3| Tanya Shocks Everyone

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Finally, the most awaited event had arrived.
As per the schedule, all the sports events were going to start at ten, then debate and painting competitions at two in the afternoon and after that the fashion show at five. This day was going to be hectic for Illahi  and Tanya . The events were to start at 10, but a crowd was already gathering in the college and even students from other colleges were coming in. In fact, even students who were going to join in the new session had come to explore and roam around the college.

At 9 in the morning, Tanya  and Illahi  left their apartment with full preparation. Illahi  had carried her dress and her laptop in a bag.

Tanya didn't have a lot to carry. So, she just got dressed and left for college. Both of them reached the college and went to the ground where the racing competition was going to be held. They were so early that no one was there except them. They checked the schedule of the races and according to that, the boys' 100-meter race was going to be started before the girls'.

"Man, we've come too early. The race hasn't even started yet and anyway the boy's race will be first," Tanya  said as she was sitting on the side of the ground. Illahi  and Tanya  sat and waited for everyone.

After a while, people started pouring in.
That's when they saw Reeva . Reeva  walked towards the ground in her sportswear. Her headphones were plugged into her ear while she was handling her sports kit in her hand. Seeing her, Illahi  asked, "She's not a national level player, right? Has she come to race or to advertise for a brand?"
Reeva saw them sitting and instead of going towards them, she sat on a bench close to them. Tanya  also thought that it was best to ignore her.

After some time, Jahaan  and Jordan  also arrived. Jordan  was taking Jahaan's support for walking. Tanya  and Illahi  noticed that they both were coming towards them so they rushed there.

Illahi took Jordan's bag and from the other side, gave him some support, and made him sit on the bench and Tanya  took both their bags and kept them on the bench.

"How are you now, Jordan ?" Tanya  enquired.
"Yes, I'm fine now. I'm your audience today, put on a good show!" Jordan  replied and laughed. Reeva  also came towards them, because she saw Jahaan  standing there.

She passed a fake smile and asked, " Jordan , I heard about your accident, how are you now?"

"yeah yeah! I'm fine," jordan  responded reciprocating a fake smile too.

After talking to Jordan , Reeva  turned to Jahaan , "Your race is first, isn't it? All the best!"

Jahaan was in a good mood so he spoke to Reeva  without getting irritated. After stretching for a bit, Jahaan  announced "'ll just go for a jog around the ground, it'll get me warmed up."

Tanya and reeva's eyes were fixed on Jahaan . Seeing Jahaan  coming back from his run, Tanya  hurried towards her bag and took out her bottle to give Jahaan  some water, but as soon as she turned, she saw that Reeva  was already on her way to give Jahaan  the sipper.

Reeva was handing the bottle to Jahaan  and he had held it also with one hand. Tanya  felt very jealous, she took her bottle and sat on the other side of the ground. Jahaan  had understood that Tanya  had seen him taking the bottle from Reeva  and that she was jealous of it.

Jahaan handed the bottle back to Reeva  and said, "No thanks, I'm not thirsty" saying that he also ran to the other side of the ground .

Tanya  kept walking without looking back and kept talking to herself, "Wherever I go, she has to follow and I don't understand Jahaan , sometimes he speaks so rudely to her, and sometimes he's so nice."

She sat on the bench and kept her bottle beside her. Right then, someone picked up her bottle from behind. Tanya  turned around to see that Jahaan  was drinking water from her bottle.

"Why are you drinking water from my bottle? Drink from your own bottle," Tanya  stood up and asserted.

Jahaan kept the bottle back on the bench, "I would like to drink only this water." He winked at her and left.

Tanya was quite shocked and confused, "Likes only this water? What does this mean? Does water have any taste? I really don't understand him."

It was already ten and all the participants were asked to line up. Jahaan  had gone and stood in position and so did Karan .

Tanya , Illahi , and Jordan  were all cheering for him with much enthusiasm. Jordan  specially came to see jahaan 's race today because he wanted to see Karan  losing to Jahaan .

After some time all the coaches and judges also came and signaled to start the race. The race was about to begin, everyone was standing ready at all the positions, waiting for the whistle. As soon as the whistle sounded, they all ran away like bullets. The competition was quite tough but still, Jahaan  was running in the forefront, Karan  and two other boys were running very close, but still, Karan  somehow managed to get ahead and took the second position. He was feeling so happy and proud only when he came second. As soon as Jahaan  won the race touching the red ribbon, everyone jumped screaming with joy.

Even Jordan  was so happy that he forgot about his foot injury and started jumping. When he felt pain in his leg, he remembered that he was still injured. Jahaan  had secured the 1st position and Karan  came 2nd.

Then it was announced that there will be a girl's race in 15 minutes. So, all the girls started preparing for their race. Tanya  also started warming up. The winners from the boys' races were to be given prize money till the next race.

First Karan 's name was announced and the guest congratulated him holding an envelope of 150 dollars. He didn't know why he was so happy and proud of himself.

After that Jahaan's name for the 1st position was announced and the guest congratulated Jahaan  by presenting an envelope of 250 dollars. Everyone was clapping and cheering for Jahaan . That's when Jordan  said, "This wasn't that fun, instead of being sad I don't know why this Karan  is roaming around so happy".

Tanya also went and got lined up. She was the last contestant to reach the line. As soon as she came, Reeva  said, "I thought you ran away because you got scared".

Tanya  did not pay heed to it and came in position with just a smile. Everyone else also came to their respective positions and waited for the whistle.

Jahaan , Jordan , Illahi  were all very excited and nervous. They had heard a lot from Tanya  but had never seen her running. "Do you think Tanya  will beat Reeva ?" Jordan  asked nervously.

"Yeah......I mean, according to what I have heard from her, it seems that she will beat", Illahi  replied.

On hearing the whistle, all of them ran very fast. Jahaan  was cheering for Tanya  from the beginning, but gradually that clap slowed down and in a few seconds his clap stopped, only the sound of hooting was coming across the ground.

At the same time, Tanya  was running at such a speed that when she finished the race and crossed the ribbon, all the other contestants had reached only halfway on the track. She ran like a professional athlete, for a moment it seemed as if she was not even setting her feet on the ground, she was just flying in the air. Tanya  finished the race quite early.

Reeva could not believe that Tanya  was running so fast.

"Her legs are so short, but still she runs so fast", Jahaan  thought in his mind. Impressed by Tanya , all the coaches and guests were also standing and clapping for her.

After some time the prize was announced and at the 2nd position, a girl had won from another college because Reeva  had become hopeless in the middle of the race after seeing Tanya  surpassing everyone and winning.

Then Tanya 's name was announced for the first position and the guest congratulated her very happily while handing over an envelope of 250 dollars.

The race was over here, but Tanya's game was not over yet. She said in front of everyone, "I want to challenge the boys for the race by putting this prize money at stake now".

Hearing Tanya's announcement, there was a lot of turmoil on the ground, most of the boys present there were laughing at what they had just heard, one of whom was Karan .

Karan  was the first to come out of the crowd.
He came forward and said, "Just because you defeated some girls, you have become very overconfident, I am enough for you". The coach and guests were enjoying the game a lot.

"One minute... before the race starts, I will also leave my prize money here and you too, whoever wins, all the money goes to that person, I anyway have unfinished business with you," Tanya  said.

"I accept it, the challenge and the condition too", said Karan , placing his envelope on the desk. Both of them went and lined up and came to the position.

"I swear if by any chance Tanya  defeats Karan , then not only will his pride be shattered but he will go into depression", Jordan chuckled .

They both started running as soon as the whistle rang. Both were trying their best to win.

Unexpectedly, Tanya  also defeated Karan  by the same margin by which he had lost to Jahaan , One could hear the girls hooting all over the ground. Karan  got very angry as soon as he was defeated and went away in anger without saying anything.

Almost everyone was shocked, and Jahaan  was unable to utter a word. Tanya  went and picked up both the envelopes from the table.

Everyone was clapping continuously for her. But Tanya  was still not satisfied.

" Jahaan ! Your turn, same challenge, same conditions! Do you accept it?" Tanya  announced. Everyone started looking at Jahaan .

That situation had become so awkward that even a confident boy like Jahaan  was panicking inside.
He looked at Tanya  and then went with full confidence and put the envelope of his prize money on the table as he spoke,

"No need, I give up, it's yours!" Everyone started laughing at what Jahaan  had said.

Tanya was shocked and replied, "Hey, I will not take this money without competing".

"I have seen you running, you have defeated Karan  by a higher margin than me, you can beat me too, so when you know the results then there is no use in wasting time and energy. I am agreeing that you are the winner!" Jahaan  replied.

Saying this Jahaan  went back and stood in the crowd and started clapping for Tanya . Seeing him the whole crowd started clapping.

Then a coach came forward and he picked up the three envelopes and gave them to Tanya  and started praising her.

When Tanya  looked at Illahi  happily, Illahi  showed her a thumbs up and continued clapping.

After some time the crowd dispersed and all went here and there for the rest of the competitions. When Tanya  came to the bench after talking to the coach, Jahaan , Jordan , and Illahi  were waiting for her " Tanya , you made my effort of coming here today worth it! It was worth seeing Karan 's face, he left with such anger", Jordan  commented with a laugh.

Tanya smiled and looked at Jahaan , who also had a proud smile on his face. "Now do you believe that I am an athlete?" Tanya  asked, looking at Jahaan .

"You should not have left this field, you can play at Nationals," he answered.

"Yeah but I'm not interested now," Tanya  said while handing over the envelopes to Illahi . Illahi  put all three envelopes in the bag.

"Illahi , what time is your Fashion Show?" Jordan asked.

"It's in the evening, from 5!" Illahi  replied.

"But even before that Illahi  has a competition" ", Tanya  interrupted with a laugh.

"Really? Which one?" Jordan  asked.

"Debate competition! Tanya  forced me to register", Illahi  sulked.

"Wow! That's awesome! It has never struck me that no one can debate better than you, you can shut everyone's mouth, that means a prize and a party is due in the evening!" Jordan  remarked jokingly.

"Whatever you said sounds more like an insult than a compliment. I will not give even a single penny to you," Jessica responded.
They all had a good laugh and then walked towards the building.

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