i clench my arms around my vintage jacket, pulling my knees into my chest. i allow the warm tears to spread down my pale cheeks, as i closed my dark brown eyes. i bury my head into my knees. i wanted some there to help me, but there was no one.
im in tartaurs.
its pretty much hell.
i had to stop the monsters from reforming so fast and needed to find the doors of death. lets not forget to mention i had to drink liquid of fire from the river of phlegethon.
it burns.
monsters at every turn, and they all are ready to kill me.
why does it matter? i would be with bi- wait. she is gone, in a new family. i wipe the tears from the corners of my eyes, sniffing. is there anything to keep me going now? friends? like i, nico di angelo, son of hades, would have friends, not to mention my crush will never lie me back. family, bianca was gone, so was my mother. but i had hazel.
"hazel..." i whisper underneath my warm breath. i wipe my eyes once again. i must make it through, for hazel.
i stand up, gripping at my sword that happen to wined up here with me. i take a deep breath. i may die here, but i have to try to make it back, just for hazel. i had brought her back, she deserves a second chance. and i have to help her through it.
i take another deep breath before starting to walk. ive been walking for the past hour, with only one monster attack. i managed to get away with only a couple scratches. how i wanted a doctor, a nurse, a healer, just anyone who could heal! will solace.
he had healed annabeth in the titan war, he could heal me! what ever, he could care less.
i find this flat enough ground for me to sleep on. but i dont want to sleep though. the nightmares will be worse. but my eyelids grew heaver and heaver with every blink. i had to sleep. i zip up my jacket, pulling the hood over my head.
i lay down, my legs being pulled closer to me stomach. i close my dark eyes, finding myself alseep.
i wished it was a dreamless sleep.
but it wasnt.
i was at camp half blood, waiting for percy to come back with bianca. i was different back then. i had color in my life, a family, and i sorta fit in with the hermes cabin. i was sitting next to the river, watching flow down stream.
i rub my thumb on my mytomagic card of apollo. it was my favorite card game, like pokemon, but way better. i sighed before i heard a voice from behind me.
" nico?"
i whip my head around to notice percy jackson "y-yes?" i asked.i knew this was a dream, but why wasnt it a nightmare, and why percy here?
percy walked up to me, " she is gone." he said, his expression not changing at all.
i stutter, " w-who?" i ask, but i knew who he was going to say. bianca. i knew, but my ten year old self had no idea.
" bianca is dead. and so is she." i replys. she? who is she? he lifted his head, so i could see his face better, " hazel." his lips turned upward into a grin.
my eyes widen, my chest clenched up. i felt like i was just shot in the chest with a bullet. i felt the warm tears falling down my cheeks once again. but i was not dreaming them.
my eyes tightened before i slowly opened them. i take a deep breath, in attempt to calm me down. i slowly rock my self, repeating the same words, " it was only a dream." i remind myself, but it does not work well.
my face is buried into my knees once again, before feeling a nudge at my lower leg. it took e a minute before lifting my head to notice a skeleton. not just any skeleton, a cat skeleton. it was a spartus. it started to purr as it rubbed its head, and side along my legs.
i narrowed my eyes, " dont purr at me, im the ghost king." i tell it. all it does is continue to rub up against me. a slight grin slowly appears on my face as i wipe my tears away. i huff out some air, "you are cute i guess." i pull my hand away, rubbing the cats head.
" you have name ?" i ask the cute skeleton. it pounces at me, onto my knees. i smile, huffing out some air. " i could name you ." i shrug. it leans closer to my face, rubbing its head along my cheek. i smile, giggling slightly, " shadow, you seem like a shadow to me." it draws its head back, looking at me.
" you like that , shadow?" i ask. it then starts to purr louder. i smile, " ill take that as a yes." i rub my hand on shadows head again, " how about we escape this place together." i ask. shadow purred a little louder and rubbed up against me. i smile, " its settled then."
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