Part 71 : Missing you...

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Sanyukta stood in front of mirror.

But Randhir was not there to steal glances at her today.

When she gets ready he used to look at her and compliment.

But he is not there today.

"I miss you Randhir" Her eyes welled up.

She rested her hands on her baby bump.

"We miss you..." "Come soon"

She wipped her tears

"Baby...Daddy will be back soon" She tried consoling herself

"We both are missing you Randhir..." She said

Just then her cell buzzed with Randhir's call.

"See...Daddy is calling" She chirped excitedly

"Jaaan" came his voice from other side

She closed her eyes hearing his voice.

"Randhir..." she said

"Are you fine.?" He said

"No I am not" "I am missing you Randhir" She said

"Jaaan please...don't cry and be upset" "Its not good for baby" He said

"I am not crying...I am just missing you" "You have became my habit now..." She said

"And you are my life" He said

"We are missing you" "Please come soon" she said

"Think about me still have our baby with you" "I don't have anyone with me" Randhir said

"Hmm...did you landed safely" She asked

" going to hotel" "Will freshen a bit and then straight to office" He said

"Don't forget to eat" "Have lunch on proper time" She said

"I you go down and have breakfast" "Your tablets are kept in left drawer" "Take them..." "Take rest" He said

"Okay Daddy...anything else" She said

"Nothing...will give you a call at night" He said

"Night?" She asked

"Yeah Jaaan" "Will be busy for the whole day so..." He said

"Okay I love you and take care" She said

"Love you and baby" "Bye" He said


They disconnected the call

Sanyukta slowly climbed to join everyone for breakfast.

She looked upset.

Renuka noticed that.

Renuka served her parantha.

Sanyukta started eating it quitely.

"Sanyukta...will you help me in kitchen today" "I am going to make ghewar and rabdi" Renuka said for cheering her up

"Yes Maasa..." Sanyukta replied

- - - - - --

"Welcome my son" Vishwanath welcomed his grandon son Rohan Agrawal.

"Dadaji why hotel" "We could have rented a villa or cottage" Rohan asked

"Yes...but hotel is more safer" "And Jaiselmer belong to Shekhawats" "People are higly loyal to royal family" "If someone gets to know about our plan...then we will be in trouble" Vishwanath said

"Hmmm...True" Rohan agreed with him

"So whats the plan Dadaji" "Are we gonna target Randhir?" Rohan asked

"NO..." "We cannot" "He is Prince of Jaiselmer" "Its very difficult to target him" "He is always guarded by 12 guards where ever he goes" "It almost immpossible to do that" Vishwanath said

"Also it is quite tough to get into their Haveli" "They are royal family of Jaiselmer" "They live in tight security" Vishwanath added

Vishwanath showed him pictures of Shekhawat family

"He is Raghuvir Singh Shekhawat" "Head of Shekhawat family and best friend of Pradhyuman Agrawal" Vishwanath said

"He is Harshvardhan Shekhawat with his wife Renuka Harshvardhan Shekhawat" "They are Randhir's parents"

"She is Lavanya Harshvardhan Shekhawat" "She is Randhir's sister"

"Now this...Randhir & Sanyukta" Vishwanath slides the screen of his laptop

Rohan took a glance of picture

"Prince Randhir Singh Shekhawat and his wife Sanyukta Agrawal Shekhawat" Vishwanath said

"Dadaji you know everything about Shekhawats" Rohan said

"I have been hearing about them since my childhood, Rohan... so yes I do know everything about them" "But our target is Sanyukta not Shekhawats" "We have nothing to do with them" Vishwanath said

"Pampered daughter in law of Shekhawats" "People of Jaiselmer have not even seen her" "They just saw her pictures on SNS or newspaper" "She hardly goes out of the Haveli" "She guarded by guards everytime" "And now that she is pregnant she is more pampered and taken care of" Vishwanath said

" how are we gonna do that" Rohan said

"For a time being...will keep Randhir out of it" "She loved her Dadu...means Pradhyuman Agrawal a lot" We are gonna target that" Vishwanath smirked an evil one.

"Thats a great one Dadaji but what if Randhir comes to know about it" "I mean...what if she tells it to Randhir" Rohan asked

"She will not...Randhir is her weakness" "Remember she doesn't have anyone in her family" "Her first family is Randhir and he is her biggest weakness" "But as we discussed targetting him is difficult so we have to use other way" Vishwanath said

- - - - - - --

Sanyukta helped Renuka in kitchen

sanyukta felt better

The ladies shared some laughter

Renuka told some funny incidents from Randhir's childhood.

Sanyukta enjoyed listening to them.

Sanyukta's phone was constantly ringing in their room but she had no idea about it.

It was Randhir calling her cause he got little break from his work

"Why is she not picking up the phone?" His face welcomed tensions

"Sanyukta...I hope you are fine" He said in his heart

He dialled her number again but no one responded.

"This girl..." He disconnected the call in anger

He dialled Renuka's number

"Maasa...where is Sanyukta?" "She is not picking up my phone" "Where is she?" Randhir asked

"Randhir...she is here only" "With me in kitchen" "Wait...I am giving her the phone... "

"Randhir's call" Renuka handed her the phone

"Hello...Randhir" came her soft voice

"Where are you?" "Why are you not picking up my phone" "Are you fine" came his loud and angry voice

"Randhir I am here only at home" "I am in kitchen with Maasa..." She replied

"Where is your phone?" He asked

"Its in charging in our room...I am sorry" She said

"God Sanyukta...I was so worried for you" "You were not recieving my phone...I calm scared" He said

"Calm down Randhir..." "I am fine..." "Me and Maasa...are preparing ghewar and rabdi..." She said

"Okay...fine take care Jaaan" "Please be safe" "Don't work more and stress yourself" He said

"Yes Randhir..." She said

They disconnected the call

- - - - - - -- -

"I want to finish my work here ASAP" "I don't feel good" "Sanyukta...thou you are safe...but...I am not getting good vibes" He thought

Precap: What are Rohan and Vishwanath Agrawal upto?


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