Chapter Three| Start of Something New

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Man, the 22 people in my class must've read their poem as fast as lightning speed it's already my turn. 

  "Marinette it's your turn, you have 30 seconds to prepare." Ms. Kellswhich says, her heels clicking every time she takes a step.

I shuffle as quickly as I can while in the midst of grabbing my paper with the poem lines written on it. With my head hanging low, I walked to the front of the room, as gracefully as I could without tripping over anything.

"More cool points for you Marinette!" I excitedly say to myself, making my strides a longer distance, swaying my hips. Out of nowhere, I trip over a bookbag.It was more than a bookbag, it belongs to Chloe Bourgeois, the Chloe Bourgeois. 

She is the ideal girl that every boy in the school who has a pair of eyes wants to date. Her long blond honey hair that was usually placed into a ponytail and her blue eyes, skinny frame. She put the other girls to shame if they even dared to stand right next to her. As if they were going taking away her beautifulness. 

I can see it in the way that she fidgets, how she furrows her eyebrows if someone else is complimented that she is in fact insecure. Behind the proclaimed rich girl is a teenager who craves attention and would exchange it for money any day.

I look up from the ground only to regret it. There she was standing there with her arms crossed, looking down at me once again, like she doesn't already do that to everyone enough as it is. 

"Aren't you going to apologize sorry or something?" She questions me in a demanding tone. 

"I'm v" I freeze, trying to think of something to say. 

I saw Julie rubbing her hands together and began to stand up and walk to Chloe. I reassured her I was okay, that I didn't want her to. Julie is my only friend in this entire school if she gets suspended then I'll be all alone. I hate being alone, it makes me feel like more of an outcast than I already am. 

"Give her a break Chloe; it was an accident," An unfamiliar voice says. I look up slowly and open my eyes wide when I saw who I was looking at. 

Holy smokes. Am I dreaming?

"You're gorgeous!" I say out loud before I could think about my choice of words. I was immediately regretting what I said. 

His fair skin that was blemish free and his green eyes that I couldn't help but get lost in, his blond hair. "I'm Adrien." He announces, holding his hand out to help me up.

"Uhh" I fall over once again but instead of tripping over Chloe's bookbag I trip over my own feet. 

"Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy," I mutter loud enough for only me to hear, or so I thought.

"That's true," Adrien says along with a charming smile.

I silently scolded myself for saying my thoughts out loud and nervously chuckled. 

"Okay kids enough of the High School Musical lovey-dovey stuff. Just so you are aware none of the high school relationships will last and they'll last as long as my longest relationship. That lasted for two days! "Ms. Kellswhich blurted out her personal information as usual. 

"The only thing that I learned from that relationship is that Cookie Dough ice cream makes everything better and that love is an open door." She scuffed, pulling out a large cooking spoon and a gallon of ice cream, a picture with eight cats. 

"Cats will love you forever." She says pointing to the picture. 

Some days I feel bad for Ms. Kellwhich, she shows up to school miserable every day because she always sees this couple at Starbucks. One time she told me that it makes her regret leaving her ex-boyfriend. The lady's husband used to complain about going to Starbucks every day at 5 a.m. in the morning but now he just smiles at her and tells her that the 5 a.m. trips make his day. 

She's 30 years old, her parents are starting to think that she'll never get married or have children. They expected her to be married by 20 and kids but 23. Her ex-boyfriend wanted her to stay at home and cook and clean, but she wanted to have a life, a career. She inspired me to write my poem. 

"Now Marinette it's your time to present!" She says guiding me to the front of the classroom. I let out a deep breath, close my eyes. 

"Who's Marinette?" A boy with long black hair tied up in a bun with chopsticks asks.

"You know the girl who is forever stuck in the awkward phase." A girl with hazel eyes and fire red hair says. 

The worst part of someone not knowing that you exist is hearing them talk about you as if you weren't even there. Scratch that, the worst part is when they think you're invisible.

"Women" I stare blankly at the wall just as my dad told me to do. Just as I was about to read the next line my stomach starts to growl. Why you ask? Oh, nothing it's just that when it's quiet my stomach decides it needs to be louder and growls as loud as it can. 

"So talented-" I was starting to feel a little queasy in my stomach, maybe eating a lot before class wasn't the best idea. Before I could even say my next letter I ran out of the classroom, tried to make it to the bathroom in time.Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the bathroom, but I made it to the hallway near my locker. 

My back was facing the lockers, and I held my head back on the locker and placed my hands on my knees. A few milliseconds later Julie appeared and squatted down to where I was, pulled me into a warm embrace. "I completely and utterly embarrassed myself in front of everyone," I say, leaning on her shoulder. 

I heard Julie laugh loudly, I was starting to wonder what could be so funny at a time like this.The curiosity was racing through my head, and I couldn't help but ask.

"What's funny?" I ask, raising one eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing. Between Ms. Kellswhich ruining the moment with another one of her sappy stories and Chloe realizing not everyone in the school is in love with her. Don't even forget about your stomach growling as loud as a gorilla and you running out of the classroom like you saw Zac Efron standing outside. Oh, but it's nothing." She replies giggling after every sentence.

I laughed along with her, realizing what had just happened was actually hilarious. Sometimes you just have to sit back and laugh at yourself, your funny mistakes. 

Maybe this wasn't exactly the perfect scenario, but it could've been a lot worse. Your mistakes don't make you; you make your mistakes.

"Excuse me? Are you okay, you kind of stormed out of the classroom." Adrien asked walking closer. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for asking." I smiled slightly and clutch my stomach hoping it wouldn't growl again. 

The bell rang for lunch.

"I noticed that your stomach growled during class and I was wondering if you and Julie would want to go to lunch with me, I'll pay." He says standing there confidently in front of the two of us.

How is he so confident? Nevermind. I would be as confident as him if I looked like that. I'm probably staring, if I don't stop looking now he'll think that I'm creepy.

I look away from him, awkwardly. 

Julie looked over at me and smiled. Wait, I know that look, that's the look she gives me whenever she's going to do something that is going to make me feel flustered. 

"Yes, we would love going to lunch with you." She says daringly. Adrien holds his hand out and I quickly wipe my sweaty palms on the collar of my jacket. 

As we were walking to the Cafeteria, I started imagining a scene in frozen that involved Anna and Kristoff singing to each other. This could be the lunch of a lifetime if I don't make a fool of myself.

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