chapter two | real life | messages
"thank you again, byeee" dylan said smiling as she picked up her camera and bag and left the building. she pulled her phone out her pocket and pressed kahlani's contact as she called her. "fuck off" she said to herself as kahlani hung up.
she walked down the street and opened up the sway chat again as she sent a text. 'i'm available now if anyone else is'. it's not dylan like had much to do, she'd most likely stay at home, she'd finished her course so she had no work for now, if the sway boys were available today it would leave her with a free weekend. she thought to herself as she got a notification taking up the top of her screen.
why did josh add
you to the sway chat?
i don't know why?
lol they're my
friends don't
try shit
i knew like two of the
guys in the chat before
you anyways bruh
well like just..
i know what
you're like
me? that's funny aha🙈
you coming to
sway today??
i don't know are u
guys busy because
like i'm free anytime
yeh we're free, i'll
send the address
ok cool, uh what time
in an hour idfk
ok tell the others
i cba texting them
alright, see
you soon ig?
read at 11:41am
dylan grabbed her keys out her pockets and unlocked her apartment door, kicking the door lightly with her foot and walking in. she placed her belongings on the worktop and locked the door behind her.
she didn't like the idea of going to sway house when she knew bryce was there. she didn't talk to him after their break up and she didn't want to. he was rude and manipulative and she didn't want to see his smug face.
dylan walked to her room and changed into some simple denim biker shorts and a white tank top. it's not like she needed to dress to impress. she looked forward to seeing noah though. dylan remembered him from high school, they weren't necessarily close but they definitely knew each other.
she decided to pair her outfit with some simple shades and her fave pair of air jordan ones she'd gotten recently as an early birthday present.
dylan napped down as she didn't have much to do and decided she'd wake up when it was ten minutes before she went. the sway house was only a fifteen-minute walk away from her apartment complex which was pretty surprising.
she woke up the ringing of her alarm. her phone screen displayed the time 12:34 pm and a few missed calls from kahlani and some texts from the sway chat. "shit" she said under her breath and she picked up her bag and placed her camera around her neck.
she got out of her home and made her way to the sway house with the address that bryce had sent.
10 minutes later dylan walked up to the gate of there frat mansion and held her finger on the speaker. "firstly you're not celebs why do you have a gate and secondly hi it's dylan the photographer let me in, over" she said as she looked to the side and noticed the gate slowly opening as she laughed to herself.
her hand tapped on the glass door as she looked through and noticed a familiar face come and greet her. he unlocked the door and smiled slightly at her. "the guys are out back" bryce said stepping aside for her. "no hi or a kiss my ass" she said laughing slightly and walking in. "nope you're just here for the photos right" bryce said walking in front of her. "yeah right" dylan replied quietly.
"hey" "is it dylan?" "hi" was what she heard as she stepped outside and saw most of the boys swimming. "hey look i'm stood in the infamous tiktok dancing space," she said to one of the guys as he looked at her. "wait shit" she said looking at the same guy again. "what what" he answered as she laughed.
"don't tell me, blake gray no fucking way," she said as she looked at him "ew you look so different, not in a bad way," dylan said laughing and blake looked at her. "wait your dylan from magcon, i thought i recognised you," he said bringing her into a small hug. "yes yes i didn't recognise you on the socials," she said smiling at them looking around. "so who am taking photos of today"
AUTHORS NOTE • yes i know my writing sucks ass and the chapter is small, but yeh i'm not trying to spoil anything or that so please excuse the tiny chapters!🥺
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