Chapter Thirty Five- Twelve

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H-How can this be?

My brother Twelve, who has been dead for more than ten years, is holding me in his embrace. Words can describe the amount of joy I am feeling about now. I cautiously move my arms around my brother, holding him as well. I don't know what to think nor how to react, but one thing is for sure...

My brother is alive... My Twelve is alive!

"I can't believe I am here little brother." He leans back and stares into my eyes, "With you once more. My, my how you have grown, Thirteen."

"I-I can't believe your here Twelve." I sniffle and hold my all to stop crying, failing miserably, "H-How is it possible that your alive? And your right in front of me?"

"It's magic little brother." Twelve chuckles, "You have no idea how much I wanted to see you again."

"And I as well." I smile, "And I will do whatever I can to make sure we are not separated again."

"Isn't that supposed to be your older brothers job?"

"Well excuse me for having power so I can protect the people I care about." We both laugh and hug once more. Twelve and I turn to mom and dad. "Thank you so much mom and dad. This is the best gift I have ever had."

"Your welcome sweetheart." Mom replied.

"But you needn't thank us for the credit." Dad turns to Twelve, "You can also thank your brother as well. He is part of the reason the ritual worked." I turn to my brother.


"Remember the day when the Knave of Heart captured you and brought you home? The day that woman held a gun to my head and you were forced to watch me get a bullet shot in my brain?"

"How could one forget the day when they see their only blood sibling that has been nice to them, get shot and watch them fall to the ground, all lifeless and still?" Tears begin to fall down my face once more, "To this day, I can never forget such a scene. I can still remember your final words before you got shot. What disgust me the most is that she grabbed an axe and chopped off your head afterwards before mounting it on the wall with the other siblings."

"Well dear brother." Twelve wipes my tears, "What the Queen of Hearts didn't expect was that I had one of her magical playing cards in my pocket- The Joker." Twelve said, "When my life ended, my soul was transferred from my body into the card. Once my soul was trapped, I continued to live inside the card. Living as a card was very boring and dull like living in a eternal prison. I waited every day and tried to find ways to escape, but nothing worked, that is until you, Evie and Carlos did something just a few months ago."

My jaw slowly opens, remembering a few months ago what Carlos, Evie and I did. Could he be talking about the device that created a hole in the barrier?

(NOTE- If you hadn't have read the books, Evie and Carlos created a devise that was supposed to get more than two channels. Something went wrong and the two instead caused a beam of light to shoot through the barrier, creating a miniature hole in the process. That little hole was the reason that Maleficent got her sceptre back and for some to use magic unexpectedly.)  

"C-Could you be talking about what I think your talking about?" I ask. He nodded.

"About the device you three created to get channels but instead caused a shift in the balance? Creating a miniature hole in the barrier? The very incident." Twelve said.

"There was a hole in the barrier?!" Mom and dad gasp. I turn to them and chuckle nervously while scratching the back of my head.

"Long story mom and dad."

"That little incident little bro, caused the card I was trapped in to fade and the next thing I knew, I was shot out of the barrier and arrived in Auradon, specifically in your mom and dad's castle." Twelve said.

"I remember that night." Mom said, "A beam of light awoke your father and I from our sleep and we stormed outside to check it out."

"We saw Twelve in his astral form coming out of a big hole, looking all confused and scared." Dad said, "After learning who he is and told us all about you, we couldn't help but use this as a means to express our gratitude. We offered a chance for him to live with us as a doll and when our son comes home, we would resurrect him and give him a brand new life."

"Wow..." I turn to Twelve, "I'm so happy my big brother is here with me once more. Wait til Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos hears about this and Maria."

"Maria?" Twelve tilts her head.

"Maria White, daughter of the White Queen." I said, "You'll love her brother, she's so funny and kind, and everything you want in a friend."

"I'll trust you Thirteen." Twelve chuckles nervously, "But meeting someone who is our queens former enemy... that'll be a lot to adjust."

"It was at the beginning." I smile, "But she is such a sweetheart."

"And since you are here." We turn to mom and dad, "We will be signing you up to attend Auradon college once the summer ends. You are nineteen years of age after all and all kids need an education."

"In the meantime, my wife and I will be home schooling you." Dad adds.


"There is another thing that concerns me." Mother's smile falters a little, "Can we please change your name? Being called by number just really doesn't suit me."

"Well, if memory serves me." I wonder aloud, "I did read Twelves birth certificate once and it said that Twelves name is actually; Rafael, Rafael Crimson Heart."

"Cool name." Mom said.

"T-Thank you." Twelve, sorry, Rafael, replied, blushing a little.

"We may also need to train you as well Rafael." Dad places a hand on his shoulder, "The ritual we had done not only resurrected you, but also gave you DNA of other species, meaning you are not 100% percent human." 

"W-What am I then?" Rafael asks worriedly.

"You boy are a human, but also part Doll and part Nymph."

"Oh boy... how fun..." I roll my eyes and playfully punch him in the arm.

"You think being part Doll and Nymph is bad? Try being part Phoenix, Siren, Angel, Demon, Dragon, Titan, God, Witch and Faerie." 

"Oh yeah..." Brother scratches the back of his head and grins.

"And while we are on top of things." I blush and turn away, "Can you please put some clothes on? Your in full nude here!"

And that is true... Rafael is fully nude.

Though I must admit, he has certainly changed. My brother now stands about 6 ft 2 with long black hair and ember eyes. Raphael has a big muscular build; An eight pack, big pecs, bulging arm muscles and biceps. Even his skin was tanned and caramel brown.

He looks stunning and I can clearly foretell that he will be one to attract so many people, both female and male alike.

"But little brother, I like being naked." Big brother whines.

"I don't care! Put some clothes on."


"Big brother!"

"I don't want to wear clothes!" Rafael said. I roll my eyes.

"Fine, whatever." I look at him and smile, "I'm just glad your here brother." Rafael grins and slings his arm around the back of me.

"And we will never be apart ever again." His smile softens, "I have lost you once and had to watch you suffer for years. I am not letting that witch ever do that again."

"I'm glad..." I turn to my parents. "Mom, dad, may I ask you guys a question?"

"What is it sweetie?" Mom tilts her head.

"You can ask us anything?" Dad said.

"W-Well..." I take a deep breath, "F-Family Day is approaching soon and I-I was wondering if y-you guys would like to come? I'd understand if you don't want to-"

Both parents tackle me into a hug.

"Of course we'll come!" Mom happily replied.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world." Dad looks at me, "We've missed so many events together. There is no way I am going to let anything stop me from attending Family Day."

"T-Thank you guys." I smile and turn to Rafael, "W-Would you like to come to?" He nods.

"Of course little brother." He grins, "Like I will miss an important event."

"I'm glad." I wipe away a tear, "But you will need to wear clothes. I am not having my brother attend an event in the nude."

"But Ethan..." Rafael whines. "I like to be naked. I feel so free!"

"Oh dear." Dad sweat drops, "That might be the Nymph DNA kicking in."

"Oh right..." Mom chuckles, "Nymphs are notoriously known for being deities of nature and that they are always have the urge to be naked at all times." I facepalm.

"Just wonderful." I sigh.

"And by Racial Law, he has the right to be naked." Dad said. "I'll make sure he wears a Nymph's Leaf to cover his nether regions."

"Please do." Rafael begins to dance all over the place, feeling the nature and the air around him. "Good to see my big brother enjoying himself and embracing who he is."

"It is indeed son."

My parents and I sit back down on the blanket. I grab a crab sandwich and some soda that has a raspberry icon on it.

"So Ethan," I turn to my mom who spoke, "How are you doing at school? Made any friends? How are your grades?"

"W-Well mom, I'm doing quite well considering so much that has happened."

"What happened to you son?" Dad raises an eyebrow.

"It's a long story." I replied. Rafael stops dancing to join the picnic. "Allow the headmistress to tell you everything."


"As for friends, I have made so many." Mom, dad and my brother smile at that, "Even though a lot of people here in Auradon are closed minded, some of them are not. They have been super supportive of my siblings and I since the day we stepped foot into the school."

"That's nice to hear little brother." Rafael grabs a tuna sandwich. I nod.

"As for my grades, I am doing quite well." I grin, "In all my classes I'm getting straight A's and A+'s."

"I'm so proud of you!" Mom gleams. "My baby boy is flying through school."

"You sure take after your mom and I." Dad said.

"Don't forget me. I practically schooled him on the Isle." Rafael adds. He turns to me and his smile shifts into a smirk. "Have you got yourself a girl or boyfriend yet?" I blush.


"I'm also curious about that to." Mom takes a sip of her drink, "Do you son?" I nod.

"Oh?" Dad's eyes suddenly changes to bright gold, "And who's this person that stole my son's heart?"

"Come on dear." Mom turns to him, "Ethan's at that stage where love will be in his mind."

"But Morgana...!"

"Oberon." Mom smiles and a tick mark appears on her forehead, "Don't make me do what I did last time..." Dad sweat drops.

"Yes dear." I look at big brother who pounds his fists together.

"Who is this person who has my little brothers heart?! They better not hurt my little brother!" I roll my eyes.

"Rafael, you are not going to beat him up."

"But bro..." He whines, "Come on!"

"No Rafael!"

"Fine." The male crosses his arms and pouts.

"Who is this boy Ethan?" Mom asks. I turn to her.

"His name is Danny Beast, son of the King and Queen of Auradon."I answer.

 Mom spits out her drink turns to dad who has the same reaction as her. Rafael gasps and looks at me as if I'm an alien.

"Y-Your dating one of the son's who is to become king?" I nod, "Wow..."

"You'll love him guys. He is such a gentleman, a sweetheart and he loves me for who I am. He's like a knight in shining armour, always protecting me and looking out for me. I am madly in love with him guys."

"He sounds fantastic." Mom smiles, "I can't wait to meet him."

"Neither can I." Dad and Rafael said, though not for good reasons I bet. I look at them and sigh.

"Can you please at least give him a small chance?" I ask, "He is my world and I love him dearly. You can say that Danny Beast is my soulmate." Rafael places a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you sure he is the one?" I nod, "I just don't want your heart broken and I don't want to see you hurt."

"I'm sure." I look at dad who is staring at me. "Please dad, for me?"

"Alright." He said, "But I want to know everything about him and see what he is like with you. I will want to meet him on Family Day and I expect him to have eyes of passion for you Ethan."

"He does dad." I place a hand to my chest, feeling it beat by the very thought of Danny, "I just love him so much. I can't bare to lose him."

"He really mean's so much to you, huh?" Rafael smiles.

"He does big brother."

"I'll give him a chance brother." He said, "For you."

"We all will." Mom said.

"T-Thank you guys." I smile, "I love you all."

"And we love you to son." Mom and Dad goes over to my brother and I, pulling us into an embrace. 

"We love you both." Dad said.

We all lean in close and spend the rest of the time looking up at the stars, watching them glow brightly along with the moon, creating a serene calm vibe. I glance to my left and right, smiling happily as I'm with my family and with my brother. I can feel the emptiness I had in my heart filling up and feeling a warmth I've never had before.

This is where I belong. This is my home.

I see something in the sky zooming from one end to the other side while leaving a blue trail of light.

"Ooh, a shooting star!" Mom said, "Everyone, make a wish!" I chuckle.

"I don't think I need to wish for anything." I said.

"How come?" Dad asks. I pull my parents and my brother close.

"Because, I have my wish right here. You guys."

"That's so sweet little brother." Rafael said.

"It's the truth after all." I look at the clock on my phone, seeing it was nearly curfew hours. I frown a little as I really did not want this day to end. I'm scared that if go to sleep, I will wake up the next day and feel like it was all a dream.

"Hey guys," I turn to them, "May I ask for a group photo before I have to go back?" I take out my phone and point the camera part towards me.

"Of course son." Dad replied.

We all sat close together; Mom sat on my left giving a peace sign to the camera while dad did the same but he positions himself on my right. Rafael decides to go behind me and places his head on my shoulder, sticking his tongue out. I copy my brother with sticking my tongue.

"Everyone, say family!" I said.

"Family!" We all cheer.


I took the shot and a couple more more before looking back at my phone. My eyes nearly start to water again as I look at the photos. 

They were perfect.

A perfect memory for me to cherish for as long as I live. 

I look up at the sky and couldn't help but feel like my life has just opened a new chapter, one of which I am sure will erase the old chapters in which are my life. I can finally live the live of who I am mean't to be and no one can tell me otherwise.

The Ethan Heart I once was is gone and a new Ethan is taking place...

A Dragonia.

I am Ethan Dragonia, son of the Primordial Goddess Morgana and Faerie King Oberon.

Ethan Dragonia, what a nice name to it. Better than what my queen...sorry, Hearts, named me. Thinking about it now, the very thought of being scared of her amuses me.

I will not let that vile spawn take control of me no more. The Ethan that she knew is gone, and I am glad to say that. She can try to control me once more, but how will she do that when I have now the power to send her away into oblivion?

Queen of Hearts, you better watch out.

Ethan Dragonia is out with a vengeance. 

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