Kynasf'rr roughly translates to "way of the warrior" in English and is a rite of passage for warriors. Due to the highly secretive nature of the rite (those who have endured the event do not speak of it to those who have not yet gone through it), it is unknown why exactly the event occurs. However, it is known that upon reaching the age Dstynka, that Tamaranean children are asked if they want to partake in the event and many times they partake in this event during their training on the planet Okaara.
For Princess Koriand'r, the event was heavily tied to her perceived loss of identity after she was attacked and taken possession of by Dark Raven/the demon Trigon, as well as the pull between being a Tamaranean and being an Earthling. She had gone through this event as a child but it seems that because she needed to become the warrior she had lost during her time on Earth, that Kynasf'rr served as a sort of catalyst for regaining her identity as a Tamaranean warrior. As an adult, a vision of her older sister, Queen Komand'r, led her through her visions of the past and possible futures as well as what could have been and what she could have become.
Through the ritual, Koriand'r symbolically kills what she was and becomes what she thinks she needs to be, which is a warrior hardened by life. The ritual essentially serves as a coming of age ceremony.
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