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I feel very strange telling you this, but this was an incident that happened two years ago and still leaves me perplexed.

My best friend and I had been using a Ouija for four years before this happened. We usually contacted the same spirits who claimed they had been our soulmates in many lives. Because of this, they tended to get a little overprotective, moody and act like typical guys when it comes to real men in my life. Usually, they would claim that if I liked a guy, it was because he was an incarnate of one of them. But with one particular boyfriend, the spirits had a big problem.

On many occasions, Aervim -- the most protective of the spirits -- told me I had to break up with my boyfriend, that he was a demonic sort of spirit that would do eternal harm to mine. I ignored Aervim, saying that I couldn't break off a perfectly good relationship based on the jealousy of a spirit, but Aervim persisted.

One day he asked me to look at my drawing pad. I looked and found that one page in my new book had become wet and had dried, leaving behind traces of a yellowish substance. Upon tracing lines around the yellow impressions, I realized he had left me a note written in the angelic alphabet (as seen in Buckland's book).

I went home and translated the alphabet and it read: "Beware of Bats." That phrase meant nothing to my best friend, but it did mean something to me. My boyfriend, the very one Aervim was warning me about, was an avid collector of bat paraphernalia and even had a bat tattooed on his back. The really creepy thing about all this is that I finally did break up with my boyfriend because he told me that he believed he was a fallen angel and that he could produce an ethereal alter-ego to avenge his sorrows, etc.

The point is that my boyfriend did turn out to be psychotic, if not demonic, and Aervim had given me the physical proof to believe so. No one but myself (in my immediate circle) is familiar with the angelic alphabet. No one knew about the bats. No one had a chance to draw in my artbook... and with what? – Terre

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