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A friend had a blind dinner date at a guy's apartment and was afraid to go alone, so she roped me into coming along and being set up with his roomie. After dinner, they wanted to play with their Ouija. I refused. It was exactly nine months from the day my father had died and I was feeling pretty out of it. I was wearing jewelry he'd given me as well as one of his T-shirts and one of his sweaters to feel closer to him.

The room was dark and I began to feel as if the oxygen was leaving the room. They asked the Ouija who it wanted to speak to and it began to spell out my childhood nickname. (Cheryl didn't know it because she was a fairly new friend; she'd never even known my dad.) I made a noise and said, "No," then told Cheryl I wanted to leave right then and there. They asked who it was and it spelled my father's name (and again, no one there knew it).

I got upset and said I knew it was lying. The candles blew out and Cheryl screamed because she said she could not move her hands off of the pointer and neither could the boys. They were dumbfounded. I began to be choked by an invisible entity and I was writhing on the floor and calling for my dad to help me.

Meanwhile, our friend had been set to pick us up at 8 p.m. for us to go out with him. He heard us screaming, he came in and everything seemed to rush out of the room. He dragged me out and locked me in the car and then went back in for Cheryl. We never spoke of it again. The guys tried to call us and apologize and get us to talk about the incident. We told them to leave us alone. ~ Catalyst P.

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