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The rest of the night me and Tom just take pictures with trick'or'treaters and handout candy. Its about 8:30 and everyone is mostly off the streets, me and Tom take the makeup and costumes off and change into comfy pj's. We turn on Hocus Pocus and go lay on the couch, it ends around 9:50 and Tom turns off the tv 

"hey why did you turn it off whats coming on after?"

He throws the blanket on the floor and puts the remote on the table

"come here"

he pulls me on top of him

"I did my waiting now can we?"

I roll my eyes

"wow you are really sassy tonight huh?"

He grabs me and kisses me. He pulls his shirt off and mine, next come the pants, I can barely breath hes so fast


he keeps kissing me




I pull him off of me

"are you sure you want to stay out here and not go to the bedroom?"

He kisses my neck

"I'm sure or else I would of already thrown you on the bed in their."

Interesting how he thinks sometimes. I stay on top of him kissing for awhile until he pushes me off to lay on my back, he turns me so I'm sitting normally on the couch. He gets up and goes on his knees in front of me, I have fully lost control at this point. He pushes my legs open, but that hurts my ankle


he stops and looks up at me in his sweet Tom face

"oh I'm sorry I forgot you alright we can stop."

He looks sad

"no Tom I'm alright! Its fine!"

He goes back to his scandalous face and rubs his hands on my legs gripping them fiercely.
After hes done he stands up and sits down, he grabs me and sets me on his lap.

"You feeling alright?"

of course we are breathing hard me more then him though

"yes.. I'm all good."

He kisses me and places his hands all over, I am now just finding out hes a visual hands on kind of guy. He stops kissing me and adjusts, he tries kissing me but I can't I can only bite my lip. I don't remember how long it took us, but I do remember being picked up still wrapped around Tom and taken to the bedroom around 11. I stay on top of him and we just kiss until I can barely move my lips I'm so tired,


I nod my head

"well we will certainly need to do that again sometime,"

I roll off of him and he turns into the big spoon and I stay the little spoon. I fall asleep almost instantly I was so tired, in my dream me and Tom were on an island and we were on the beach alone watching the sunset.

The next day

I wake up and Tom is still sleeping, I roll on top of him and kiss him awake.

"Morning, how did you sleep?"

He opens his eyes

"morning, I slept great next to you of course."

He smiles, I get off of him and stand up. I open the bedroom door and their sits willow waiting for us, I go to the kitchen and grab her some food and a treat. Tom walks out of the bedroom not long after wearing nothing but his shorts,

"hey puts some clothes on"

he stops and stares me up in down

"hey put YOUR own clothes on"

I forgot I'm wearing his sweatshirt,

"its just your sweatshirt I'm sure you don't care."

He keeps walking and stops in front of me

"just the sweatshirt, nothing else?"

I nod and he grabs my waist,

"Mhh I love you"

he kisses me. I walk to the bedroom and throw on some sweatpants and put on a bra, I grab a random shirt off the floor and take it out to Tom

"here put the shirt on,"

I throw it at him. I open up the freezer and grab some frozen fruit

"do you want a smoothie too?"

Tom sits down at the table

"uh yea sure."

I make smooties for both of us. I sit next to Tom and hand him his smootie

"here you are,"

he starts drinking it and stands up

"lets go watch some tv,"

he grabs my hand and takes me with him, we sit down and turn on the tv.

"Well their is nothing on."

He scrolls through all the channels,

"just turn on Netflix"

he turns on Criminal Minds and we sit there and watch at least 5 episodes. On the 6th episode I climb on top of Tom and lay on him,


I sit my head up and face him

"just want to lay on you thats all."

He smiles and lays his arms around me, I lay back down and adjust a little Tom is very tired I can tell

"its okay if you fall asleep Tom,"

he stares me in the eyes

"I know I just wanna watch the show,"

I laugh.

"Well go to bed and I'll tell you what happens when you wake up."

He kisses my head and falls alseep almost immediately.

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