Little Lion

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Wow what is this, two updates that are on time???

I am: WHO??

Lol my humor haha, any Stays in the crowd who got that?

SO I am dead after Billboard, the performance(Halsey and BTS), the awards(woot woot), Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jin snacking...

Should I do a character Q/A? Tell me here ->

And please make sure to read the ending note at this chapter, I need your input :):)


"Aw look, a Tae-mallow"

Taehyung shifted slightly, the blanket that had been previously sheltering him slipping off his shoulder as he eyed Jungkook who had just entered the bedroom, a stack of fresh clothes in one hand and still steaming tea in the other. The blonde smiled lopsidedly, eyes still closed and unwilling to fully give his attention to the ravenette. He was too comfy for that. However, he did feel slightly saddened that Jungkook had decided to put a shirt on; yes, he may have been having a mental breakdown, but he wasn't blind. He just wished he'd been more in tune to admire the obvious muscle the elder possessed. Some other time, Taehyung supposed. The blonde felt the bed dip beside him as Jungkook settled his weight on the edge of the comforter, directly next to Taehyung's hip.

"All snug in my sheets, curled up in a tiny ball, and snuggling my pillow with those cheeks puffed out like that. You're adorable, my little marshmallow."

Jungkook leant over and pinched one of Taehyung's cheeks gently between two fingers, smiling brightly. Taehyung whacked him playfully on the thigh all the while squishing his face into the older male's pillow in attempt to hide his cherry red cheeks.

"Stop it, you bunny. I'm not a marshmallow, if anything I'm a big strong lion!" Taehyung whined, swatting at Jungkook's leg again just for good measure, his voice muffled through the pillow, which didn't help his case in the least, only serving to make him appear cuter. Jungkook laughed above him, the vibrations going straight through to Taehyung's hip, making him shiver.

"Of course you are." Jungkook ruffled the hair on the back of Taehyung's head, fondness and adoration seeping through his touch. "Does my big strong lion wanna change out of his wet clothes?"

Jungkook was teasing him, he knew, but Taehyung nodded sheepishly anyways, turning to face Jungkook fully for the first time. He felt like there was a permanent blush engraved into his cheeks by all these pet names and gentle coddling. He took the clothes from Jungkook's outstretched hands, flashing him a brief thankful smile, before scurrying into the bathroom, his hands finding his cheeks almost immediately once he was in the security of the locked bathroom.

"Stupid cheeks. Always throwing me to the lions like that. Wait, I'm a lion...always throwing me to the wolves like that. Tsk, how rude" The blonde chided, patting his still blossoming cheeks, hoping to make the coloration disappear.

Jungkook chuckled to himself, listening to Taehyung's self monologue, loving that the blonde seemed to be happier since entering his apartment, more like himself. But he still couldn't drop the itching feeling in the pit of his stomach, regarding what had happened prior to this cheery attitude; the broken boy at his front door, what had caused it. That was a Taehyung he saw only occasionally, but he wanted to know why that side of the blonde even existed in the first place, he wanted to know the cause of those demons he kept locked up behind shining brown eyes and a beautiful box-smile.

Sighing, Jungkook stood from the bed, began his task of changing the sheets, which had been dampened by Taehyung's wet clothes, and wondering how he was going to bring up the topic of Taehyung's breakdown to the blonde in a way that wouldn't make him close himself off.(I dunno if I mentioned this but it rained on him in the last chapter:))


Taehyung emerged from the bathroom 15 minutes later, dressed in Jungkook's yellow sweatshirt and a pair of black sweats. The hoodie reached just above his mid-thigh, and the sweatpants were a few sizes too big too; Taehyung had them cinched all the way and they still hung low on his hips.(woah, I made a tiny Taehyung...but he's smaller than Yoongi...can you all imagine Yoongi in Jungkook size sweatpants?)

Jungkook looked up from his position by the side of the bed where he had been straightening out the new top sheet, pausing in his movements. He gulped, fingers twitching. Everytime Taehyung wore his clothes, Jungkook always felt it hard to control himself. Seeing the blonde, practically drowning in something he owned did things to him, and it seemed to have doubled in this exact moment.

Taehyung was just standing there, in the middle of Jungkook's bedroom, playing with his hands, caught, like a deer in headlights under Jungkook's intense gaze from across the room. Jungkook's right foot inched forward. The purple overhead was on, casting Taehyung in a soft glow. His eyes were sparkling with the reflection of dazzling purple and his face was shaded in just the right way that brought out the sharpness in his features, yet his eyes remained innocent and wide. Jungkook took another step forward. He looked perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Before Jungkook realized it, his feet had carried him across the room until he was standing directly in front of Taehyung, towering over the blonde who looked up at him with beautiful doe eyes. Jungkook had yet to lose the intensity in his stare and Taehyung was about to lose it, feeling that every familiar pleasurable sensation he felt when Jungkook looked at him like that; with hooded eyes that sucked him in and made him never want to resurface. The elder's beauty was as much a joy as Taehyung's was to Jungkook, as the blonde examined him. Jungkook had brought himself under the purple light too so both were bathed in it, and each male appreciated the other's handsomeness and beauty, lost in their own little world.

"Is there something on my face? You're staring." Taehyung whispered, raptured by the hooded gaze Jungkook was giving him, however, the ravenette smiled as Taehyung broke the silence, a small flash of mischief showing through his iris'.

"Yeah, there is. Right there."

Jungkook pointed to the blonde's nose before leaning forward and pressing a short, sweet kiss to Taehyung's nose, causing the blonde to giggle. Jungkook gave him a bunny smile in return.

"And there" Jungkook pecked his right cheek. Then his left check. "-Here" The corner of his lips.

"Almost. Can't forget here." Jungkook finished, landing a kiss directly on the smaller's lips, immediately molding with the plush skin. Taehyung hummed into the kiss, closing his eyes and standing up on his tiptoes to give the elder better access. They kissed like that for a moment, innocently and adoringly before Jungkook pulled away, much closer than he had been before and eyes reflecting tiny hearts at the blonde.

"Did you get it all?" Taehyung asked, eyes still closed and cherry lips parted, relishing the tingling feeling that still resonated. He heard Jungkook chuckle.

"Nope" The ravenette spoke, popping the 'p' before his lips were crashing back down with Taehyung's, the kiss turning more fervent than the last. Jungkook's hands were on his waist and Taehyung's on his shoulders, squeezing them to keep himself upright, seeing as the blonde's legs felt like jelly. Taehyung almost squealed when he felt Jungkook bend down, one of his hands winding around the back of Taehyung's thigh.

"Jump, Tae" He whispered into the kiss making shivers run down Taehyung's spine, but he did as asked and jumped, Jungkook supporting him. He wrapped his legs around the elder's waist once hoisted, the two never breaking the kiss once. Taehyung combed his fingers through lush raven locks, as soon as he was able, feeling as if he was on cloud nine. Jungkook's hands were sliding up his waist, lifting the material of the sweatshirt with them. Taehyung jolted when Jungkook's calloused hands made contact with his bare back and hips, caressing the supple skin gently, causing the blonde to melt into his touch shortly after.

Jungkook too felt in heaven, as he moved along Taehyung's spine, towards his hip, enjoying how the younger was responding to his touch. He was only a tad surprised when he felt the slightly raised skin under the pads of his fingers, just along the curve of the blonde's hip bone; a tattoo. For whatever reason, that made Taehyung even more enticing to him in that moment, the acknowledgement that Taehyung had tattoos hidden under layers of clothing made Jungkook desirous to search and find all of them. The mystery of the tattoo's identity was alluring as well. He knew there was a story behind each and every tattoo littering the younger's tanned skin, stories that Jungkook wanted to know, to comprehend. He rubbed at the tattoo a tad harder, feeling for the ridges as if he could uncover its secrets by touch alone.

"Aut inveniam viam aut faciam" Taehyung whispered, his voice slightly raspy from the kiss as he pulled away slightly to stare into Jungkook's curious yet confused eyes.

"What?" The elder asked, hand still tracing the tattoo.

"The tattoo..." Taehyung's gaze flickered to Jungkook's hand disappearing under his hoodie and Jungkook felt himself flush, thanking the darkness of the room in earnest; he'd been caught. But maybe that wasn't such a bad thing.

Jungkook decided to test his luck, pulling the fabric of Taehyung's sweatshirt up a little higher and craning his neck to the side to get a glimpse of the ink. They were both breathing heavily, the atmosphere still one of intense emotion and desire, neither diminishing at the interruption of Jungkook's curiosity. Taehyung offered up no resistance of protest to Jungkook's movements, almost seeming to egg him on when he shifted to the side, making the tattoo easier to see.

The tattoo, as the ravenette had expected, did curve delicately over the bone of Taehyung's hip, ending just before his pant's line, and written in a matching cursive font as the flippable tattoo on his wrist, indicating it too had been self done. Jungkook wondered absently how the younger had managed to do such a terrific job at such an awkward angle. He ran one thumb over the length of the beautiful phrase. Then looked up at Taehyung, asking a silent question.

"It's latin" The blonde spoke simply, enjoying the way the tattoo lit up in a burning heat under Jungkook's touch, as if it was imprinting itself into his skin a second time.

"What does it mean?" Jungkook drew huskily, using his index finger to trace the cursive lettering, completely mesmerized; this was a part of Taehyung, a beautiful part and what Jungkook felt, a key into his darker side. Perhaps if he could decipher the art of the tattoos, he could uncover Taehyung. Said male shivered as the wondrous burn increased with Jungkook's change in tracing pattern.

"Either I shall find a way or I will make one" Jungkook peered up at Taehyung once more, straightening himself back up, and gripping his hips, making sure to keep one hand on the newfound tattoo. The two shared a moment of gentle stares, relishing in this feeling of calm and trading of emotions in the serenity of purple hue and twinkling street lights from below.

"Find a way to what, little lion" Jungkook murmured, bringing one hand up to trace Taehyung's lips now, feeling as if he was asking a vital question somehow. Taehyung sighed contently, eyes flickering to something Jungkook had never seen before; a determination, a promise the blonde had made to himself at some point in his life, one that he desperately seemed to be trying to hold on to, even though partly squandered; halfway crushed.



Woot woot, chapter is finished! This is a shorter one, but I don't know, there's something about this chapter, I think it will be one of my favorites:) Lemme know what you all thought!:):)

Ok so I need your all's help. I am trying to decide which book I should publish next after I finish Pinky Promise, and probably get a little bit farther in this one. There are a few options and I wanted to know which you all thought sounded interesting(cuz one I like but I am not sure if any one would be interested in it) - So, I'm going to drop the cover and the description and then if you could comment on the one you like, that would be amazing!! :)

Up first: The Grey Angel

(It's been completely reworked, I'd published part of it before but took it down cause I was unsatisfied with it)

Taekook au

Taehyung is a hybrid angel/demon

Jungkook is an not so angelic angel

"I thought angels were supposed to be innocent and pure?" -

"And I said fuck that a long time ago, darling" - J.jk

Vote here ->

#2: The Catch

Taekook mafia au

Taehyung is semi-innocent

Jungkook is semi-crazy

"I'll give you a 5 second head start"

The catch was on, Taehyung, his prey


"1. I met an angel today

2. With beautiful blond locks and rosy cheeks

3. He thinks he can outrun me

4. But you can't deny the hunter of his prey

5. You will be mine, baby boy"

Vote here ->

Literally this just popped into my mind but is it bad I'm intrigued by a Taekook, spidergguk story??? I feel like that is a problem, buttttt, I'm gonna put it here cuz the third story I was gonna put turns out is not ready attt alllllll soooooooo

If you want Taespidergguk vote here lol ->

As always, please remember to take care of yourselves. Your health and mental well being always comes first and if you need a brain break, a day to kick back and let yourself relax, take it, you aren't going to do yourself any favors by hampering down on a tired mentality. And also remember, you are strong, independent, special, enough, and important. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise because they are wrong and you are enough and worth it, always.


He's beautiful

________________________________________________________________________________Next chapter will be out soon!

I purple you!


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