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In this story Darren seems to confirm the warnings that many have given about the Ouija board. In particular, he warns about this thing that calls itself Zozo. Several other readers have reported contacting this entity also. 

Darren read these stories, too. "Here is a link to a picture I took after this spirit told me to take a picture of it," he says. "The spirit said it resided in a skull necklace, which is being held above the board. After taking this picture many strange events took place.

"The spirit said it was going to possess my girlfriend. She became deathly ill and violent. My daughter almost drowned in a bathtub the same day. She also came down with a horrible disease that required 16 days in the hospital, to which she was quarantined. The house became haunted, stuff flying around the kitchen, and we could hear 'conversations' emanating from within the house.

"I was shocked to read about other people who also had strange occurrences with this same spirit. This puzzles me greatly... why so many people claim the same name... who have no connection other than this evil named spirit coming to them via a Ouija board. I am convinced that this Zozo is a dangerous demon who wishes to cause destruction. It also seems that in Greek mythology there is a demon by the same name who is known as 'The Destroyer.' Don't believe me – look it up for yourself. Please help me to warn people that if this name comes to them, whether by dreams or through Ouija contact, be very careful. Don't go through what others and myself have had to go through. It is real... and it is harmful."

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