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I couldn't really shake off the fact that I could lose a mother after this day, week, month, or year. It was a horrible feeling, like a sinking in my heart. I couldn't lose her. She couldn't die.




"What the hell is that?" I asked Calvin. He shook his head, and told me he had no idea.

"I'll go look." He said, and got up from the leather seat next to mine.

A few moments later, I heard a cry from the back of the plane, where the luggage was.

"Calvin? Hello?" I peeked into the cargo area, expecting to see Calvin emerge with a rat or something small. Instead, I see Selena, being dragged by Calvin out of the suitcase pile in the corner.

"Ha, Selena? How are you, why are you here?" I was full of questions. She laughed.

"I saw you get on the plane with this dude," She pointed to Calvin. "So I followed. I had come to visit you to see how you were doing, and saw your jet leave. Did you not get my text?"

I shook my head, then checked my phone. Sure enough, an unread text from Sel.

Hey, I'm here. How are you feeling?

"Sorry." I said sheepishly. "I was going through a lot at the time."

Selena sympathetically rubbed my back. "I'm sorry, girl. What exactly happened?"

Calvin left the room, which I found helpful.

"My Mom is in the hospital. Again." Selena looked at me.

"Andrea? Oh no. What happened to her?"

I shook my head. "Brain tumor. Something. I didn't hear Austin well when he told me the news. But I do know that it's not good."

"I'm sorry, that's horrible." She hugged me.

I started to cry, and we hugged and talked until I fell asleep.

"Hello?" Calvin walked in. Selena thought I was asleep. But when he came in, I woke up.

"Hey. Poor girls just fell asleep."

Calvin smiled. "She's nice." He said.

"Yeah." Selena nodded. "I'm going to go to sleep. Can you take her?"

"Sure, where should I put her?" He asked. Selena pointed to the first little
bedroom on the side of the plane. There were two.

"Guess I'll bunk with her, then." He nods Selena goodbye, as they both start I'm to head off to sleep in their own rooms, and he drops me off in Selena's room.

He obviously didn't know I was awake, because he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before he left.

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