Glossary of Terms and People Used

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Alisand'r - The only Tamaranean Green Lantern in existence in the pre-Flashpoint DC universe

The Citadel - A race of beings descended from the goddess X'hal and a Branx warrior that are all clones of the original son of X'hal. The Citadel Empire at one time dominated the Vega system and was defeated by the Omega Men.

Dors Palamar - A Tamaranean city.

Dragett - Telepathic, dragon-like creatures that reside in the jungles of Tamaran.

Goldie - A nickname for Koriand'r.

House of Tykayl - The royal house that Koriand'r's family belongs to and is descended from.

Karras - The prince of the Southern States of Tamaran and the son of Queen Salja and King Tharras, a kingdom that split off from the rest of Tamaran under King Myand'r's rule.

Kathas - A Tamaranean city.

Komand'r - Also known as Blackfire. Komand'r is the older sister of Koriand'r and was the first born to Myand'r and Luand'r of the House of Tykayl.

Komandus - A Tamaranean city.

Koriand'r - Also known as Starfire. Koriand'r was the second born to Myand'r and Luand'r of the House of Tykayl and has been a part of various incarnations of the Teen Titans team.

Korithus - The father of King Myand'r.

Korthus - One of two older brothers to King Myand'r.

Kory - A shortened version of Koriand'r. See Koriand'r.

Kysarr - A Tamaranean city destroyed the day Komand'r was born by the Citadel.

Landria - A Tamaranean city.

Luand'r - Queen of Tamaran and the mother of Koriand'r, Komand'r, and Ryand'r. She was married to King Myand'r and died with him when the Psions destroyed the planet of Tamaran.

Myand'r - King of Tamaran and father of Koriand'r, Komand'r, and Ryand'r. He was married to Queen Luand'r and they died in each other's arms during the destruction of the planet Tamaran.

Myrynnian - A Tamaranean city.

Okaara - The planet of the Okaarans. The Warlords of Okaara and X'hal both hail from here.

The Omega Men - A rebel group from the Vega star system that fought against the Citadel and eventually helped bring about the downfall of the Citadel Empire.

Ph'yzzon - A general in Queen Komand'r's military and the deceased, second husband of Princess Koriand'r.

The Psions - Originally from Maltus, the Psions were relegated to the Vegan system by the Guardians and created many of the peoples that populated the star system. They are cruel and use the population of the system for their experiments - they are responsible for the creation of the Citadelians and the goddess X'hal.

Ryand'r - Also known as Darkfire. Ryand'r is the third child born to the House of Tykayl. He was a part of the Omega Men for a time.

Rynoc - An Okaaran warrior/Omega Man married to the Tamaranean Zirral.

Scrithus - One of two older brothers of King Myand'r.

Sector 2828 - One of the 3600 sectors the Guardians of the Universe divided the universe into. Tamaran and the rest of the Vegan system reside here.

Ssithis - A Tamaranean city.

Starbolts - The ability to harness UV energy and use it in concentrated energy blasts. Used only by Koriand'r, Komand'r, and Ryand'r.

Synomonn - A Tamaranean city.

Talathus - The mother of King Myand'r.

Tamaran - The eighth planet from Vega and the place of superhero Starfire's birth.

Tamaranean - A person hailing from the planet Tamaran.

Tamarus - The capital city of the planet Tamaran. (Alternate spelling found in New Titans Annual #6: Tamaras)

Tyran'r - an ancient Tamaranean and Green Lantern. The only Tamaranean Green Lantern thus far in the post-Flashpoint DC universe.

Varyia - A Tamaranean city.

Vega - The star that the Vegan star system revolves around.

Warlords of Okaara - The Warlords hail from the planet Okaara and are responsible for training the best and brightest children of the Vegan star system in the art of combat. Both Komand'r and Koriand'r were trained on this planet.

X'hal - The goddess X'hal is worshipped by many in the Vegan system and was formerly an Okaaran mortal before being turned into pure energy by the Psions.

Xyannis - The daughter of Queen Salja and King Tharras of Kalapatt and sister to Prince Karras. Xyannis was surrendered to the Citadel during wartime and became a slave before escaping and turning her back on Tamaran.

Zirral - The Tamaranean Omega Man married to the Okaaran Rynoc.

Zorris - A Tamaranean city.

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