Introducing Another set of Characters

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Abeer Singh Rathod :-   Age 31 years Bestfriend of Nirbhay stays in Mumbai  always been there with him in thick and thin..  Owns his own music Company .. world is very much aware of the big name in the Music World that is ASR ..  Birlas are the extended family for them...

Ansh Singh Rathod :- Age 27 years Best friend of Nirav stays in mumbai brother of Abeer fun loving happy guy... but if someone tries to mess with him or his brothers he knows how to put them in there place  ..

Atharv Singh Rathod :- Age 18 years Bestfriend of Nishant stays in Mumbai Studying with him in the same institution both brats loves to rile there brothers up  Atharv is nothing but a Rebel no rules can stop him... he is nothing but a storm which can stop only infront of his brothers which includes the Birlas as well.. love and respect them as his own ..

Kabir Roy Kapoor :- Age 31  years a well known Doctor by profession stays in Mumbai He is a trauma surgeon with magical hands..  best friend of Nirbhay very protective about him..  Extended family of Birlas

Krish Roy Kapoor :- Younger brother of Kabir stays in Mumbai  age 16 years complete Brat...  who doesnt know when to stop very innocent infront of his brothers but he has another side which he hardly show to his brothers..  no. one messes with Krish or else consequences will be threatening... 

Devansh Agnihotri :- Age 32. years a  well known lawyer by profession stays in Mumbai  Once he used to be a very good friend of Nirbhay but one icident changed the entire dynamics of friendship between them now they are nothing but strangers...  

Dhiraj Agnihotri :- Best friend of Neevan 16 years old stays in Dehradoon a sweet innocent boy does not know how to fight for himself neevan has always protected him what will happen when he has to face a reality which he never wanted to face...

Tani :- Okay so this is another set of Characters...    Story will be started or Not .. depends on you people not me
Once Kashmakash Target gets finished only after that new episode will be dropped  go back to Kashmakash and Vote if you want the update sooner... 

I have Changed Anamika Basu's picture so u can revisit the fresh face on the frst Character sketch !

Which brothers excite you the most ?

Singh Rathod brothers?

Roy Kapoor brothers?

Agnihotri brothers?? 

Beside the episode will start only after KASHMAKASH gets 250 votes on each episode along with 400 comments..  

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