It's amazing right? I've only been here a few times even though I'm a highblood that's just how amazing this place is. All of the highest quality of almost everything is being sold here." Caera said eyes sparkling while explaining it to me.

The two of us then walked in the middle of the crowded streets and the people around is making way for us.

"Another useful Asuran perk"

I thought smiling while getting dragged by Caera who's also enjoying our little walk. We stormed everyshop, buying different clothes, accessories and lots of street foods.

"Caera when are gonna buy our school supplies?" I asked Caera who's currently munching some skewered meat we bought just a minute ago.

Her eyes widened and she stopped munching her food. "Oh, I totally forgo bout dhat" She said while her mouth is still full of food.

"Finish your food before speaking." I said and Caera turned her head left to right signalling no and pointing the bag in her left hand that contains more food.

I waited for Caera to finish her foods and we then bought our school supplies and don't have anything to do anymore.

"Grey, what should we do now? I still don't wanna go home." She asked while eating a bread stuffed with chocolate fillings.

"I see, then let's go somewhere you still haven't visited yet." I said and the girls eyes sparkled again.

"Where is it!? " Caera said with excitement. Being a highblood probably didn't give her a chance to wander other places alone with someone.

"Taegrin Caelum" I said with a smirk and Caera froze in place.

I forgot to upload yesterday so there will be two chapters today.


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