*Keefe POV*
"And she was totally wonderstruck! It was like he was a god or something!" Dex screams through the phone.
"I guess she doesn't like me, then. I can't say I'm not disappointed. I thought she liked me on a more personal level."
"No, she's not like that! He's just got something, something that every girl finds attractive..."
"He's a bad boy."
"Who cares?"
"All the girls, I guess."
"Says the most popular guy in school."
"Well why did Sophie seem to like him?"
"Because he's gorgeous! Duh!"
"That's all it takes?"
"She doesn't like him, she just thinks he's cute and has his number."
"SHE HAS HIS NUMBER!!!!!?!?!!?"
"Yep. It's sad, really. She was probably just being nice, but even so, I devised a plan with Biana and Fitz. She'll be at Everglen today, so you need to go too. Biana will bring her downstairs and do a little improv, telling you guys you shouldn't be here, and then they'll lock you two in a closet together, and she'll realize how much she likes you!!! And ditch that little ugo!"
"I thought you said he was gorgeous?"
"In the ladies' eyes. Not to- what the?"
"Dex, what happened?"
"This dog ran by and onto the middle of the road and he... pooped. Right there, on the middle of the road! Haha!! I better go get him, oh wait, someone's calling him, he's good. No reason to worry."
"Isn't that Alden's thing?"
"Haha, okay. So you mean this dog just ran out and pooped on the road?"
"Did you get it on video?"
"Dangit, I totally forgot to! Aww, shoot."
"Awww, okay... so, Mission Save Foster from God-Tier Player is on?"
"Oh yeah."
What is with Keefe and having talks with all these characters? I don't know. But, Liam should be out of the way soon, right?
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